Let's talk about the Volume Difference between CH1 and CH2/3

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Jun 17, 2009
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Am I the only one who has to use the Solo Boost when I use CH1 so I have any sort of volume???
Hendog said:

Am I the only one who has to use the Solo Boost when I use CH1 so I have any sort of volume???


I have to set my ch1 master (using clean/fat) on noon while the other two
can kick it at 9'o clock. Tweed is the only one where there's
some "equilibrium" for me. Using the solo boost seems extreme.
I guess it depends on the type of music you are playing and if you are playing live or at home.
It also depends on how often you switch channels for a given song. Assuming you are playing a variety of rock music without a need for EXTREME clean or high gain ..heres my views/ take FWIW.

As a whole , I could never get ANY channel switching amp to sound seemless when I change channels live ( that is without some sort of imbalance in volume or overall change in how guitar sits in mix )

For clean to be really loud in the Mark V you need 90 watts / diode / full power ...master cranked ...even the if you whack the strings it will break up....but its a nice sweet break up....that sometimes doesnt pair up well with a higher gain more compressed mode

I have gotten the channels relatively balanced well ...but it takes a little thought about keeping power setting / gain level / bass knob / mode in each channel balanced.....a bit of a pain in a live setting getting eacjh one just right and to sit in the mix unless you play out 5 nights a week and are able to fine tune it.

I find it works best to find the most articulate / high headroom setting in the highest gain mode you need ......make your amp as loud as a solo needs to be to cut above the band .....and use a very versatile guitar with a treble bleed on its vol pot / coil tapping to go from clean to mean with changes in volume on the guitar and pick up selection. Once you get that down it sounds much more gradual , natural and professional for a live setting than stepping on a channel switch to change tones.

I have been doing this with my amp in Extreme 90 watts / pentode gain at about 130 200 o clock and an Anderson Drop Top with HSH / Coil taps. I save my footswitches and mode selecting for bedroom noodling / studio tweaking.

Think I strayed off topic a bit ..lol but you get the idea.
I can't live without tweed mode, and it's pretty loud compared to the others. Even in 10 watt mode. I don't really have any problems getting the channels to sound cohesive. If I used clean mode more I think i'd have to turn down the master on channel 2, though.
I run Tweed mode pretty broken up, so I don't really have any issues transitioning from one channel to the next as I don't have that "night and day" clean/dirty effect going on.

Basically, I run every channel overdriven/distorted and clean each one up with the volume knobs on my guitar, so it's more like I have three different heads on an A/B/C switch instead of a clean/crunch/lead channel switching amp. I got my Fender (think Kinks), Marshall (think AC/DC) and my Mesa (think NoFX or Metallica, depending on where I put the mid slider).
I used to have to run the solo mode on the Triple Rectifier's clean channel (my only pet peeve about that amp), but not on the Mark V. Then again, I play pretty lightly when I play clean.

Without knowing your gear or settings, I would say try engaging the FX loop, 90 watts all channels, and on full power. Start with the FX Send knob off and slowly raise it. This worked great for me.
Try these settings: ALL settings are o'clock.

Tweed channel made to sound like the Rhythm channel of my original simul C+ loaded with STR-415's played through a pair of EV loaded thiele cabs. The output level and effects send level are both at 12:00 high noon. Lots of dynamics and headroom, and if it is too loud, you know the rest of the cliche' . 8)

chan 1-tweed 90 watts bold no eq
channel vol. 5
pres. 10:30
treble 11
screamingdaisy said:
My clean channel (tweed) is pretty loud. The issue for me is usually making the other two channels stand out enough against it.

+1. I've been finding that at the gain levels I like, my R1 (Tweed) and R3 (Extreme) master volumes are around 10:00 and my R2 (Edge or Crunch) is close to noon. Even then R1 tends to dominate slightly, and it's not broken up at all. So pretty much the opposite issue that the OP is having.
Right on SD ....The more imbalance in gain the more difficult to bal the amp. To really learn how to use this amp limit yourself to 1 channel for awhile. I played a gig last week and just used chan 2. on all the tunes. Really got into it. I got sounds that I had not pulled out of the amp since I have had it!!! (about 7 months now) Remember chan. 1 is the lowest gain... so the master on that chan you have to crank a lot higher than the others. SD uses tweed so there is more gain, closer to the gain stucture of chan. 2 not the sound. I have no problems balancing the channels.....just use the chan masters wherever they have to go in volume. did sombody say "Trust your ears?????"
Hendog said:

Am I the only one who has to use the Solo Boost when I use CH1 so I have any sort of volume???

Hello try this settings, it's the same that petrucci uses, it's perfect!! EQ OFF.
With it you will have extreme volume, dial just with the master of the channel one.

Why use the solo boost? why not turn up the output and vary the channel masters?

I have not had any problems balancing levels, myself.
in my case, I use "clean mode" and I don't have enough volume... :\ .. plus, i can't put gain and volume over 12:00 or my tubes squeal...with output level at h14:30...is that normal or my tubes are wired ?

anyway...i have to try fat and tweed mode..

one ore thing: Are there sound differences if I crank up the output level instead of (for instance) master volume of ch3? doesn't it cares?

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