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It's getting amusing already!! Mark IV for $3500

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2006
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This is funny because when the Mark V comes out people will be dropping there Mark IV's left and right. But people will still be playing the discontinued card like there aren't tons of these amps out there for sale.

C,mon $3500? Get real!!!!

this kind of sucks though because there is somebody out there stupid enough to pay that price and then it could cause all of the prices to go up and I want the prices to go down so I can buy one!
Turumbar82 said:
this kind of sucks though because there is somebody out there stupid enough to pay that price and then it could cause all of the prices to go up and I want the prices to go down so I can buy one!

You're right!! If just one person pays that much, that's all it will take. But like I said, those of you that want a Mark IV, just wait till the Mark V comes out and you will be able to get one even more easily and for less money. Let's be honest, the Mark IV is a good sounding amp, but not for IIC+ prices.
Racerboy44 said:
Turumbar82 said:
this kind of sucks though because there is somebody out there stupid enough to pay that price and then it could cause all of the prices to go up and I want the prices to go down so I can buy one!

You're right!! If just one person pays that much, that's all it will take. But like I said, those of you that want a Mark IV, just wait till the Mark V comes out and you will be able to get one even more easily and for less money. Let's be honest, the Mark IV is a good sounding amp, but not for IIC+ prices.

that is unless the mark v doesnt cut it for people who love the mark iv... i have a feeling that initially you'll see a flood of mark ivs going for dirt cheap (which is when i'll buy one) then after a year or so the prices will sky rocket because i think no matter how good the mark v will be there market for the mark iv will still be as strong. just my .02 but my gut tells me in another yera or two the mark iv will be able to fetch at least 1500 even in not so good shape
jdurso said:
Racerboy44 said:
Turumbar82 said:
this kind of sucks though because there is somebody out there stupid enough to pay that price and then it could cause all of the prices to go up and I want the prices to go down so I can buy one!

You're right!! If just one person pays that much, that's all it will take. But like I said, those of you that want a Mark IV, just wait till the Mark V comes out and you will be able to get one even more easily and for less money. Let's be honest, the Mark IV is a good sounding amp, but not for IIC+ prices.

that is unless the mark v doesnt cut it for people who love the mark iv... i have a feeling that initially you'll see a flood of mark ivs going for dirt cheap (which is when i'll buy one) then after a year or so the prices will sky rocket because i think no matter how good the mark v will be there market for the mark iv will still be as strong. just my .02 but my gut tells me in another yera or two the mark iv will be able to fetch at least 1500 even in not so good shape

Man i'm hoping they go for cheap. Is it just me or does anyone else remember them selling for cheap back like 8 years ago?
I bought a Mark IV around '99 to '00 for about $750, like new. I also bought a JCM 800 in near mint - early 80's vertical input - for $500. Picked up a Mesa Quad for $300. This was back in the day when modern rock and nu-metal was still the rage and everyone and their brother was using Rectos...you couldn't give away a Marshall.

Times and trends change. The Mark IV should drop in price for a while at least while the Mark V starts selling. If it IS the be-all, end-all Mark, then the IV's used value is in trouble. It will likely drive down the value of MK III's and IV's both. If it's not as good as everyone hoped, then the prices will remin consistent. Considering there's SO many of them out there (hell, they were made for almost a couple of decades), there won't be any shortage of them.

All it's going to take is a few users like Lamb of God and John Petrucci to record their next album with the Mark V, say "It's so much more UBERZ than the Mark IV"...and there will be 30 Mark IV's on E-Bay the next morning... :p
MKV??? What MKV??? You guys know something the rest of us don't, or am I living under a rock? Z
So, the guy on eBay dropped his price:


Yet, someone has bid on this at $1700?! Last week, they weren't selling for that much! I'm going to watch this one...
Racerboy44 said:
Turumbar82 said:
Let's be honest, the Mark IV is a good sounding amp, but not for IIC+ prices.

Errr? I don't even think the IIC+ is worth $3500.....I'd never pay it :shock:

Have you owned or played a IIC+? If people are paying over $2K for a used Mark IV, then $3500 for a IIC+ is not crazy at this point in time. If you were rich or had money to burn you would buy one if you knew how sweet they sounded. At least with the IIC+ it was made in limited #'s so I can see a reason for the used cost being high. But with the Mark IV, there are tons of these amps out there to be had.
That's weird. I didn't write that. lol I think the quotes got mixed up because I never wrote anything about a IIC+. I don't make any comments on them because I have never played one. I guess somebody else said it and it showed up in my post.

Anyway, I did play a IIB once for a church service. Fantastic tone but I didn't get a chance to tweak much.
Pretty sure this dude is shill bidding. Aside from the similarity in seller and buyer name, there can't be more than 1 person in the world that would pay that much for a used mk iv.
I will take my C+ to the grave..so when you're begging me to sell it in 30yrs for 10K..not even over my dead body!!!!!! argghhhh metal!!!!!!!!!
C+ are easily worth the $3500 price tag!

I tried everything else and the C+ is mot versatile smoothest sounding leads and cleans on the planet. Mark IV are close but no good compared to a 60watt C+ :D
http://cgi.ebay.com/Mesa-Boogie-Mark-IV-4A-Flame-Maple-EVM-12L-WorldwideShp_W0QQitemZ200231274355QQihZ010QQcategoryZ10171QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem :shock:

But I guess I could understand the price in that part of the world.....Still though :shock:

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