Left Boogie Land and thinking of returniung which to get?

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DC-5 might be a Valid option. A DC-10 might only be 3 db difference but its a bone shattering 3 db. A Coliseum is a great amp but way to loud for my purposes.

One thing I'm looking for out of this rig is no pedal board just the channel switching pedal and maybe a reverb on off and thats it. To make a rig I can take 1 guitar 1 amp and just the channel switching pedal in the back with no other stuff.
The reason that I suggested these amps is that they all have individual gain and master volumes for each channel, with an overall Output control for dialing in the volume (use the Loop Active Master on the Tremoverb). FWIW, I can get good & loud with 15 watts of C+ Boogie. :lol: I totally understand the simplicity route that you are shooting for.
a lonestar special with all 6l6 was designed for blues and country. throw a bb pedal or tubescreamer in front of the gain channel and it'll scream.

The only mark with dedicated channel controls is the mark4.

To be honest, you're painting yourself into a bit of a corner. You're going to have to compromise somewhere if you want a Mark series amp.
Elpelotero said:
a lonestar special with all 6l6 was designed for blues and country. throw a bb pedal or tubescreamer in front of the gain channel and it'll scream.

The only mark with dedicated channel controls is the mark4.

To be honest, you're painting yourself into a bit of a corner. You're going to have to compromise somewhere if you want a Mark series amp.


My first thought was that the Lonestar was for you, but you apparently didn't like it so I don't know what to tell you. I'd personally go for a Tremoverb combo if you want a crunch and screaming lead on two separate channels.
I absolutely loved the tone of the Lonestar. Unfortunately I had two new ones that both had issues.

BTW Lonestar Special uses EL84's the Lonestar Classic uses 6L6's. I owned two brand new Lonestar Classics.
You cannot go wrong with a DC or Tremoverb for the tones you're looking for.

The 3db difference between the DC-5 & DC-10 is not all that noticable. BUT.....The DC-5, which is a great amp, was left out in the cold next to my DC-10. It's not about the volume. There is so much more to be offered from 100 watts vs. 50 watts. The difference in headroom and touch dynamics are intense.

I sold my DC-5 because it could not compare to the DC-10. I never get the chance to turn the DC-10 above 2 and it still blows me away.

I had a Tremoverb head last year. It is the only amp that I've owned that came close to the DC-10. The cleans are more of a Marshall flavor, where the DC cleans are very Fender like.

My Heartbreaker is starting to win me over with E34L's in it. I modded the Reverb and channel 2 today, now it sings.
if you want to save your money and get a rough piece of mesa, look for the caliber 50 +...

he seem to be a little underestimate... which is a good thing... regarding to the cost...

i think this amp can give your "medium breakup"... i use a tele as well... but a '72 deluxe with wide range pick-ups...

'bout the leads i don't really know... what do you mean, "searing leads" ?

but i have to admit... the DC's seem to be better... on paper... never compared by myself...
On the my searing leads comment let me explain.

I am not a high gain freak. I use just enuff gain to get the sustaing/harmonics thing going. I play with as little gain (on solos) as I can but use enuff to get the sustain for days tone.
Nomad said:
On the my searing leads comment let me explain.

I am not a high gain freak. I use just enuff gain to get the sustaing/harmonics thing going. I play with as little gain (on solos) as I can but use enuff to get the sustain for days tone.

Ever heard Andy Timmons play? His tone sounds like what you're describing and he uses the Lonestar. I don't know much about the Lonestars and their reliability, but I think you should give one another shot.
I play mainly Telecasters and play the same kind of genre's as you have described and find my MK lll Simulclass with EV (blue stripe) is the most perfect amp I've ever played....and believe me I have had many.
Boogie Woogie Man said:
I play mainly Telecasters and play the same kind of genre's as you have described and find my MK lll Simulclass with EV (blue stripe) is the most perfect amp I've ever played....and believe me I have had many.

After a considerable bit of thinking and talking about it I believe the Mark III is the way to go. If using one with the EQ set to come on when the Lead Channel is engaged I can have seperate EQ for the Two Channels. I could also set up a custom footswitch for switching between Rythem I and Lead plus a footswitch for Reverb on/off (all in one box with one custom cable).

Its the simpler amp between the Mark III and Mark IV, can be had used for a reasonable price, and I believe I have seen a 60 watt version a time or two.

Now to start looking for one. :lol:
Nomad said:
After a considerable bit of thinking and talking about it I believe the Mark III is the way to go. If using one with the EQ set to come on when the Lead Channel is engaged I can have seperate EQ for the Two Channels. I could also set up a custom footswitch for switching between Rythem I and Lead plus a footswitch for Reverb on/off (all in one box with one custom cable).

Its the simpler amp between the Mark III and Mark IV, can be had used for a reasonable price, and I believe I have seen a 60 watt version a time or two.

Now to start looking for one. :lol:

Here's a Simul version:

Nomad said:
After a considerable bit of thinking and talking about it I believe the Mark III is the way to go. If using one with the EQ set to come on when the Lead Channel is engaged I can have seperate EQ for the Two Channels. I could also set up a custom footswitch for switching between Rythem I and Lead plus a footswitch for Reverb on/off (all in one box with one custom cable).

Its the simpler amp between the Mark III and Mark IV, can be had used for a reasonable price, and I believe I have seen a 60 watt version a time or two.

Now to start looking for one. :lol:

Another good choice. It's my favorite amp of all time. :)
Also to clarify.

Mark III Small Combo with EQ, Reverb, no Mods, and a 60 watter would be really cool.

Not sure about the Stripes.
I'm not totally against a Simul version though I did have one Boogie that had the 60/100 switch and the Tweed Switch. The problem I had with it is in lower power modes it seemed to loose its clarity but with all four tubes running full up it was a little too much in that small combo. Everything would be vibrating and tube rattling and all that jazz.

It would seem to me a 60 watter would be able to be cranked more and get the full clarity out of it at the same time.

Though if I found a good deal on a Simul I might take it.

One of the things I'm thinking about is having a minamum grab and go amp. I use a pedal board with my one channel 50 watt amp head and cab. I currently have a very nice looking and sounding 67 Bassman that has been put into a gorgeous Blonde Combo Cab but still kinda need my pedal board with it. I'm thinking of selling the Bassman and getting a Boogie so I dont take stuff in and out of my pedal board for a very small grab and go amp.

I'd also like to have an amp with Reverb which I dont currently have. I can get a decent roomyish sound out of my AD-9 but would like some verb.

With the Boogie I can throw the pedal in the back of the amp, take it and a guitar and thats it for a small gig or jam session elsewhere.

I can allways do this with the Bassman but would need to remove at least two pedals from my board (which aint a big deal) though if I have a guitar player come over to my studio with the Boogie one of us could use the board and 50 watter the other could use the Boogie and he wouldnt have to bring anything.

Picky bitch aint I?

Just thinking out loud here.
I suppose it would be just as easy to get and additional pedal to use with my Bassman though I'd like to have that Boggie Mark Solo sound at my disposal.
Looking in Completed on Flebay.

This was a cool one. Not a Combo but zactly what I was talking about.


Here was another really nice looking one. Simul.
