just got a MKII C+! little help though?

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2005
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I picked it up at guitar center for a decent price, the only bad part is that it doesn't have the graphic EQ (but does have everything else)

I'm trying to find out if its the real deal, but i won't find out til monday cause i need to call Mesa.

the guitar center manager said that a Mesa rep comes to check up on all the amps every month and declared it a C+.

Any owners think they can help me confirm if its a C+?

the SN is 13370
117 volts or something
its got a + above the power cable (but what if someone forged it?! haha)

its got the power/stand by and "simul/class A" switches on the front.

If all turns out good im gonna call Mike B to find out how much to get the graphic EQ installed into this baby!
I got this of the internet sometime ago......

"If when you plug your guitar in directly to the return of the effects loop and the Lead drive and/or Lead master knobs affect your volume or sound in any way, it's NOT A IIC+! Those knobs have no affect at all on a IIC+ when plugged into the return. The only thing that will work, is your pull deep, and graphic EQ. Please start this test with your master Volume all the way down because that is functional also."

hope this helps
the serial number declares it as a C+. I'm almost positive.

check there.
dandan said:
the SN is 13370

Your amp is leet lol (1337)! Sorry, couldn't help myself. But good find! You'll enjoy it a lot.

On adding the graphic eq, the only downside is that Mesa doesn't have anymore Mark II face plates so you'll get a Mark III face plate. The difference is only cosmetic but just a head up.

For what it's worth, the amp will still sound very good without the EQ. I mainly use my amps for recording in my studio and I can always EQ with plug ins with excellent results.

The Mesa graphic EQ is voiced pretty well for the Mark amps but you'll still get a very sweet tone none the less