Jeff Beck with MKIV

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mesanomad100 said:
cheers for clearing that one up welshboogie,I didnt think it sounded like a boogie it had that marshall snarl that get toys out.AHH ronnie wood Im sure I read somewhere(on old boogie catalogue)he has bought over 30 MK series,jammy bugger,Was jan hammer being overly annoying with a crybaby that night,I saw beck a few years ago in Glasgow with the mondiser brothers and Hammer and Jan would not turn off that god **** wah pedal.But he is still uberamazing.Anyways that night I shook becks hand and havent washed it since.......only kiddin it was amazing he really is GOD.I think he would sound far better running through a boogie but then again he cant get better he IS the guitar

Jan did go a bit overboard with the Wah stuff and he seemed a bit unsure of the song structures but good all the same.

As for the Beck comments by Rabies................I think I'll pass as well :twisted: :twisted:
Russ said:
Is that Jennifer Batten playing with him? She rips... If so, he has some real talent playing second fiddle (guitar).

I saw jeff beck with jennifer batten abound 1999 at the House of Blues in Myrtle beach . Fantastic ! He did an instrumental of "A Day in the Life " by the Beatles .
yeh,good point man,I say we ask the management for a theory section!!!which would be cool as.I see where your coming from with the hardcore jazz stuff although I learned stern chromozone in way less time than any of becks new age ****,and actually understood stern stuff where as jeff's stuff is complete soul,no other man(women,Jennifer Batten etc)could play a Jeff song quite like the man himself but any averagely good player with jazz sensibilty could skim there way through acid head by scofield,ohh any one had a shot of a JSM ibanez,its truly a lovely guitar,expensive though
I have played for nearly 25 years, nearly always used a Strat in some form or other and I cannot get anywhere close to the sounds and phrasing that Beck has - to see him doing "Where Were You" a few feet in front of you was scary - all the harmonics on the 3rd fret and then bending them up a good tone and then playing the melody with the whammy bar.

I like a lot of different styles and always welcome new styles etc but Beck and Lukather - those guys are in a different league!!!
absolutly,yes.hahaha,a little bit of a cheek this is,go on ebay on search for the title,Fender custom shop,immaculate condition-no reserve.Its my jeff beck custom shop up for grabs at under £800 the now,ends tonight.have a look.its killer no joke.I dont want to sell her but I have several strats and another beck!!!!
rabies said:
John Scofield and Mike Stern are straight up badass.

I'm telling you man, these jazz dudes will rip the rockers to shreds in terms of execution/feel and chops/licks/dynamics.

I've seen both of these guys, I was floored, unbelievable.

Is there a music theory section on this board?

All people talk about on here is this amp or that tone or that player or this tube or this problem with my amp or NAMM or whatever. Which is cool, but how bout some "guts"?

How bout some music theory discussions? Fav progressions/scales, etc.

Like how have Mesa amps infuenced your playing? I can tell you that I loved to play Dorian with my Epi Dot and RK1 with Kind of Blue modal jazz.

OK yeah jazz players have a wealth of knowledge at their disposal and usually end up having great feel to boot.

If you want to discuss things not hardware related you can post in the off topic category. I have seen some interesting posts in there that are not gear related.

There have been quite a few posts about how playing a Mesa really helps or influences people's playing. This would be about 1/8 of the posts if you read into them or read the responses. Usually these are the praise posts that basically go like this... I have a _______ and it ______. Then all kinds of people chime in with their own praises or criticism of said amp. The overall feel of this board is positive as a wealth of knowledge and a place to go to share or discuss your gear whether issue related or just curiosities and your search for the (your) ultimate tone with regards to M/B. Some may see it as a place for gearheads interested in M/B.

There are some that flare up here and there and of course some get impatient with the noobs but we must all remember that we were all new here at one time or another and it is only in everyone's best interest to remain positive and get along. It is in the best interest of the community to gain as much as we can from one another. That being said.... I don't care if you don't like anything I ever had to say because I am here to enjoy this forum like anyone else. Some stay some go some come back and others don't. Some abuse each other. You just have to take it all in stride with the knowledge that not everyone will always have the same point of view or even get along. Please don't see this post as anything but a helping hand.
totally agree,Im here to share my knowledge,talk about my love for mes/boogie and my passion for music and musicians.I have stated in another post that I would never slag off a famous musician or one with real technical prowess.I respect everyone for what they are(well mayby not malmsteen,ohhhh how I hate him!!!!!!!!)and I definatly didnt become a member to start agruements,just to let my opinion flow out.
rabies said:
If you wanna hear a really good player, check out Mr. Bungle's guitarist. That band is one of the very, very few bands that skillfully plays multiple genres/styles in one song consistently. Mike Patton's first band.

This video I guarantee is the most jacked up sh!t you've ever see. Total disaster. Unclassified molestication qualified by strange brewz. Contort.[/url]

That was horrible!!! :D
Man, I hate to say this, but I have taken 4 years of musical theory and Jazz Comp. in college and they were all boring as hell. When you play music, should should not have to over think your next move. So learning about the circle of fifths, reading both clefs and having to bust my *** to keep up playing bass viola on the Brandenburg Concerto. I can say I get more from three good notes than 3 modes, 2 scales and a slew 64th notes. Even during the learning of theory, I just went for the feel. Basic thoery can get you to new boundaries, but knowing the fret board and using your feelings is more powerful than any theory. When you spend months learning half/whole steps you get to the point where you want to jump out the window !!! I just play the **** guitar and it sometimes playes me. Some people who have no technical training are the best guitarists on the planet because they have not been limited by the restictions of theory. Somehow, I don't see Wes Montgomery buried in the books next to Coltrane, Mingus, Davis, Gillespie or Duke Ellington.
If you look at the birth of modern Jazz it basically extends from New Orleans and generations of families passing on the genetics to pick up an instrument and blow you away. Remember, The Birth of the Cool?
Pick your favorites, but try not to be judgemental to others. One mans Beck is another mans Hubert Sumlin or another mans Willie Nelson.
Remember, you can actually learn things from bad guitar players. They show you what not to do or be. The problem with music on our generation is that it is all categorized by genre and marketed as the flavor of the week. The industry is choosing your musical direction, unless you are true and prefer Johhny A over Billy Jo. Be yourself and let others do the same.
It's all about your own personal journey. Thank god for players who make us happy and cause emotion within us. For some, it is the only discraction we have from the mundane existence we all call life. So make you choice to live it or let it live you.

I learned more from a cheezy book called Zen Guitar than years of training. Find your own inner Angel or Demon, happiness and sadness and try to let it out with your fingers and ears. If you are open minded, you will always be learning.
OMFG !!!

You probably listen to Bix Beiderbecke and I bet you have Jimmy Raney records...

A fellow Jazz geek.

Now I have to go and practice Minor Swing with only two fingers.
rabies said:
mesanomad100 said:
ahh yeh ,agree on the mr. bungle,great band.......all musicians are dab hands at lots of styles which is good,is that not a sorta "supergroup" of some sorts(I mean like all band members were in great bands bfore joining).I m not even goin to answer to the beck comments though!!!!

but yeh that marshall is pretty horrible but beck makes it really scream!!!

Back together again.

So I gave Mr. Beck a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th extra chance by viewing additional clips on youtube. This guy is definitely a very talented and interesting person (still don't like the random immature tapping, but whatever). He has a VERY good sense of dynamics which I appreciate a lot (like Sade). This keen sense of dynamics is missing in most of today's radio "hits". Most importantly, his use of fingers seems to allow him to create different tones. That's badass. He's played in blues and jazz outfits as well it appears. Very impressive. I thought his tone in the additional vids I watched were overall better than the one originally posted in this thread (TSL 100?)

Anybody tried his signature guitar? I miss my Strat with Lance Sensors. But I always thought the middle pickup would get in the way of my picking motion!

I especially liked this clip a lot, it's eastern Indian influenced:

and this one (minor blues thing):

To be honest R, there is just a load of **** on youtube - the sound is just crap and sometimes Beck live does sound a bit off - heat of the moment etc I suppose - I have the whole DVD bootleg of the original youtube link and as with any player there are a few bum notes

Technically, there are guys that could run rings around him but as BB stated above its more about feel and tone for me.

I have one of the signature models which is basically an American Deluxe Strat with Hot Noiseless Pickups - a good guitar, however, I had to change out the Bridge Pickup as it was too brittle - got a JB Jr in the bridge now and it screams.

Normally, sig guitars can be a bit quirky but the Beck is a great players guitar and is the only one so far that has helped my "wish I hadn't sold it" feelings for my old MM Luke
yeah he is a good guitar player,his 70's jazz fusion is incredible for its time,ohhh I used to have a JB custom shop,I want it back again,one of those ones you regret selling,ohh it was theee best strat Ive played,even better than the mid sixties original my band mate had,sweeeeeeet!!!!!
rabies said:

This video I guarantee is the most jacked up sh!t you've ever see. Total disaster. Unclassified molestication qualified by strange brewz. Contort.

Now THAT was some serious crap!

But just to clarify a bit, Rabies, though I LOVE the jazz players you mentioned (you could easily add Larry Carlton, and plenty more to that list) I'd have to say you're obviously not familiar with Jeff Beck's body of work. Nor have you seen him live, I would bet. He may not be a jazz player per se', but the range of styles he's a master of far exceeds any other guitarist I can possibly think of (and I've been around here for decades and decades ;) ). To me, there are NONE better... and his body of work supports that.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :D
jeff beck " WIRED " Get it ... it's old, it's sound is sh!t but it's the fact that this was all the New sound when it came out.It was so different... Nadia sounds so very easy but the prasing is Very hard and i think thats what makes jeff beck such a great guitarist..
I've always tried to get into Beck but I just don't get him. I think he's over-rated. Very over-rated.
CudBucket said:
I've always tried to get into Beck but I just don't get him. I think he's over-rated. Very over-rated.

I do love Beck, but I know what you mean he’s not a mechanic as in racing up and down scales at 160bpm doing 16th notes. What does do it for me however is his feel as far as this I think he is top of the game. Some of his earlier stuff with Jan Hammer (keyboards) yielded some interesting phrasing also.
Jeff does remind me a bit of BB King in the sense of feel. Now there is a guitarist to see after seeing BB play several times I honestly believe the man is not capable of hitting a bad note!
H eis a musical genius,I mean I dont know if he has alot of theory but he does have microtonal pitch wich is emmm rare,thats why he can bend notes so precily,his musical ear is great,I do addmit he isnt the 'best' guitarist live,when he is having a bad day,he really does have a bad day but on a scorcher he is blazing,still on a bad day his playing is like...well take our best playing and emm multiply that a couple of hundred times..yeah thats beck on a bad gig..................sick!!

yeah he is old but If you ask me there is no other guitarist still pushing out the envelope of the guitar as much as old beckola

A true Master of his craft,listen to his stuff with orchestral backing,amazing,havent heard any other piece of guitar music so beautiful as any of these pieces,Where were you,that says it all,technically not that big of a terms of feel and precision,GOOD LUCK