Just another Quad clip

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hello guys,

I'm new to this board and was just thinking that it may be a nice idea to introduce myself posting a clip of my beloved Quad :D


It was my first attempt to record thru a mic, I hope I'll be able to make some better ones for the future.

ehi ciao! non sono l'unico italiano qui per fortuna! ottimo suono, il quad è veramente un gran pre! io ho uno studio pre e sono molto contento. Bella la frase sulla tua homepage, io ce l'ho a morte con carabinieri, vigili e simili.. molti sembrano avere una dose di buon senso uguale a zero... :evil: mi sa che ho già letto di te da qualche parte, forse un articolo su accordo in cui parlavi del tuo finale costruito apposta per te se non sbaglio. complimenti per la clip
sorry! straitouttahell comes from italy as i do, so i replied in italian saying that the quad is a very good preamp (i use a studio pre and i'm happy with it), and that his clip is amazing. I also said that i've already heard about him (probably on an italian website) and about his customized poweramp
ytse_jam: Ue', ciao! Di dove sei esattamente? Io sono di Milano. Non ci credo che siamo solo io e te gli unici italiani su questo forum.
(transl.: Hi mate! Where do you live exactly? I live in Milan. I just can't believe we are the only two italians on this forum) :D

dylan7620: Thanks for listening. I'm glad you liked it.

MesaENGR412: :wink:
io abito in un paesino nella provincia di Trento, nella valsugana (quella della polenta :wink: )... forse mi sbaglio, ma mi sembrava che il tuo poweramp te lo fossi fatto fare a posta giù in Calabria, è possibile?

[i live in a small village near Trento, in valsugana... perhaps i'm wrong but is it possible that you had your poweramp custom-made in Calabria?]
My poweramp it's actually been hand made in Catania, Sicily.

It is relatively far from where I live, but, considering that a lot of people here is reading from the US, I thought that 1400 Km could still be considered as *locally* ;)
yes, i think in united states there's another concept of distance. driving for 500km is a very long journey for me!
Nice clip! :) That power amp really compliments the Quad. That must be a monster live...Hehe

Thanks mate,

You have no idea how much I loved your comment.

I'm not here to self-celebrate myself or my poweramp, so I won't spend too many words on it unless requested, but a lot of work has been spent on it, trying several different output transformers, designing the presence circuit, the speaker simulator/dummy load unit and so on, just to nail *that sound I heard in my head* :)

I've ended up with a quite unique item, which rocks live and even direct to tape. I've A/B tested it with a Mesa 2.90 and found that, at least to my ears, mine sounded better, smoother and warmer with more harmonics. :D
I don't know but for some reason I can't listen to the clip..
The link redirects me to altavista..
I don't know but for some reason I can't listen to the clip..
The link redirects me to altavista..

I guess you're using Mozilla T-Bird, innit? There seems to be a compatibility problem between altervista and T-Bird.

If so, just copy the link in the clipboard, then open a new tab/window and just paste the link in the address bar, then press enter - That should work.
mesaIV said:
I don't know but for some reason I can't listen to the clip..
The link redirects me to altavista..
i've got the same problem with internet explorer. it's necessary to right-click and save on hard disk and so it works.
Right click and "save target as"....it will download and then when you open, your zip extractor should kick in.

BTW - nice clip and I;m so thankful to hear someone actually play a lead. I was beginning to think Mesa's were amps for rhythm guitarists only :lol:

(Us old 80's rockers do NOTHING but solo...I'm not even sure how to play a chord 8) )

mesaIV said:
I don't know but for some reason I can't listen to the clip..
The link redirects me to altavista..
BTW - nice clip and I;m so thankful to hear someone actually play a lead. I was beginning to think Mesa's were amps for rhythm guitarists only

Thanks m8, glad you liked it.

Well, in my experience a good distorted rhythm tone is harder to nail than a good lead one, so posting rhythm may have its sense...
But I have started playing guitar in 1990 or 91, and have been alot into the shred kind of stuff... I'm not much into rhythms (shame on me)

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