Left Boogie Land and thinking of returniung which to get?

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Mark III Simul Loaded any stripe and you can't go wrong. I have a 60/100 Mark IIA great amp but can not be tamed. The III simul on class A sounds great at any volume and plays beautifully at lower levels. The cleans are great on both R1 and R2 and the Lead channel has tremendous flexibility from high gain metal to searing leads. Great amp. PS the Subway sustains for days with my fender. It's still going now.

This thread is funny as hell. Each Boogie owner submits his written essay selling the merits of their amps as if trying to ace an exam. You can't find this on a fender or Marshall site. I love you guys.
carlosasi said:
Mark III Simul Loaded any stripe and you can't go wrong. I have a 60/100 Mark IIA great amp but can not be tamed. The III simul on class A sounds great at any volume and plays beautifully at lower levels. The cleans are great on both R1 and R2 and the Lead channel has tremendous flexibility from high gain metal to searing leads. Great amp. PS the Subway sustains for days with my fender. It's still going now.

This thread is funny as hell. Each Boogie owner submits his written essay selling the merits of their amps as if trying to ace an exam. You can't find this on a fender or Marshall site. I love you guys.

I think we all do that from time to time. It has took me thinking about this a couple days to really figure (I believe) that the Mark III is what I'm talking about.

It meets all the criteria that I talked about in the OP. The 60 watt version being preferable to me but not saying I cant live with a Simul. You can do things with a 60 watt amp to soften its blow further like sticking a 5814 in one spot in the Preamp or even other Tubes.

To say this about the Lonestars, Mark IV's, and some of the other bells and whistles amps (not that they dont have their place) these IMO have to many things inside them that can go wrong. Please anyone dont take that the wrong way. After my experience with three different multi functioned Boogies giving me trouble I think I'd rather have one that didnt have all the extra stuff in it.

I'm sure there will be nine replys on how reliable such and such is and I wouldnt deny that. What works for one man dosnt allways work for another. I am thinking of my personal experience, listening to what others are saying, and drawing a conclusion. I might even be wrong but I believe the III is what I've been thinking of.
Monsta-Tone said:
The best amps that I have found for your types of music that are very simple to use would be:

DC-3 - 35 watts (4 EL84), 2 channels (clean & distortion), footswitchable Graphic EQ (very handy for solo boost), can be found for under $700
DC-5 - Same as above, but 50 watts (2 6L6), same as above, but more of a Fender tone
DC-10 - 100 watts (4 6L6), Clean channel can get very close to my Blackface Pro Reverb with the right tubes

I couldn't agree more. I highly recommend the DC-5 for what you want to do. Easy to use and get great tone, independant EQ, reverb and a very versital clean channel. You might want to read some reviews on Harmony Central
You are not incorrect. I will have to get in front of one for a while and also try out a III. A buddy of mine has two DC-5's one of which I ordered for him back a few moons ago. When we play out I cant complain about his Tone.
Have you looked at the F-30? Its a pretty cool amp.I have played through all the F series boogies and can't believe I liked the EL84's the best.I got most any tone I wanted out of it.And like Nomad,I have about 30+ years of playing behind me.I have 2 friend who have the F-30 and I have been looking around for a deal on one,and as soon as I find it,I will buy one.I am a diehard MK fan,but the F-30 brings a little different tone to the table.Check one out.
Thanx for the info Boogie-Man.

The F series is certainy a consideration also.

I'm sure the F-30 is a great amp but I have the EL84's covered in a custom Booteek build by a local builder here in Atlanta.

Im thinking more in the 6L6 Camp.

I would very much like to find a Mark III to play for a few minutes. I will know instantly wether it will do the job for me or not. Im gonna try and play my buddy's DC-5 as well and might luck up on an F-50 at a store.
I would very much like to find a Mark III to play for a few minutes.

Where are you located? If close by, I'm confident that a fellow forum buddy would be willing to let you stop by to try theirs.
Didnt get a PM. Unless your typing right now. :D

I'm in Ga. I shoulg get in my profile and fix that.