Just went to GC, have some questions

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Well-known member
May 24, 2008
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Okay so I just got back from Guitar Center and tried out the Express 5 50 a Dual Rec 3 ch. and a Peavey 6505.

Anyway the express sounded horrible to me, it had a nice clean channel but I couldnt get anywhere near what I wanted on ch2(Im looking for high gain metal territory). It seemed really flubby and I just couldnt get anything to sound good.

Now the Dual Rec, hoah, love it. Very nice cleans, Ch2 was great for a nice AC DC crunch, sounded great. Ch3 was great for some nice high gain metallica all that remains megadeth etc. I did have a few problems/questions though.

1) When I was trying the amp out, on the footswitch SOLO always needed to be selected, if I ever turned SOLO off the channel would become barely audible, this happened on every channel, did I do something wrong? I jsut plugged in and played maybe GC had something set up wrong?

2) Ive heard people complain about CH3 and claim that it was useless and stuff, but I found it nice for a great high gain sound. My question is, is it possible to dial in a great high gain rhythm sound on CH2 and then use a similar high gain sound on CH3 as a lead sound but maybe add some more treble and stuff.

Then again I suppose if the solo button had been functioning I could just press that to get my cutting solo sound right?

3) There were no 2ch recs(or mark IVs sadly) there. Are the 2ch and 3ch versions that much different? I kinda like having 3 channels but I wanna try out a 2ch one, any comments?

4) Oh also, which channels are mimicked on the 2ch rec? Like which do they share? Presumable ch1 and 2 are the same between them and then the 3ch is unique?

Dammit after reading the manual I wanna go back now. Let me see if I can answer my own questions....
Okay the master volume should have been cranked and then I would use the output there to adjust the overall volume of the amp right? Also the Solo volume was likely set really high so this is why I needed to engage it in order to hear anything because I wasnt using the output knob(for some reason I thought it was a send/return thing idk im crazy). Ok ok so basically I played with solo on the whole time, what does that do to the amp, add more cut and treble? Ill have to try it out without solo on one of these days, ****.
the solo is basically just another master output volume. the tone stays the same.
as for anyone saying channel 3 is useless: channel 3 is what sells that amp. that's why it's popular. there is MUCH more to be found in it than just that, but thats what most people want from it.
truely, if you set channel 2 to the modern voicing then it's the same as channel 3 except the presence control is more pronounced on ch 3.
Hey man, sorry, I don't have any direct advice about the Express, but if you've got the scratch, you should just pick one up and take it home. GC has that 30 day money-back guarantee for just that reason--so you can take something home in try it in real world conditions. It's barely even worth trying something out in the store with the buzz of a thousand 13-year olds cranking Enter Sandman at 1. Just take it home and try it with your band.
I like my older 2 ch rec a lot more than I liked my 3ch. Distortion tones were much more like what I feel the Rectifier should sound like.
Both the two and three channel recto's have their place. They are different, and I prefer the two is most instances but the three channel is just as fun..
Yeah thats what Ive heard. I think one of these days Im going to stop by rudys in the city and try out a mk IV, 2ch and 3ch recs and maybe a stiletto Ive heard theyre really nice. Hey while Im there I can snap a pic of the Mark V too haha. Ill have to try to go one of these days, besides I wanna play through the uberschall for the hell of it too.

So basically having it on SOLO didnt do anything but boost the volume? Good so the tone is the same and I was hearing it as normal, ok thanks.
modoc_333 said:
the solo is basically just another master output volume. the tone stays the same.

on my single rec I notice there is a dfference it tone as well. it seems to make it sound like you just put a clean boost on but didnt boost too much. its a very slight difference, but for me its enough that I dont need to use a pedal to get that little bit of extra gain. It tightens up somewhat and there a little bit more trebble makes it cut just enough.
coppa said:
modoc_333 said:
the solo is basically just another master output volume. the tone stays the same.

on my single rec I notice there is a dfference it tone as well. it seems to make it sound like you just put a clean boost on but didnt boost too much. its a very slight difference, but for me its enough that I dont need to use a pedal to get that little bit of extra gain. It tightens up somewhat and there a little bit more trebble makes it cut just enough.

Ok thanks, Ill have to try it out again this time the right way. Ill experiment with silicon diode and rectifier too. For the record, if I switch to silicone diode that is just the rectification as in turning AC current to DC, the gain and everything is still through the poweramp which gives it that tube sound right?
You are correct about the silicon diode. Both it & the tube are rectifiers. The silicon one will give you a tighter sound.
A-5best said:
Yeah thats what Ive heard. I think one of these days Im going to stop by rudys in the city and try out a mk IV, 2ch and 3ch recs and maybe a stiletto Ive heard theyre really nice. Hey while Im there I can snap a pic of the Mark V too haha. Ill have to try to go one of these days, besides I wanna play through the uberschall for the hell of it too.

So basically having it on SOLO didnt do anything but boost the volume? Good so the tone is the same and I was hearing it as normal, ok thanks.
I have the 3Ch DR and I was looking for the versatility over what is described as marginly "better tone". I would recommend printing out the online manuals (just the recommended settings section) and bringing it along with you. Dial in some of those settings and go from there. If it's at a music store, who knows what settings have been left. Channel 3 is awesome when dialed in right and pushed. You really just to need to tinker with Mesas. The tone you're looking for is probably in there.

Yes, basically, all the SOLO does is boost the overall volume on all channels. If it gives a little bit of different tone, that might be because the master and solo dials are too far apart. Ideally, the solo should only be slightly higher so that allows you to cut through the mix for a solo. First you dial in the master, then start to roll-up the solo. Note: The solo needs to be at or above the master to function at all. Dumb I know but it doesn't hurt to check. You almost need to be a band set-up to dial them in perfectly.

Good luck, if you do decide to go with the Mesa, I doubt you'll regret it.
Yeah I definitely wont regret it. At this point I really think its either going to be a recto, mark IV and then Imma check out Engl one of these days and try out a powerball and fireball and see how I like them otherwise its between the mark and recto.
When I had my three channel DR I used channel 3 for rythm and channel 2 for leads. Both in vintage mode spongy and using the tube rectifier. Sounded best that way in my opinion. There is a wicked rythm sound in channel 3 if you don't overuse the gain. Set it somewhere between 12 and 14 o'clock and you've got yourself a very nice rythm tone. Channel two is warmer and better voiced for solos IMHO.
A-5best said:
Yeah thats what Ive heard. I think one of these days Im going to stop by rudys in the city and try out a mk IV, 2ch and 3ch recs and maybe a stiletto Ive heard theyre really nice. Hey while Im there I can snap a pic of the Mark V too haha. Ill have to try to go one of these days, besides I wanna play through the uberschall for the hell of it too.

So basically having it on SOLO didnt do anything but boost the volume? Good so the tone is the same and I was hearing it as normal, ok thanks.

if you're in NJ you should hit up russo's music center in trenton. they have mesas (mark ivs, rectos, tiaxis/2:90, etc.), diezels, bogners... all high end stuff and great guys to deal with
jdurso said:
if you're in NJ you should hit up russo's music center in trenton. they have mesas (mark ivs, rectos, tiaxis/2:90, etc.), diezels, bogners... all high end stuff and great guys to deal with

Nah Im on LI so I think I will try and hit up Rudys in the city and Guitar Asylum out East.
A-5best said:
jdurso said:
if you're in NJ you should hit up russo's music center in trenton. they have mesas (mark ivs, rectos, tiaxis/2:90, etc.), diezels, bogners... all high end stuff and great guys to deal with

Nah Im on LI so I think I will try and hit up Rudys in the city and Guitar Asylum out East.

ah LI.... yeah if i lived there i'd never want to venture anywhere outside the island or nyc. getting in and out of there from here is crazy especially with gas over $4