It is so dam cool to log on to this site and find that there hasn't been a post in days. I think everyone that owns this amp is so busy basking in the glow of the first perfect amp, that they don't have the time or the need to wine, gripe or complain about it. I then go over to the other boards and they are non stop chatter about how to do this and how to do that. I frickin love this amp. Plug up your guitar and play. Thats how it should be. That being said, I think they should have named it the "De-Rectifier" or the "Un-Marked" or the "Heart-Mendor" or maybe the "Flip-Flop Deuce Stage 2". LOL, that last was my wifes suggestion. Anywho, I just felt like posting. Go back to tonal heaven and get off the computer.