"Just Walked Away" - new tracks, new mix (Mark2B content)

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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"Just Walked Away" - new tracks, new mix


re-tracked every vocal, remixed from scratch. lots of your suggestions used for reference.more aggressive guitar treatment.
hotter bass guitar.

i think this is much closer to stickin' a fork in it.
yes, no?
i dig it the vocals are like all the good parts of 80s hair metal stuff without the lameness. and the guitars totally remind me of Brian may.
alright spewnz!

thanks for listening, and commenting.

you know, it's funny how many different things that folks that have listened to this hear....

everything from molly hatchet to yes!


i don't hear any of that, but that's cool, i'm glad it gives people memory triggers and all that.

i think of this mix as a very dry, very in your face, honest mix...

and i always think of the old 80's hair rock days as way overproduced, too much reverb, too much snare, too much treble guitar gain, too much too much too MUCH!!


and to me, it's just a good ole fashioned rock boogie.

glad you dig it, thanks again.
gonzo......GREAT stuff my brother as usual.....I think your stuff is very unique and always sounds great......this is true for this track as well.

as for the comparisons.....like i said, i think you are very unique but if i had to make some comparisons here is what i would say;

i dont really hear anything in this song or production that says "hairband" to me.....and actually if it did that aint all bad as some of the hairband stuff was good some was bad but this song doesnt remind me of hairband stuff at all.

it does however remind me of 70's era hard rock.....which is intended as a compliment. I hear elements on the music side from "Boston"....some of the boogie woogie guitar and movements of the chord progressions are reminiscent of stuff like "smokin" and "rock and roll band".

I also understand why some folks have mentioned "yes" as well.....about halfway thru the song during the bridge both the vocal melodies and music have some prog influence in it to me that sounds "yes ish".

vocally i hear an "ace frehley" kind of thing going on.....kind of that half sung half spoken thing he does from time to time.....gonzo I actually think you are a very unique and amazing singer and I have always dug your vocal performances so I am sure that having this one compared to ace frehley aint what you are looking for.....LOL. but i dont mean it to be a bad thing....i think the vocals on this song are great and fit the song perfectly but for whatever reason when I heard the vocals in the verse for sure "Ace" popped into me head.

just because i hear these inlfuences doesnt mean that the song is not original.....in fact i think it is very unique and some of my favorite music takes noticable inlfuences and mixes them in ways that are fresh and that is what I think you did in this song.....well done!
gonzo said:
alright spewnz!

i think of this mix as a very dry, very in your face, honest mix...

and i always think of the old 80's hair rock days as way overproduced, too much reverb, too much snare, too much treble guitar gain, too much too much too MUCH!!


and to me, it's just a good ole fashioned rock boogie.

glad you dig it, thanks again.

i agree with the too much that's why i said without the lame its very hands on rock attack and i like it.
thanks man, for the kind words.

it's cool about comparisons, i really don't mind.
i'm just glad if anyone listens!
:mrgreen: LOL

i never really spent much time playing the hair metal, i learned guitar from 70's classic rock, and then around the early 80's, i switched focus to what folks used to call fusion rock.

i mean, i listen to EVERYTHING.....
but as far as studying guitar and learning my own style, it came more from Holdsworth and Goodsall, from DiMeola, just anything with a more progressive edge..
but my first big influences were jeff beck, jimmy page, ritchie blackmore and brian may.
so, everything comes from everything before it, and i know there are lineages in there that broke off and went straight into hair rock, so that's cool with me. there were (are) some awesome 80's hair metal and rock players that made some intense music.
my ONLY beef with that time, was with the productions.
just too much.

you know, i dig ace frehley, and still, i don't know if i've ever heard him sing!
now i'm interested..
i know he has a fairly recent album out, i may just have to pick that up and spend some time with it.

again, thanks for listening!

gotcha! i totally understand what you're saying, so thanks again.
well, i've tweaked the bass track.

i still think it's too hot, and can't figure out whether it's volume, or frequency issues.

also, think i need to bring vox down on the first half of the song.
i didn't mess with the guitars any, i like how they're sitting now.
i can hear the grind of the boogie, without it standing out too much and masking the vox.

i never really spent much time playing the hair metal, i learned guitar from 70's classic rock, and then around the early 80's, i switched focus to what folks used to call fusion rock.

i mean, i listen to EVERYTHING.....
but as far as studying guitar and learning my own style, it came more from Holdsworth and Goodsall, from DiMeola, just anything with a more progressive edge..

Those are some of my favorite guitar players right there, without a doubt!

John Mclaughlin with some of the MO material would be there as well.

(Although I'm sure you have )ever hear Holdsworths material with the U.K. band? That material is classic. I love that sound.

All the Best,

UK..... great album!
'cept sometimes wetton's singing is hard to take.


yep, i used to try to play along with 'in the dead of night'....

i actually stole a lick from holdsworth, at the end of the reprise part, and put it in a song i did called 'allan's resolve'

it's right at 2:28


i'm busy re-mixing it now, to bring the drums out more.
pretty much, faders down, start from scratch!
gonzo said:

UK..... great album!
'cept sometimes wetton's singing is hard to take.


yep, i used to try to play along with 'in the dead of night'....

i actually stole a lick from holdsworth, at the end of the reprise part, and put it in a song i did called 'allan's resolve'

it's right at 2:28


i'm busy re-mixing it now, to bring the drums out more.
pretty much, faders down, start from scratch!


Excellent! Yeah, "In the Dead of Night" tune is great! I love Allans tone on that material...whew! lol

Allans Reslove is definitely sweet! I can hear the Allan influence for sure. Sliding into notes via whammy is classic Holdsworth style. Something I can NOT get away from!! :lol:

I really dig his earlier material the most.

You recorded this with the Boogie IIB right? Got a cd? I'll buy one from ya. :wink:

All the Best,
you got a fast wah foot there :) vocals remind of stanley/simmons

good job!
neptical-thanks man...
and yes, i've got a cd. it's called "Trouble".

the little record company i signed with, and has the CD, is in the middle of going tits up!!

so typical, these days....

so, for now, i'm going to crank them out one at a time, using the gold master cd i got from the master house.
out of town for the next 5 days, PM or email me, and i'll hook you up soon as i get back.

[email protected]

thanks man. yeah, the wah thing just kinda happens sometimes.
Hey, Gonz...

don't forget man, even though I'm more of a metalhead ( actually pretty diverse in my tastes for musicians ), I'd still want a cd. Let me know...I gots the paypal to throw over to ya. 8)

thanks man. glad you enjoyed it

alright man, but don't be a hater

ok, I didn't forget.
getting ready to head out of town for the long weekend (heading to the desert) as soon as i get back, i'll burn you a fresh one and send it. i'll sell it for half price, and we'll do pay pal, that's easy and i have an account.
i'll get back to you as soon as i'm back in town. and thanks!
ok, I didn't forget.
getting ready to head out of town for the long weekend (heading to the desert) as soon as i get back, i'll burn you a fresh one and send it. i'll sell it for half price, and we'll do pay pal, that's easy and i have an account.
i'll get back to you as soon as i'm back in town. and thanks!

Awesome, thanks man!! 8)
thanks man.
yep, working out on those old hendrix tunes like 'gypsy eyes' kinda helped!

just got back in town, i'll catch you soon on the disc...

touch base with me, i've got your disc ready to go.......