Integrated Quad from Eurotubes

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Bill Warner

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
I just odered a set of these for my Roadster just to try out. It sounded too interesting to not try.

Can anyone tell me what to expect when I put them in?

In case you don't already know, this is a set that consists of 2 6L6's and 2 EL34's that are matched so you can run them together usinh the EL34 bias switch/mode on the Roadster (or any other amp that lets you do this).
Yup. It is supossedly "the best of both worlds"

Apparently what they do is select the two different tubes at opposite ends of the spectrum so that together the bias is equivalent to that of 4 EL34's.

Supposedly you're supposed to get the low mids and nice cleans that the 6l6's normally give you plus the mid range growl of the EL34.

Like I said, it "sounds" interesting so I thought I'd give it a shot. Just looking for someone who might already be using this set up so I can get a little heads up before they arrive later this week.
Bill Warner said:
Apparently what they do is select the two different tubes at opposite ends of the spectrum so that together the bias is equivalent to that of 4 EL34's.
aren't tubes biased one by one through one resistor for each one?
Dunno, I'm not an expert and I probably explained it incorrectly. I just know it works (or is supposed to work).

Guess I'll find out on Thursday.
i'm definitely not an expert too, but this thing seems quite strange to me... however i'm just curious to learn something in every occasion!
Yes it can be done, I have four 6L6's that can be run in the EL34 posistion to bring the bias up to the right amount.

Basicaly how it is done, is the 6L6's are very cool running, meaning if you were to put these 6L6's in the 6L6 Mode they woud probaly run a bias of about 5 to 10 Ma's (very cold bias). Since they are so cool they can be run in the EL34 Posistion which brings the bias up to about 35Ma's which is where the bias should be anyway for 6L6's.

Now with a intgrated quad, they are going to send you very cool 6L6's and then EL34's that are normal so this way all four tubes will be pulling the same bias of about 35 to 45 Ma's.

Will this hurt your head, no, because normaly if you had all four EL34's that is what it would be running anyway, you are just tricking your head into thinking it has four EL34's. So what is the catch, well since you are running the 6L6's at the normal bias they will wear out faster then if you had it in the 6L6 Mode, is this bad no.

Have you ever noticed mesa tubes last forever, well it has nothing to do with the fact that they have better tubes. It has to do with the fact that mesa sets there bias cold on there amps, so you are really not wearing the tubes that fast. Take a Marshall amp that is biased right and you will have to replace the tubes alot sooner then you would in a mesa.

Yeah you are probaly thinking, well why do i want it to run at the right bias if i have to replace tubes sooner, well because the amp sounds alot better when running at the right bias, tighter and more power tube distortion. Mesa builds most of there amps around Pre-amp distortion, not a bad thing, but if you are like me sometimes you might want the power tube distortion more, it is warmer and just has a different feel.
It is only bad if you get regular rated tubes, a normal 6L6 would draw way to much current, but if you get it on the cold side and it brings it up to the right Bias then it is not an issue.

A tube is a tube, as long as they draw the same current a amp really doesnt care if it is labled 6L6 or EL34.

PRS_Guitars5 said:
FWIW My dealer says combining tubes is a bad idea.
I had a 6V6/KT77 Quad in my dual before it got stolen and I LOVED it. Bob really knows his stuff and everyone I have told about him loves him as well.
they seems to work fine. how about reliability? however if you are interested check out this:
obviously it's seen from bob's perspective