Is it easy for a rookie to install a speaker??

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Well-known member
May 18, 2005
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Some of you may remember my recent post regarding the warranty and broken speaker. I was thinking of buying a V30 online and then installing it myself.

Is this a simple process for a newbie to do? Ive never had any experience in this, although i did some robotics in high school and my roommate is very good w. wiring.

We lack soldering irons and such tho. Would these be necessary, or should i just have a pro do it?

Really easy.

You know how to solder ?

First solder to leads to the plus and minus contacts of your speaker. Do this before mounting, because you have more free space with your arms.
I always get a cloth, bathrobe or a blanket or something to cover the backside or actually isolating the contacts from the rest of the speaker while soldering. Because speaker cables are usually thicker you will need a bit more solder iron. Excessive iron can "jump" on the conus. that is something you dont want to happen.

After soldering, you can mount the speaker. Watch out not to slip with the screwdriver or what ever kind of tools you are using, because a torn speaker conus wil likely to happen =)
Lock everything tight and secure. finished.

In this topic you can also see a cab from the inside and outside without the canvas. Perhaps it gives you a bit more insight.
happy mounting ;)
WHOA! too much. i only took some robotics. the roomie can probably solder tho, but we dont have. besides, this sounds a little complicated and theres much room for error after the soldering. thanks for your help tho!
haha robotics is more difficult than mounting a speaker...but it depends to what degree you studied robotics...

I mean, when I was a kid, I loved the transformers and still do, but the only thing they taught me about robotics is that they are cool =)
If the speaker is rear mounted and uses T nuts (I think that is what they are called, they are threaded shafts), BE CAREFUL. I managed to put the speaker surround right into the protruding threaded shafts while taking the old speaker out. Lucky for me it was not too much of a loss. Speakers can be heavy and hard to manuevre to line the holes up with the threaded shafts. Plan accordingly.
basically look at it like this. if you can take the thing apart, you can put it back together. if you get to a point where you are unable to disconnect or remove a part, youre going to have trouble putting the new part back in. so give it a shot, if you get stuck, just stop and put back what youve taken out.
It's super easy!!

Man, I don't know if I should be saying that.. About a year ago I had a Peavey 5150 4x12 and it was pretty shabby looking so I put a new metal diamond grille on it... Ok.. well, when I was drilling the screw holes I drilled through the lower right speaker in the corner, so I took it out and got it repaired..... When I went to put it back in I laid the cab on it's side so the speaker was up higer and easier to get to, I was just about done and I dropped my screwdriver it went through the speaker below it (the bottom left). So I took it out to get it fixed and when I went to put it back in my (3 year old) son was watching me and I asked him to hand me the screwdriver and he got almost to my hand and dropped it and it fell.... guess where...... in the same dang speaker!!! So I took it back out and got it repaired, again!!

If I were paying a little better attention and had a better assistant, although I couldnt get mad at him, it would have been easy for me.. instead I spent 5 days putting the speakers back in.

Hope you have better luck than I did!!
Tele-jas, Great story! I thought that I was the only one who had that sort of luck! LOL!

So, is what you're saying is measure twice drill once, have a steady hand and a tight grip on your tools? Oh, and no helping from your 3 year old? :) Well, it got done.

I would think that it will also make it easier to lay the cab carefully on it's face to line up the speakers for refitting/soldering or raise it up by putting it on a table or bench.
Brewski said:
Tele-jas, Great story! I thought that I was the only one who had that sort of luck! LOL!

So, is what you're saying is measure twice drill once, have a steady hand and a tight grip on your tools? Oh, and no helping from your 3 year old? :) Well, it got done.

I would think that it will also make it easier to lay the cab carefully on it's face to line up the speakers for refitting/soldering or raise it up by putting it on a table or bench.

You most likely won't even need to drill anything. It's just a matter of unscrewing the old, replacing the speaker, and screwing the new one in to the existing holes with the existing screws.
You most likely won't even need to drill anything.

Good call. I was just responding to tele-jas on the drilling and talking in general terms. (I'm still snickering at his story) I think that with a little precaution and a little forethought, the speaker replacement is very straight forward. Just take your time and it should all come together.
Hey, I'm not a total dork :? I've changed several speakers in many different amps with no problems. I even changed out my ROV speaker 4 times without any holes or punctures :p .. I just figured I'd share my "horror" story with everyone.

My wife found it pretty amusing too, I'm not a big cusser, but she heard me say things that she didn't even know existed (and she works in a factory)!
Hey, I'm not a total dork ...

There was no implication that you were, sir, or disrespect :) It was just the situation. I've had similar types of things happen to me and it didn't pay to get out of bed on those days. :D Sometimes I just find things funny. Comedy has been described as well timed tragedies!
Well, my wife would disagree.... she thinks I am a total dork about 80% of the time, but I think thats why she married me for some comic relief. But the bad thing is, my son acts like me! (the 3 yr old that ruins speakers too).

There was no implication that you were, sir,

Wow, I'm a sir now...... Cool!!!!!!

Trust me, I don't get offended easily, I'm usually too busy laughing at myself (or others). So even if you thought I was a total Dork, it wouldn't bother me :D
I was "experimenting" with taking a v30 out of my standard 4x12 and placing it in my heartbreaker. I successfully removed the C90 by removing the front screws from the baffle. Before installing the V30, I put the screws back in. While installing the V30, I punctured the neoprene rubber piece in 2 places. I plugged it in and cranked it with no noticeable difference. I has hoping to get the HB retubed soon and don't really want to fork out $ for a new v30. Is there anything that I can do to salvage the V30? I think that I am screwed but learned a valuable lesson in the process. :(


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