I'm now an official Mesa Tech!!

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
I talked to Mesa Boogie today. They opened me up as a "Phase 1 Tech."

Basically, it's their way of testing me on my repair abilities and customer service.

I'm stoked, 1 more step toward being fully self-employed.

Anybody in Hawaii need their amps fixed???? :D
Hawaii? really, i have a 92 mark iv that could use a look at. maybe a checkup of some kind. can you do that? I live in Honolulu. Ah, you're on maui! hmm
Congrats Monsta-Tone!

Let us know when you can make a Mesa out of a couple of coconuts!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

All the best!
is it safe to use the verb in/outs on a MkIII as a parallel loop?

I'm not sure. I've never tried this.

If you do try this, I would turn the Reverb and the pedal down all the way, and slowly turn the pedal and Reverb up very slowly.

I wouldn't reccomend this though, the signal that goes to the Reverb tank can be pretty hot, and there is no coupling cap separation to protect you if the Reverb transformer shorts out. You could get electrocuted fairly easily.

Sorry. You can always have a Loop installed. I like to use the holes for the DI Pot and DI Jack. I don't know anybody who actually likes them, and this way, the amp will look stock from the back.
Now, will they eventually also give you some tips/tricks/mod info or is that handled on a situational basis?

I don't know. They are very helpful when I call them up about modding amps, but I don't think they like it much when I do this to modern Mesa amps. Everybody likes to think that their product doesn't need to be ammended.

It would be cool to have a book of Mesa mods. I just might have to write one.

:D :D :D Hell yeah!!!

No but I would like a job in Hawaii.

You can have mine. I'm moving to New Mexico in 2 months. Why, you might ask, it's a long story.

If you are a Project Manager for a Home Audio/Lighting Control contractor, send your resume to [email protected]

Otherwise, look in the Honolulu Advertiser. Everybody is hurting for good workers throughout the entire state.

All seriousness aside, you have no idea how many people I meet on the Mainland who want to move here. If I were single, that would be my only pickup line, "Yeah baby, I live on Maui. Want to see my Coconuts?"

Blank, I sent you a PM.

Let us know when you can make a Mesa out of a couple of coconuts!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

That is some funny ****. :D

Not so far fetched - doesn't somebody make them out of hemp?

Bill Murray?

Right on guys, thanks for the encouragement. I am going to pop into the local music stores this afternoon or tomorrow and let them know. I'm only here for a couple more months, but the only way that I can become fully authorized is to have some happy Mesa Warranty customers. There is only 1 Boogie dealer within 200 miles of where I'm going, but I will have a website by the end of the summer, and will be doing some serious advertising.

I plan on still doing most of the design and programming for the Home Automation company that I work for now, but I really want to have an Amp Shop and Music Store. Sure, I won't be programming Oprah's touch panels, but I'll have a Strat in my office. :twisted:
Monsta-Tone said:
is it safe to use the verb in/outs on a MkIII as a parallel loop?

I'm not sure. I've never tried this.

Don't try it..... :? :shock: :oops:

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the way the curcuit is wired is so the reverb is always hit with full signal, and the pot attenuates it down to your desired volume.

Even if the effect (a Lexicon delay/reverb unit) if it has an input knob it clips the front end of it.....though it did sound nice aside from that.

I really need to find a way to get the original reverb tank louder....the trails are too quiet and die too fast.
Congrats Monsta! You are definitely one of the go-to guys on the boards here. I'm sure your wealth of knowledge will serve you well. Just don't leave us all stranded!
hey monsta, i'll be receiving a 1984 Mark II C+ Coliseum pretty soon. it doesn't have the 5 band graphic eq on it or reverb. are those some things that mesa can mod onto the amp or am i out of luck? if it is possible, how much would it cost?

what part of new mexico you movin to if you dont mind me asking i live pretty close to silver city
Screaming Daisy:

I think you pretty much hit it on the head. If you look at the drawings, the Reverb knob is after the Return Circuit.

If you seriously need a loop, you can always have one added. It would lower the resale value unless you sent it back to Mesa though.

"hey monsta, i'll be receiving a 1984 Mark II C+ Coliseum pretty soon. it doesn't have the 5 band graphic eq on it or reverb. are those some things that mesa can mod onto the amp or am i out of luck? if it is possible, how much would it cost?"

They didn't tell me anything. "Phase 1 Technician" pretty much means that I sink or swim. This is their way of seeing how motivated I am and what type of tech I am.

You could call Mesa's customer service on Monday and talk to somebody. They are very friendly.

I would have the mods done at the factory. Cost would be less of a factor for me than resale value. Plus, nobody knows their amps like they do.

I called about some mods that I wanted to do to my DC-3. I was completely on the right track, but the guy warned me that this part of the Power Supply was a bit lacking in current. It had just enough to do what they designed it to do. I altered the footswitch circuit for the EQ to make the EQ show up a bit more. Now I can't use footswitches with LED's. When I do, all the channel switching relay does is chatter. I need to beef up the Power Supply or change the relay to a lower current model.

"what part of new mexico you movin to if you dont mind me asking i live pretty close to silver city"

That's funny, we are moving to Silver City. We have a house there. My wife wants our kids to be closer to their Grandparents. Plus the cost of living here has shot up so dramatically in the last 5 years that it is hard to get by here.

Where do you live? Do you know many guitarists who want a fair deal on repairs, mods, and gear? I'm getting into modding pedals too.

I think there are enough Metal & Country guys (& girls) in the area to support a repair business. It won't be full time, but we will have Ebay stores and I will still do Design & Programming for the Smart House Systems that the company I work for now installs. I've also talked to several other Contractors here about doing some AutoCad and Design work for them. I love the internet, it has created a whole new area of job openings for guys who want to stay home with their kids and run over dinosaurs with Tonka trucks. :D
i live in morenci az. i know a few guitarists not many around here but i here theres lots in NM. i know a guy that has a music store there and he says he has no problem selling high dollar guitars there. they have a store there and they dont do amp repairs so i would get ahold of them when you get there they can probably hook you up. ill pm you let you know more info i gotta go to work know.

Is that the guy from Music Express (I think that's the name)? David from Safford?

I went to college with his son Larry, nice guys, very easy to deal with.

It's good to know that they don't do amp repair. I can't seem to find anybody in the Southwest who does. There are a couple of guys in Tucson, but other than that, they are pretty far away from Silver City.

Morenci? I used to work in Kerney/Ray. We built a huge crusher there. Mostly I just remember a huge cloud of dust.

Right on, thanks for the info.

Thanks guys for all of the encouragement. It's a big step, trying to become fully self-employed with 2 kids & a mortgage.

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