Inconsistant Tone

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Active member
Jun 30, 2006
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I have been having this problem since day one.

It has gotten so bad I want to sell my Dual Rectifier.

The thing is every time plug in , it sounds different.

Most of the time it sounds like there is a blanket over the Speaker Cabinet.

and other times it sounds perfect.

Please help I don't know what to do.
It's not that I can assure you.

Its like there is a lack of punch and harmonic content sometimes.

I sit in the same spot the knobs are in the same spot everything is the same.

Except the tone comming from the amplifier.
Inconsistent voltage could be your is killer on tube amps.

I played a gig with horrible power once, and my amp sounded like complete poo....

I'd get a power conditioner, or something of the sort, so you can see how steady your power is....

If the display shows an inconsistent power, then a regulator may be necessary....
How new are your speakers?

Have they been broken in much?

I had a similar issue with a mesa cab that was brand new.. every time I played it sounded different until the speakers had broken in more.

Just a thought.
I just did an experiment.

I turned off everything in the house except my recto.

Well it fixed the problem and improved the tone , I couldn't be happier.

It looks like I will to buy a Voltage Regulator :cry:

My family will go off their nut if the can't watch tv or do anything else that requires electricity. :D
confused said:
I just did an experiment.

I turned off everything in the house except my recto.

Well it fixed the problem and improved the tone , I couldn't be happier.

It looks like I will to buy a Voltage Regulator :cry:

My family will go off their nut if the can't watch tv or do anything else that requires electricity. :D

I have a Roadster/4x12 std cab and have noticed the same...thought it was my imagination (still may be. :) ). Since I purchased it in june, i've had this love/hate thing going day it sounds fantastic to me...and later it either sounds muffled or harsh and i'm ready to put it on eBay..same volume, same setting, same axe. I think i will try you little experiment. I would hate to have to shuck out more $$ for a regulator though. :cry:
Yup... I'm having the same **** problem. Sounds good one day, the next I'm scratching my head figuring out why it sounds like a chalk board. I am sure, without a doubt, it's my houses power.

Well, picking up a Mesa has been quite expensive :lol: :) :( :cry: but in a strange way... wonderful?
Welcome to the world of tube amps! Humidity, temperature, the room your in, the amount of people in the room, the soundman, how hot the tubes are and how long you have been playing on them within the current session, how old the tubes are, volume your playing @, etc...... all affect the punch and clarity of your amp and the tone you get. Lets face it....tubes are old technology and they are inconsistant, however, when they sound cant beat them! :wink:
the answer a voltage regulator. Current even through the sameoutlet will change from different times of the day thus making the bias float a lot. I had a egnater in the studio a couple years ago and then went to radio shack bought the meter and checked the bias ( it had a easy set up on th egnater to do that, no shock issues to worry about ) and it was way off from morning til night. Checked 10 times and it was always different. Got a furman voltage regulator and it never moved after that. It was like turning on a amp that sounded the same and it was an all tube amp. Result - tonal bliss

This is a key to most pro rigs
vibeman said:
the answer a voltage regulator. Current even through the sameoutlet will change from different times of the day thus making the bias float a lot. I had a egnater in the studio a couple years ago and then went to radio shack bought the meter and checked the bias ( it had a easy set up on th egnater to do that, no shock issues to worry about ) and it was way off from morning til night. Checked 10 times and it was always different. Got a furman voltage regulator and it never moved after that. It was like turning on a amp that sounded the same and it was an all tube amp. Result - tonal bliss

This is a key to most pro rigs

An expensive proposition. :? . I checked furman's web site and the voltage regulation is 120V +/-5V...which doesn't seem tight enough to make much of a difference. I guess I could get one on the web with a 30-day return and try it out!
