Just got a new stilleto to compliment my dual recto!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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i just picked up myself one of the last guitar center deal, gen 1 stilletos, for 850 plus tax and speaker cable.

i only have one 4 by 12 at the moment but i have an iso box i could run it into the PA with for ease, or it would probably be easier to just switch out the heads from the cab

anywho either way im rather excited, i dont care what anybody thinks about the stilleto, the build quality alone is worth 850, but the tones are awesome, i dont understand, i mean i guess everyone was expecting dual recto crushing tone, or mark series liquid gain, but i mean this is called the stiletto, its got a sword on it! its supposed to be CUTTING tone, ah well at the end of the day i have two very different sounding amps, both of mesa pedigree and that makes me happy as hell!

now i just need a second stack and i could run the backline of doom! two mesas!
Hey Diamondschwin!

If I may ask, what GC did you get yours at? I'm in Washington State and am waiting for my "blowout Stiletto" to arrive from St. Louis! I figure that if they are having to go to those lengths, they must be getting scarce. I'm a little nervous because I usually don't have very good luck in catching the "good deals". But I already put money down on it to make sure its mine, so hopefully Guitar Center will be good to me.

Anyway, congrats on the amp! Eventhough there have been rumblings on the board about sound quality in the Fluid Gain, I've read so many reviews about this amp that I am confident that its a keeper. Besides, a Mesa for $850? I don't think you could ever go wrong there!
Thanks alot!!:roll: I'm guessing thats why they are bringing my Trident in from so far away!!!! BTW musicbox, where in Washington you at?? I'm in Tacoma.... You ever play out?
im actually in vancouver, b.c. i drove down to kirkland to pick up a deuce, but they were all out, so they sent me to tacoma. only 1 deuce and 1 trident left at that point in the state(as far as they told me...). sorry to steal it out from under you! that was a few weeks ago though. gotta act quicker! im sure they'll come through if you've put a deposit down. enjoy it, it's worth the wait. especially for 900.
dont play out much in vancouver, trying to put a band together at the moment. you play out much?
Was in a band down here for a while, played out at some local clubs, you know, the normal drill. Bass player decided he wanted to go out on his own and then the singer bailed as well. We recorded an EP in Seattle and got it mastered and then just as we were getting ready to go after artwork for the CD cover, they split!!! Anyway, it was more of an alt-rock, not quite mainstream kinda thing but now I am looking for folks that want to do a little more of a mainstream, straight ahead rock thing.

It's late, did that even make sense. Congrats on the Deuce. I can't wait for my amp to get here. They said it would take a week and that was last Thursday, so hopefully today is the day! BTW, what kind of cab are you playing your Deuce through?
avatar 2x12...does the job, but i wish i had a marshall cab to let it loose on. maybe you could email a few tracks off the ep?

edit: ok, so "does the job" sounds a little pathetic. it actually sounds really great, and with a g12h30, i can get the speakers pushing which adds alot to the sound. its a texture i had never known prior to this, and its a bit of a revelation. now i know why the old plexi stacks of yor with there greenbacks sounded so good
ryanj said:
Hey Diamondschwin!

If I may ask, what GC did you get yours at? I'm in Washington State and am waiting for my "blowout Stiletto" to arrive from St. Louis! I figure that if they are having to go to those lengths, they must be getting scarce. I'm a little nervous because I usually don't have very good luck in catching the "good deals". But I already put money down on it to make sure its mine, so hopefully Guitar Center will be good to me.

Anyway, congrats on the amp! Eventhough there have been rumblings on the board about sound quality in the Fluid Gain, I've read so many reviews about this amp that I am confident that its a keeper. Besides, a Mesa for $850? I don't think you could ever go wrong there!

I actually got mine out of a guitar center in NYC, well technically in Queens, NY.

I havent hooked anything up yet since i got it.

How much was your avatar 2 by 12? to the guy has one lol
Question :?: If diamondschwin had a stereo 4/12 cab, could he run both heads, in stereo, 2/12 per side? :idea:
jbird said:
Question :?: If diamondschwin had a stereo 4/12 cab, could he run both heads, in stereo, 2/12 per side? :idea:

funny you should mention that, me and the lead singer of my band were just talking about that, he used to tech for some bands, mostly drums but other stuff, and has a small collection of roadcases, that he has gotten for free from different bands. and one of them is single road case with space for a 4 by 12, and two adjustable rack shelfs for two heads. all in one, with removable back and front with fans and power conditioner built in


he was suggesting me getting a stereo cab and running this crazy configuration and basically having an insane all in one mesa powerhouse backline!
Ok update fellas!! I picked up my Stiletto Trident after work today! In a word..... Awesome. Unfortunately, I'm borrowing a 4x10 cab until I can save enough money to get a Stiletto 4x12.

Having only had combo amps before, someone explain to me the stereo wiring of a Mesa cab. Two heads on one cab? What other options does a stereo cab give you?