Just melted 2 x EVM-12L in the same cab on their 1st gig !!!

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2010
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Looking for some speaker advice,

I've just melted 2 x EVM-12Ls on their first gig, brand new re-cones with genuine EV parts.

Running them both with a singe side of a Mesa Simul Class 295 power amp giving 95 watts of power.

Any clues as to what's happened here ? The recone guy is claming they may have suffered from "under powering" ? Would this call them to melt ?

What's that all about ?

I would have thought my Mesa Studio pre -> Mesa Simulclass 295 Power Amp -> Mesa 2 x 12 Slant cab with EVM-12Ls was the perfectly balanced setup ?

Any help appreciated
I think your speaker guy is trying to BS his way out of a sticky situation......
Wasn't running anything on the other side it was in standby

Why is this not ok ?
Not sure it would make EV's melt, but you should ALWAYS have a load plugged into each side when the amp is on (standby or otherwise). Not plugging a speaker load into a power amp or amp will destroy it. Amp 101 basics.
Just checked the Manual for the power amp and it doesn't say you shouldn't run either side independently. Else persons like my self with one speaker cab wouldn't be able to use them. I've been using the amp in the house since Nov last year.

They are two seperate amps, with seperate output transformers and only the heater circuits are active in standby so I don't understand how this would damage the power amp not connecting a load to the side I'm not using.

Please explain.
That's exactly what I thought, japster. That the 295 was like the 395 and Strategy 500. 2 separate everything, inputs, outputs, and power sections, with separate standby controls. It's not like a 2:90 with 2 inputs but 1 set of outputs and a single master switch.

I'm with tonejam; I'm thinking your guy didn't recone those EV's correctly. You could run each EV's from each side of the 295 safely at stage volumes.

I suppose you gave 'em one hell of a "break in" didn't you? :lol:
japster said:
Just checked the Manual for the power amp and it doesn't say you shouldn't run either side independently. Else persons like my self with one speaker cab wouldn't be able to use them. I've been using the amp in the house since Nov last year.

They are two seperate amps, with seperate output transformers and only the heater circuits are active in standby so I don't understand how this would damage the power amp not connecting a load to the side I'm not using.

Please explain.

You are correct, and I'm newly educated on the 295 and its separate channel inputs :oops: . From the manual, it says you can indeed run it like this. Still no explanation for the melted EV's.

Each channel of the 295 has one 1/4” input jack. In addition, a separate 1/4” jack on the rear
deck of the chassis (labeled "Parallel Inputs A & B") offers access to both channels
simultaneously. It is vital when using this jack that both channels be connected to separate
speaker loads, or damage to the output tubesnand/or transformer may result. You can listen
to each channel individually by using the Standby switches, although a slight distortion may
occur when using the Parallel Input jack if one channel is operating and the other is
"standing by" (This slight distortion disappears entirely as soon as both channels are
switched on). The inputs on the 295 are sensitive enough to permit direct connection of an
instrument without using a preamp (at least for test purposes, since good guitar sound
generally needs a preamp stage for tone shaping). In practice, this means the 295 can deal
with the output level of virtually any kind of preamp or effects unit, simply by adjusting the
Level controls provided. When using the MESA/Boogie Quad Preamp, for example, settings
of 2 to 5 are recommended for the 295's levels."
Sorry to hear about your deal with the recones.

By melted do you mean:

They have burnt voice coils or voice coils with the coating bubbled (if they have coating) and they are locked in the gap and the speaker won't move or rubs or do have a speaker that moves without rubbing - but the voice coil is open?

If they have been trashed and the guy won't back them up, cut out around the dust cap, pull out the voice coils and post some pics of the voice coils.
FWIW, I bought a 1x12 EV loaded cab a couple of years ago which had the best part of 20 years in a very similar rack-based setup on it, and I've had zero problems.

Have you used this tech before?
Hi guys,

Thanks for your responses.

Well the top cone in the open back part of the cab is open circuit and grates when pushed in
And the other cone in the bottom closed part of the cab is also open circuit and jammed stiff as in you can't push it in and out.

I've not used this tech guy before but there are few and far between people who will re-cone EV's in this part of the world :(

He's got the speakers back now to take a look at.

I've told him there is nothing non-standard about my setup

Wait and see I guess
Well an open circuit tells you the voice coil is toast on both. The one that is frozen has either experienced over excursion or the coil has fused in the gap. That would be tough to do to an EVM with four times the wattage you've got on tap under normal conditions. I'd be very cautious about continuing to use those speakers. I'll also be curious about what your tech has to say.

If you decide to continue using them, I'd suggest you check the frames carefully. Pump the cones in and out (while they are vertical) to listen for any rubbing. Pick them up and shake them with the cone facing down and try again. Power them up and play for a while and then check again.
The truth is it takes a really good craftsman to do a good reconing job. Also, genuine EV parts could take in some territory. Various boards about mics detail current management at EVs lack of respect for "legacy" product and it's owners. Reconing speakers is tricky and each brand has it's own peculiarities. Formers that are slightly different thickness than the originals, gaps that need to be cleaned and prepared correctly, suspensions that have too much or too little resistance - it's a dicey deal.

Hartly Peavey has had a lot of crappy ideas and products but a designing a speaker that could be reconed with one piece was a great idea. The speakers maybe so/so but a reconed Peavey spider is exactly the same kind of so/so as a new one.

Best of Luck with your rig!
Well it's been a long time, 5 weeks since I sent the EVs back to the Re-cone guy,

but it's looking promising,

He's sent the parts back to EV and they are sending new ones, so shouldn't be too long now.
Good to hear. Hope it works out for you. The whole "under powered" thing is crap. I have 2 EVM 12L's being pushed by my 35 watt DC-3 with no problems at all. I gig with this rig all the time.
My question is how and why did the EV's need to be re-coned in the first place? What happened to them? Did they blow with the same set-up?

I ran an EVM12-L in a Studio 22+ for more than a decade, so "under-powering" is baloney. Myself, and for no good reason I can think of, I would power EACH of your 12L's separately with your power amp. They're coasting @ 95+ watts apiece 8)
Good question my friend :)

Well I kinda inherited the Cab about 10 years ago swapped it for a Marshall 4x12. Unbenown to me one of the cones was shot.

I replaced it with a second hand EVM-12L I bought of the net but due to corrosion inside the magnet the coil blew as I didn't use it since maybe 2005.

The other original good one is still ok, it's just for my new rig project I thought it would be nice to have two "new" recones with the now 2 broken chassis I now owned.

I've put the original good one back in the cab along with an old 200 watt non descript cone I found hanging around and it's working fine, the guy who reconed them is replacing the cones again for free, he's sent the parts back to EV in the states and they have sent kits free of charge. So maybe he found a problem with the parts.

It seems it's going to end well, as the new EV parts are now in the UK and I'm just waiting for him to recone and ship them to me.

I like the idea of running each cone individually, would like to wire up one of them "mono / stereo" jack plates, if anyone has a wiring diagram I can have ?

japster said:
I like the idea of running each cone individually, would like to wire up one of them "mono / stereo" jack plates, if anyone has a wiring diagram I can have ?

