Lets see them Lone Star pics

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wolfgang said:
I'm glad you've enjoyed visiting Glasgow - it's certainly quite a unique place and has 'charms' all it's own - next time you head through gimme a shout.

Thanks, I might be in the area again not too long from now. The Navy gets me around the globe pretty frequently.

One of the things I remember (out of what I can remember from the port) about the bars in the city were how many great guitar conversations I got into. There seems to more serious players per capita than what I'm used to here in the states.
wolfgang said:
I can't say enough about the cab, really fantastic. Articulate, focused, sweet high, tight bottom end but still with enough breath to keep the vibe right, not too compressed - a perfect partnership...I could go on!

What speakers are in your THD?

jjb said:
Finnster said:
jjb said:

[Sure. Kinda complicated -

Guitar - EB volume pedal - Bad Horsie Wah 2 - input of GCX #1 - guitar out on back goes into loop 1 which is my RC Booster (can be on or off - off is true bypass, as with all loops) - output loop 1 Y splits into input loop of the LSC (which can be on or off) and into the input of my Stiletto (which is also in a loop - can be on or off). I have the AC booster and the BB preamp in loops inserted before my LSC input actually, so they can be on or off for varying degrees of crunch coming from the LSC. Then my G-major is in the effects loop of the Stiletto but I am using a loop in the GCX for this as well - so it can be bypassed entirely if wanted. So I kinda have an A/B/Y rig with the Stiletto and LSC, with various stomp boxes out front as indicated, and I have the ability to have a wet/dry setup as well when both amps loops are turned on (Gmajor in effects loop of the Stiletto but not LSC). I then use GCX #2 to do all of my amp channel and solo boost switching on both amps. Every single component is then programed and midi controlled with my Ground Control Pro - I have a custom snake that runs from the back of my rack to the pedal board which has a midi cable for the GCX/GCPro connection, an AC power cord for my pedal power on my pedal board (powers my Wah and my strobostomp) and the snake also has an instrument cable that goes to my tuner from the signal through jack (buffered) of the GCX. Whew.

What an awesome setup.I have tried both,never thought of using them together.Thx for sharing.
DanSRV said:
ok i give up on posting pics, help

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thirstypirate said:
wolfgang said:
I'm glad you've enjoyed visiting Glasgow - it's certainly quite a unique place and has 'charms' all it's own - next time you head through gimme a shout.

Thanks, I might be in the area again not too long from now. The Navy gets me around the globe pretty frequently.

One of the things I remember (out of what I can remember from the port) about the bars in the city were how many great guitar conversations I got into. There seems to more serious players per capita than what I'm used to here in the states.

There's a few of us around, unfortunately there's not so many places to play - well, there are but unless you have the right clothes and haircut you ain't gonna get far....we can sure talk a good game though!
fabien said:
wolfgang said:
I can't say enough about the cab, really fantastic. Articulate, focused, sweet high, tight bottom end but still with enough breath to keep the vibe right, not too compressed - a perfect partnership...I could go on!

What speakers are in your THD?

They're THD speakers, made by Eminence. One based on a lead 80, the other a vintage 30, and both chemically aged to get rid of any new spikyness.
Dan, that thing is beautiful. Any more pics of her coming? I would say that was definitely 5 months well worth the wait.
wolfgang said:
There's a few of us around, unfortunately there's not so many places to play - well, there are but unless you have the right clothes and haircut you ain't gonna get far....we can sure talk a good game though!

Ha... That sounds like the Glasgow I know and love then. I didn't really see any bands while in town. I sure did talk a lot of guitar though.
^Nice touch with the chrome Recto knobs. It would be nice if Mesa would do a Lonestar with a black chassis abd creme lettering though.

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