Leave it run? turn if off? or Standby? between sessions? LLS

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Jan 13, 2008
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I'm new to tube amps. I picked up the champion600 and LOVED IT - which made my want the LSS even more. So I bought one of those too.

I'm a bit panic'd since I don't have any close repair facilities and from what I read on here - PEOPLE HAVE A LOT OF PROBLEMS! with the LSS.

(well or they sell a lot and only those with problems post).

anyway - to try and limit usage and problems... whats best?

TURN it off between playing sessions? My problem is - type on computer and often jump to guitar and play for 20 minutes, then back to the computer for 30-60 minutes then play guitar another 20 minutes... this goes on all day.

Is it best to turn off the LSS between sessions? (to save tube and amp life?) or is it best to go to standby and leave it powered up? (keeping it warm allways) or warm/cold/warm/cold/warm cold.

I never know if I should leave it run - or turn it off.

ALSO - is it okay to TOUCH the tubes during swapping their positions or replacement? I know it's not good to touch some quartz light bulbs... but that's due to extreme heat. I don't suspect this is also true for the touching (getting human oils on tubes?) any care and feeding info would be appreciated. I did read that I'm suppose to keep it in standby for 30 seconds after POWER ON. To help save on tube life.

anything else?
touching tubes is fine, but let em cool first.

as far as leaving your amp on, it probably just depends on how long you want your tubes to last. just play a couple hours, turn it off, and spend the rest of the day on the computer :p
For me it would depend on how cold "cold" is. If by cold you mean room temperature then I wouldn't worry much about the shutting the amp down (just always be sure to warm up in stand-by!). If cold means a chilly temp or lower, i'd be tempted to leave the amp on for 10 - 20 minutes while I was AFG (Away From Guitar).
rabies said:
if you're back and forth b/n your amp and elsewhere a lot, don't use standby everytime. if you leave your amp in standby for too long (say over 10 min's), the tubes may experience cathode poisoning.

standby is only useful for warming up, not cool down. you can turn it off immediately w/o using standby.

there's a recent thread on here about this (about 2 wks ago). admiralB explained it well.

Cathode poisoning? Mind providing a reference to this? I've never heard of that. I've left my amps on standby for 45 minutes or so with never an issue.

From what I understand, leaving an amp on in standby is not stressful. Having electrical parts warm up and cool down excessively (like 5 times a day) is how they experience wear.

So, I would assume that leaving the amp on standby for extended periods of time (say an hour) versus powering up and down every hour would be less stressful on the amp overall.
From my quick google searching...

And correct me if I'm wrong..

But Cathode Poisoning seems to be a result of leaving the amp on (with StandBy Off, ie. the amp ready to play) but with no usage/playing for a long time.

Which I wouldn't recommend.

So leaving in standby for long periods of time doesn't cause Cathode Poisoning. My guess is Cathode Poisoning comes from vintage tube amps that didn't have a standby.
For practical purposes, and between sets I leave the power on, and standby on for about 20-25 minutes. I've had no problems with my tubes let alone the tone - but, for all intents and purposes this is supposed to be BAD for my tubes??? Hmmm . . . .

For me, it's a choice between making sure that my tubes have sufficient time to warm up versus having my tubes be inflicted w/ @Q#$% poisoning. What to do?
Jeez Loueeze! RTFM and do what Our Lord And Savior Randy sez! LOL
(By the way, "Cathode Poisoning" only occurs in pre-500 Rectos) LMAO
MrMarkIII said:
RTFM and do what Our Lord And Savior Randy sez!

That about sums it up.

Has anyone actually ever suffered from cathode poisioning or even know of anyone who has?

I doubt it, but...
so - now... I suspect my leaving in standby (ON) is better - (as I suspected) than powering down and up and down at up... (heat/cool/heat/cool) cool being room temp yes.

I don't know if I need all new tubes or what (I bought a 6 mo used one) and though I like it - ODDLY - I also picked up a 200.00 Champion 600 and honestly... (I prefer playing with the little champ). Is that nuts?!

Sure the LSS has PUNCH and thump'n bass... a crunch that you can sing your teeth into, but there is a warm "coffee" taste in that little champion.

Is it normal also in the LSS - to hear a constant bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?
I can only eliminate it on clean with gain like almost off. Else I get a constant drone. (I'm not use to that as my other non tube amps have noise gates). Isn't this on tube amps?

Maybe it's my novice hear, but I also tried cranking it up today and didn't really hear any difference between that and keeping volumn down. I keep thinking I need a complete tube replacement (where's best place to order them? Mesa has online ordering? do they offer a complete kit of tubes for the LSS? (how many are in it? I See 5 ? What are the other silver jacket looking tubes in the amp that have like springs in them?

and what is in the black bag under the speaker in the bottom of the cab?
Thanks and sorry for my totally novice questions and comments. Just me.
The spring looking ones are the preamp tubes. The big ones are the power tubes and rectifier tubes. The black bag on the bottom is the reverb tank. Noise is not uncommon in a tube amp. It's why many add a noise gate to their signal chain. I'm not aware of a tube amp with a gate built in. For tube replacement, safest bet for a noob is to call Mesa customer service and tell them you want to order power tubes for the LSS. It's highly doubtful that you need preamp tubes or rectifier tubes for a 6 month old amp.
Maybe EL84s aren't for you? They aren't for me. Have you compared the two Lone Star versions?
Thanks (so there are tubes in those metal cans as well?)
we can add a noise gate ? (where wouldn't you need to add it from the slave out?)

ON A GOOD NOTE! - I cleaned my room and moved the LSS to another place... only 4 ft away from where it was. I moved the AC cord to another outlet. (AMAZINLY) the buzz is all but totally gone. I played with it last night and kept tweaking and tweaking - guitar and amp. WE finally connected... I was really enjoying it. (though still not as warm/fuzzy as the youtube demo that made by buy it!) Still DARN NICE... I found I had to turn my taylor SB's tone down all the way. Then up the treble on the LSS to conpensate. It was REALLY clean... the base (even though it's a 1x12 thumps my chest at volume! (haven't experience that since the outdoor YES concert many years ago.) And well that was more of a full body thumbing. = )

I'm considering getting the Seymour duncan tube preamp pedal (about 214.00) anyone using one? the youtube demo I watched has this pedal in use with LSS and it stays creamy and warm. After I got the Taylor working well with it - I switched to my Mayer-sig strat and wow even better... that SPANKY strat gone with a bit of growl - but the growl tends to be in the lower end... the high end is still "to clean" really for my tastes... but I've been tweaking and getting close!

Mr_you - I didn't compare, but the 30w LS seemed like over kill for my "home practice room" I liked the idea of 5-15-30w selection, though honestly (my novice ear can't hear much difference). And I still need to VOL. down the 5w setting! (a good bit) I tried it loud and (sounded the same - but louder). I have also run a cord from the slave out to my mixer that feeds Alesis powered monitors (NICE!) gives me a surrond sound that is really nice. The mixer also lets me add a touch more verb to the monitors.

I tend to prefer Mayer and Clapton and SRV tones that blusy warm cozy tone. But sometimes I like to just (goof around with AC/DC type tones... though I have a UX8 and Gearbox for that when the need arises).

I still think the LSS is the one for me - I just can't get it to sound like the demo that made my finally buy one. I almost wonder if what I'm hearing is his camcorder mic being a bit over loaded. hehehe could be!

Here's the video...


And another that has this same WARM velvetie fuzz


Do these sound (like your LSS's in real life) or is this tone just a over driven camcorder mic? )
rabies said:
if you're back and forth b/n your amp and elsewhere a lot, don't use standby everytime. if you leave your amp in standby for too long (say over 10 min's), the tubes may experience cathode poisoning.

standby is only useful for warming up, not cool down. you can turn it off immediately w/o using standby.

there's a recent thread on here about this (about 2 wks ago). admiralB explained it well.

How does this stand with the simulclass amps? When I run my mark iv in Class A mode, the 2 middle tubes are on standby constantly! :eek:

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