Is the Ts808 that much better than Ts9??

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
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I just got my first tubescreamer a Ts9 and it's really great. It added just a little something to my sound as soon as i plugged it in. I really can't imagine using a dirty channel without it. Anyway i didn't play through the Ts808 version, is it worth the extra 80 bucks for it? Honestly $169 was a bit pricey for me so i just went with the Ts9 which was only $89.
is that when comparing costs, and bang for buck, the DD (IMHO) is better than either.

it is commonly referred to as the tube screamer killer, among DD enthusiasts......

if i hadn't discovered the DD myself, i never would have bothered to collect a TS9, a TS808. and a DD, and A/B them against each other.

but i did.

and, i also included a Voodoo Labs sparkle drive, a proco rat, a keely modified DS-1, and a Fulltone Fulldrive II.

the barber won, in my own little contest, hands down.

i learned so much from that experiment, i wanted to share.
i hope that's ok.
No the Ts9 is good, i have it in front of my Dual recto right now. Course the search for better is always there! I was thinking of trying a Maxon 808, i hear that's like the Ibanez version but better, plus its a little cheaper online too.
gonzo said:
is that when comparing costs, and bang for buck, the DD (IMHO) is better than either.

it is commonly referred to as the tube screamer killer, among DD enthusiasts......

if i hadn't discovered the DD myself, i never would have bothered to collect a TS9, a TS808. and a DD, and A/B them against each other.

but i did.

and, i also included a Voodoo Labs sparkle drive, a proco rat, a keely modified DS-1, and a Fulltone Fulldrive II.

the barber won, in my own little contest, hands down.

i learned so much from that experiment, i wanted to share.
i hope that's ok.

That's all well and fine but like so many other posts I see you're expressing an opinion that although may be valid, doesn't answer the OPs question. His question, "which is better, the TS-808 or the TS-9" is subjective.

I feel the TS-808 is a better pedal than the TS-9, but again that's subjective and based onm direct comparision between the two pedals. Had I chosen to hawk a pedal I like better than those I could have named 15 or 20, depending on your needs and style of play. But it wouldn't have answered his question. And sharing is super. Maybe a seperate thread on your findings would be helpful.
no, i kinda dig this spot right here to share!!


anyplace to share, is a good place.

i haven't seen any rule written anywhere, that says "don't post where BOBL doesn't want you to!"

LOL again...

seriously dude, expressing 'opinions' is what this BBS is all about.

i certainly hope you don't take any one in particular's opinions as gospel, not even mine!

i suggest you find out for yourself about the DD.....

could be, it's the single best thing i've ever shared!

or not....
Well I'm not sure how you got the don't post here thing into your head, but that's you. How wonderful that the Barber pedal you're hawking is the best thing you've ever found, but all you've managed to say is "look at me, my pedal is better than yours." and still not answer the OPs question. Well, maybe next week you'll discover strings, polish, cases and all types of other things you can brag about and look cool with while you impress all the kids on your block. :roll:

OP - You should be very happy with the TS-9. It will get the job done and has some pretty good tone inside waiting for you to get it out. If you get the chance try the TS-808 before the return policy is over. If you feel that the extra money is worth the swap and the policy allows, you can always exchange it for the TS-808. An alternative would also be an upgrade from Keeley at a later date. Good luck and have fun.
Would you go with the stock Ibanez 808 or with the Maxon 808? To the above poster...

I'm using it mostly to tighten up the channels, not using the gain in there at all. Just the level and tone knobs... I like how the tubescreamer makes my dual recto have a little more of a vintage vibe but still some recto gain and flare.
I've never compared a real TS-808 to a TS-9 though I had a 1984 TS-9 (that I bought used in 1984 for $15!!) and built a BYOC clone of a TS-808.

They were pretty similar. I liked the clone enough that I sold the TS-9 (for a lot more than I paid for it!).

Now that the clone is modded to my liking I like it more than I ever liked that old TS-9.

A TS-9 can be modded to be more similar to a TS-808 very inexpensively if you do it yourself.

As far as overdive pedals are concerned, the TS-9 and TS-808 are not my favorites.
I prefer natural amplifier overdrive. I have a tweed Deluxe (5E3) clone that excells at this. When that's not available, I use the gain on my Express 5:50 or an OCD with the drive barely turned up at all.
Don said:
I've never compared a real TS-808 to a TS-9 though I had a 1984 TS-9 (that I bought used in 1984 for $15!!) and built a BYOC clone of a TS-808.

They were pretty similar. I liked the clone enough that I sold the TS-9 (for a lot more than I paid for it!).

Now that the clone is modded to my liking I like it more than I ever liked that old TS-9.

A TS-9 can be modded to be more similar to a TS-808 very inexpensively if you do it yourself.

As far as overdive pedals are concerned, the TS-9 and TS-808 are not my favorites.
I prefer natural amplifier overdrive. I have a tweed Deluxe (5E3) clone that excells at this. When that's not available, I use the gain on my Express 5:50 or an OCD with the drive barely turned up at all.

The statement above is very well put, because the goal is almost always natural sounding overdrive or distortion at usable volumes. For that Don uses his Deluxe, I use a Vibrolux. The biggest problem with the Ibanez, or any other pedal of this type, has always been component selection. Older pedals have a vibe of their own simply because the component tolerences were looser and the components were made from other materials than what are used today.

People like Keeley and Analogman have looked at hundereds, if not thousands of pedals to find "just the right pedal" to backward engineer, building successful businesses based on using just the right components.

If you choose a pedal hopefully you can bring your guitar to the store and try a number of pedals, zero in on the one you like, then try 6 or 10 of them and take the one that sounds best. I did this Sunday for a friend of mine who wanted a TS-808 re-issue. I went through 5 before I found one that sounded great, and it still has to go to Analogman for the real fix. Unfortunately good tone cost good money today, but just because the pedal cost a lot it doesn't mean it's a great pedal, and that goes for old pedals as well.
the thing about the barber is....

The sound is full bodied and very balanced.

the fact that it was designed to do what the TS808 does, only better and with a fuller tone, should not be lost on anyone in the market for this particular kind of tone.

i've used many, many pedals over the years..
and there's one thing that i've learned along the way..
that just about ANY pedal, can sound good, in a given situation.

the thing that sets the barber apart from the TS and TS clones, is that it is so well done.

you can put the DD in front of just about any amp, and it will do it's thing.

not so, with the 808. it has a certain sound that is 'dialed in', and you can't get away from it.
the barber, is very tweakable.

now, i don't 'hawk' anything.

i don't get paid a dime for saying anything about a barber pedal...
i just dig em.

if you don't have 30 years to experiment with pedals, or the money to buy em and try em, then you have to look at other players' opinions and listen.

use your ears.

and if any of these guys that are asking the questions, are really interested, then they might just find my suggestions ever bit as important as anyone else's opinions.

if you disagree with my opinions, that's fine...
but don't tell me i can't have them, or post them for others.
that just doesn't fly.
You really just don't get it. Not once or ever did I mention anything about your not having an opinion, respecting your opinion, or that you can't post your opinion wherever you wish.

What I did say was that the OP asked a specific question which had nothing to do with the Barber pedal and suggested that you start another thread about the Barber pedal. You took offense to that, however, you seem to know a bit about the Barber pedal and a seperate thread would have been helpful to us all.

So instead of getting all bent out of shape as you are here, why not admit that this particular thread was a discussion concerning the Ibanez TS-9 and TS-808 products and start the Barber thread. If you do than perhaps I can ask some of the questions I have, which don't apply here, about that pedal myself, and when reviewing the boards posts maybe others who have that pedal will join in as well. Do you understand why it makes sense to do that? You seem to know a lot about the pedal. Why not put that knowledge where it can be seen.
So instead of getting all bent out of shape

sorry, but i'm not bent at all. or offended.

i simply stated an opinion as to why i thought this thread was a valid spot to talk about the barber.

i simply disagree with you, is all.

this really seems to be rubbing you the wrong way, and i'm quite sure i do not understand why.
I think the biggest thing is that I know with stuff I've posted, if a person asks a question they appreciate when that question is answered. It's not appreciated when you post on their thread and don't answer their question. It's common courtesy that if someone asks a question then if you want to give your input you answer their question. The OP asked about TS9's and TS808's. Is the 808 better? Yes or No? Why? If you don't want to answer the question and continue to post then you are just being rude. It's up to you if you want to be rude but be prepared...if you are rude to people they will be rude back
if i was in the market for a TS style overdrive, whether it be Ibanez, or other brands, i'd want to be alerted to any and all options, no matter what the brand.

if the OP had never heard of a Barber before, didn't know anything about it, then i helped them discover another possibility.

nothing rude in that at all.

in fact, the only thing rude in this thread, are the very few select folks trying to shoot me down for trying to help.

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