Just played my 1st Mark III last night.....

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Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
I have Camsna's Mark III Blue Stripe in for some maintenance and mods. I fired it up last night and all I can say is.....WWOOWW!!!!!

That is one nice amp. How come the Mark IV's R2 can't be that nice?

R2 on this amp is warm, fat and has lots of sustain. R2 on both of the Mark IV's that I've owned had almost no sustain and really only had Rolling Stones character.

I was able to get Robin Trower, ZZ Top, lots of great classic tones out of this R2.

Then, there is the LEAD channel which just smokes.

I really like this amp, no wonder they are so popular.

What are the differences between stripes?
I own a Purple and a Green, so I have the (almost) alpha and omega. The purple just got a midlife from Mike B and the green is very low-mileage. Purple has the R2 volume mod, the reverb mod, and the outer sockets have been modded for pentode rather than triode (all from Mike B.) Green doesn't have R2 volume.

I run pretty much identical tubes in them (see below.)

Notable points:

The Green is capable of very loud clean tones in R1 but gets a little shrill and glassy at volume. Purple's R1 seems a little warmer but also breaks up earlier and doesn't get very loud. (In general I cam not a huge fan of the MkIII's clean tones... they are okay but the Lonestar circuit in my Rec Pre is so much better.)

R2 on the purple has a moderate amount of gain and is pretty touch-sensitive. It's got a slightly thicker sound. R2 on the green has a fair bit of gain but sounds a bit thin; it's not really a whole lot of use for anything except rhythm unless you have very fat pups.

Lead on the purple has lots of nice thick heavy rock sounds, lead on the green is a more saturated but tighter tone that says "metal." You can really see where the MkIV came from.

The GEQ has significantly more effect on the green. You can get pretty much a post-2000 br00tal xtreme d3th metalzz sound with just Lead and the GEQ, and the purple hasn't got either the gain or the GEQ range to quite go there.

The green is LOUD. It's 1.5 Master notches louder than the purple, basically. I have the Master at about 2.5 for rehearsal on the green , and it could go much louder. The purple I would have at almost 4 (Yeah, we rehearse pretty loud.)

The power tubes really seem to play a big part in the loud lead tones. With the purple, you actually need to start driving the EL34s or it sounds kind of loose and flubby. The preamp of the green is tighter, so it works better at low volumes.

My favourite Lead sounds out of the green are actually with Mesa 5881s in the center sockets; I hate to use one of these "tone terms" but it's sort of "chewier", a little less saturated, and more touch-sensitive. Unfortunately, it totally wrecks the clean tones-- "plink." Doesn't make as big a difference in the purple.

Lastly, you gotta use the EVM-12s. Straight from Mike B-- the Mark III was designed for the EVM-12 and you're not actually hearing it the way it's supposed to sound otherwise. I have tried a few other speakers and I have to agree.

so, um, yeah, obviously I have put some thought into this. :oops:
Monsta-Tone said:
:lol: Oh yeah, I forgot....

It's louder than my Twin Reverb II! :lol:

Yeah , I had the 135 watt version, and it seemed like a soulless beast , next to my III .

Play that amp outside . The cop's may show up , but it's worth it .
Hey CoG , played the red stripe yet ?
Buddy said:
Hey CoG , played the red stripe yet ?

hahaha don't tempt me, man. the thought of having one of each has crossed my mind. If people start unloading amps to fund Mk 5 orders I may do a little collecting.
I never understood all the MKIII love ...until I got one! I had scored a nice Simul-green head some time ago with the sole intention of flipping it. Then I played it, just to make sure all was good for the buyer, mind you. And that was it, end of story. A bit of tube experimentation turned my "like" for this amp into love; it's tone is tremendous, clean or dirty; and even R2 turned out to be great with some tweaking. Sure my DC5 is till my #1 go to amp for live, and partly because of its combo form and its convenience, but for practice (and the occasional outing), it's MKIII+EVThiele+OpenbackedEV and all its mini-stacked tonal glory! Did I mention that I liked my MKIII?

Mark III R2 is way better than Mark IV R2, at least with my Mark III Blue stripe. Pretty much out marshalls a marshall. Its pretty much what I always wanted R2 on the Mark IV to be.
sbalderrama said:
Mark III R2 is way better than Mark IV R2, at least with my Mark III Blue stripe. Pretty much out marshalls a marshall. Its pretty much what I always wanted R2 on the Mark IV to be.

I brought my III to a folk fest , and my neighbor plugged in his Les paul ,
his eyes got unfocused . (R1)

Pulled lead . The look was priceless .

5 min.s on that , and said here , Check This out .

punched out lead and hit R2 . The exclamation was: Mother of God ! . heh ....

How much for one of these ? said he ...

:D Can't imagine how anybody complain's about these thing's .
phyrexia said:
Blue is Best.

Oh no! my BROWN cow is better .....

It is not the cow , man ,

It is how you milk it .

It does help to have a good cow though . :lol:
Mark III R2 is way better than Mark IV R2, at least with my Mark III Blue stripe. Pretty much out marshalls a marshall. Its pretty much what I always wanted R2 on the Mark IV to be.

That was the exact thought that went through my head when I played it.

I might have to ebay the Twin and get a Mark III. Here we go again.

I think I'll have to have a shoot out between the DC-5, .50 Cal and the Mark III (in the interest of bench testing the III of course! :lol: ) before I send it back.
Monsta - please make sure to 'test' it as much as you 'have' to!!!!

I have done my "shoot out" between my MKIII simul green head and my DC5 combo. ...did this maybe a year ago when I told myself I was going to turn around the MKIII ...HA!! It took me no time to decide I'm keeping both!

edward said:
I have done my "shoot out" between my MKIII simul green head and my DC5 combo. ...did this maybe a year ago when I told myself I was going to turn around the MKIII ...HA!! It took me no time to decide I'm keeping both!
Would love to hear some tonal comparisons between the DC-5 and the Mark III.
Would love to hear some tonal comparisons between the DC-5 and the Mark III.

Alrighty, but you asked for it ;)
A few disclaimers: I have gone through many tube changes to "soften" both these amps more to my liking. My final recipe resulted in a variety of preamp changes to 5751, at7s, and ax7s; mixture of NOS-ers and current-prod RI preamp/power tubes: the result from my experimentation probably does not fully reflect what Mesa intended, but I have arrived at a wonderful tube recipe for less gainy, harmonically rich, rounder, chimey tone. Not a "vast" difference from the original, but enough of a diff that makes me NEVER want to sell these two. I play no metal, and shred not a note (ok, maybe one or two notes, but just for fun). My style is more classic and comtemp rock, blues-based rock, contemp worship, and almost all my cleans have some bit of hair around the edges ...no "spanky" country clean. That said:

DC5 warm and round; more of a "mid voicing" to it. Nice chime and sparkle up top, warm defined mids. Almost always has "some" breakup, though, and "spanky" clean is not its strong suit; though "bluesy/hairy" semi-clean is very much its strength.

MKIII has much more bottom, defined and powerful/tight. Like a large Fender (a la Twin or Super R) in its authority down low and crisp, pleasant highs. It literally sound physically larger! Less mid/upper-mid voicing. Brighter overall, though, (and capable of also being MUCH brighter, still) than the DC5 ...I admittedly avoid ever playing my Tele through her for this reason, but the Strat is fine. Huge headroom, and spanky clean is tremendous ("out Fenders" a Fender, IMHO!), and takes pedals well. As I had said, since I rarely ever play "country clean" I may use a bit of OD pedal on the R1 to smoke it up a bit. And on that note, she takes pedals without a hitch and sounds glorious with whatever I've put up front.

Lead channel:
DC5: smooth and harmonically rich, capable of lots of saturation (more than I need/want which is why I chose to gain her down just a tad here). Serious metal-capable tones, but easily does the classic rock thing with aplomb. This is a very thick channel and my Strat and Tele (single coils, of course) work great here. Lots of tonal versatility here with just a tweak of the gain knob and a couple of the GEQ sliders ...Mesa absolutely knew what they were doing here :)

MKIII: Awesome. Period. Wow. It is just more "rude" or "edgy" than the more polite/smooth DC5. It's just a different flavor, as if the MKIII can assume "Road Warrior" (a la Mel Gibson) toughness attitude and the DC5 is more refined 007 kill potential. ...which is why I had to keep both :) Sure the DC's OD is great, but the bottom end that comes out of the III (mine is a simul green) is nothing short of tremendous: tight with serious authority. Metal (not me, but it's there) can be had in spades. Mids are well defined and "in yer face" (in the best way possible, of course), while highs are searing and crisp (for me, a bit too much initially, but I "corrected" that with some tube swaps and EQing). I wouldn't go as far to say the DC5 is a "dark" amp, but the MKIII is simply a brighter amp overall. Individual note definition also is better, especially as the OD and saturation increases. And it's on this channel where humbuckers excel. My LP sounds as if it were made for this amp, or vice versa. The drive you get and the harmonics that jump out from buckers is nothing short of intoxicating.

R2 is a different world, and there is no DC5 equivalent (I hate the DC's pull boost and never use it). But the R2 (with the vol pot mod) is a nice in-betweener crunch tone with a definite mid/upper-mid voicing that's nice for some tunes. I hated this channel with the stock tubes, but have grown to love this channel once I got her dialed in. I use it more than I had expected to.

Keep in mind that I mix/match spkrs depending on this or that circumstance. So I may be running the DC5 combo's MC90 alone, or combined with an EVM-Thiele cab; or the MKIII head may be with an old Mesa 112 EVM-openbacked cab on its own, or with the EVM-Thiele on its own (or both just to have some fun! :) ). But whatever the spkr combination I am running, all the above characteristics still apply. The bottom line is that with either of these amps, I could cover vast expanses of tonal ground. But having both is simply grin factor squared: just so much there between the two that I easily justify keeping both. And I am no gear hound or sentimentalist: if I don't like it or use it, out the door it goes.

Forgive the long-winded response, but remember. You asked for it. :D

No, that's GREAT!!! That's the kind of detailed post that I can really appreciate! Thanks for taking the time to write it! Those characterizations seem to jibe with how I would also characterize some of the key tonal differences between my DC3 and Mark IV. I guess I should be asking, "How would one characterize the differences between a Mark III and a Mark IV."
Get back folks, he's contagious! He's got the "Fever!":lol:

I thought the Mark III sounded more organic, like it wasn't in a hurry. To me the Mark IV sounds and feels like it's a race car that is speeding down the track and the Mark III sounds and feels like a cadillac. Smooth, fat, relaxed and just fun to drive.

This is how I feel about my Custom 22 too. It may not be as fast as a Jackson, or an Ibanez, but I get there in comfort and style and it makes me smile to play.

So anyway, fatter, smoother & rounder with no feeling or sense of urgency. And, LLOOUUDD!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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