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Nov 19, 2009
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Had Mark V combo... got crazy and sold it off and was trying a Fender with pedals. Missed the Mark V. Attempted to fill that void with an Axe Fx through an FRFR (The Axe Fx is an AMAZING piece of gear... it's truly awesome. it does SO MUCH and sounds REALLY GOOD.) Still missed the Mark V. I have now sold the Axe Fx and repurchased a Mark V (combo). (i've had the axe just around 2 months or so.)

Can't wait to fire it up again, loud, tonight in my music room. (it's soundproofed so I can crank it if need be)

Alot of you are going to ask about my reasons for ditching the Axe Fx. I don't want this to turn into an argument about which is better (Axe or tube amps). I'll give you my reasons.

1. I was dialling up tones trying to mimic the Mark series of amps (and some marshall). I wasn't using much of anything else in the unit. Figured if I'm really always looking for Mark tones.. just get a Mark. (Mark V can do a pretty good marshall.)
2. I realized I prefer the feel (physical look, overall "in the room" feel, knobs at my fingertips) of an actual amp.
3. I don't use effects much at all. I thought perhaps I would, given how many there are in the Axe I would start to use/enjoy them, but I don't.
4. I don't record. I play by myself or with my drummer friend. Would gig in clubs... sometimes, but rarely. (And if I ever do record, I can use Logic Pro and my Apogee one and get some **** good guitar tones.)

Anyway, I'm back to guitar ->cable-> great tube amp. Tuner is in the "tuner out" thing on the Mark V. I *might* put an old CE-5 chorus in the loop.

The new owner of my Axe Fx is going to be one HAPPY DUDE!
James_E said:
Had Mark V combo... got crazy and sold it off and was trying a Fender with pedals. Missed the Mark V. Attempted to fill that void with an Axe Fx through an FRFR (The Axe Fx is an AMAZING piece of gear... it's truly awesome. it does SO MUCH and sounds REALLY GOOD.) Still missed the Mark V. I have now sold the Axe Fx and repurchased a Mark V (combo). (i've had the axe just around 2 months or so.)

Can't wait to fire it up again, loud, tonight in my music room. (it's soundproofed so I can crank it if need be)

Alot of you are going to ask about my reasons for ditching the Axe Fx. I don't want this to turn into an argument about which is better (Axe or tube amps). I'll give you my reasons.

1. I was dialling up tones trying to mimic the Mark series of amps (and some marshall). I wasn't using much of anything else in the unit. Figured if I'm really always looking for Mark tones.. just get a Mark. (Mark V can do a pretty good marshall.)
2. I realized I prefer the feel (physical look, overall "in the room" feel, knobs at my fingertips) of an actual amp.
3. I don't use effects much at all. I thought perhaps I would, given how many there are in the Axe I would start to use/enjoy them, but I don't.
4. I don't record. I play by myself or with my drummer friend. Would gig in clubs... sometimes, but rarely. (And if I ever do record, I can use Logic Pro and my Apogee one and get some **** good guitar tones.)

Anyway, I'm back to guitar ->cable-> great tube amp. Tuner is in the "tuner out" thing on the Mark V. I *might* put an old CE-5 chorus in the loop.

The new owner of my Axe Fx is going to be one HAPPY DUDE!

I know what you mean.
I liken it to synthesized horns and piano. They sound great, and are easy to record.. but at the end of the day nothing beats the real thing.
I have owned the Axe-Fx on and off for the past couple of years. Great unit and full of options. I found that after playing with everything on the unit I really only used a couple of the amps and a few effects. I couldn't justify the expense when you add up everything you need to get that sort of setup up and running. Do you go with a power amp and FRFR speakers? Use the return of the amp head into a traditional cabinet? What about the stereo options? The list goes on and on. Made my head spin.
If you need a ton of different amp options and effects for a cover band or studio projects the Axe-FX is great. Just what the doctor ordered.
But if you just use a little reverb and delay with maybe a phase and/or wah in front an amp like the Mark V is just the ticket.
DaveP said:
I have owned the Axe-Fx on and off for the past couple of years. Great unit and full of options. I found that after playing with everything on the unit I really only used a couple of the amps and a few effects. I couldn't justify the expense when you add up everything you need to get that sort of setup up and running. Do you go with a power amp and FRFR speakers? Use the return of the amp head into a traditional cabinet? What about the stereo options? The list goes on and on. Made my head spin.
If you need a ton of different amp options and effects for a cover band or studio projects the Axe-FX is great. Just what the doctor ordered.
But if you just use a little reverb and delay with maybe a phase and/or wah in front an amp like the Mark V is just the ticket.

This is the common thing i've heard about it that keeps me from ordering one strait away. Tons of options, but only a few that generally get used.. most likely because they sound much better than the others. With the Mark V, every mode and power option has a use and sounds pro.
Scary said:
This is the common thing i've heard about it that keeps me from ordering one strait away. Tons of options, but only a few that generally get used.. most likely because they sound much better than the others. With the Mark V, every mode and power option has a use and sounds pro.

I've always balked at joining the Axe club due to the price of entry. It seems like a great idea, but then you have to factor in a midi-controller, some expression pedals, a power amp, monitors... next thing you know your 'all in one box' is has more parts than your old tube rig did.
screamingdaisy said:
Scary said:
This is the common thing i've heard about it that keeps me from ordering one strait away. Tons of options, but only a few that generally get used.. most likely because they sound much better than the others. With the Mark V, every mode and power option has a use and sounds pro.

I've always balked at joining the Axe club due to the price of entry. It seems like a great idea, but then you have to factor in a midi-controller, some expression pedals, a power amp, monitors... next thing you know your 'all in one box' is has more parts than your old tube rig did.

Why you need monitors? You only need the pedalboard and a midi interface for chan switching, exp pedals are for those who want it, if you dont have exp pedals in your tube rig, then you dont need them with your Axe..I think its a great idea the axe with a mark v
Yeah you don't need monitors any more than you need them with a regular mic'd amp. You need one power amp setup as a minimum.

Guys... the Axe Fx is the BEST WAY to get a setup with tons of amps/cabs/effects, if that is your thing. There is no better way (aside from owning 30 amps, 10 cabs and a bunch of really expensive effects). In addition to all that, it sounds incredible. My post was not intended to knock it!

However, for *ME*... I really only need a few high quality sounds, all of which I was always gravitating to Mark sounds and rarely use effects. If I was about to go buy a few other amps or a bunch of effects... I'd just use an Axe Fx instead.
I don't think anybody is knocking it. I loved it. I would have another if I had the extra cash because it's a great piece.
But for people that use minimum effects and mostly just one or two amps it was more than some people need.
Someday when I stop buying every C+ I can get my hands on I will have another Axe-Fx. :D
rika_gd said:
screamingdaisy said:
Scary said:
This is the common thing i've heard about it that keeps me from ordering one strait away. Tons of options, but only a few that generally get used.. most likely because they sound much better than the others. With the Mark V, every mode and power option has a use and sounds pro.

I've always balked at joining the Axe club due to the price of entry. It seems like a great idea, but then you have to factor in a midi-controller, some expression pedals, a power amp, monitors... next thing you know your 'all in one box' is has more parts than your old tube rig did.

Why you need monitors?

To hear it make sound?

S'pose you could just use headphones, but then might as well just get a POD.
Yes clearly you need something to amplify it. I think the statement said "power amp" and then later said monitors (which some may have thought a method to amplify it.. PLUS some other monitors)... it should have said:

Powered monitor/speaker OR power amp + speakers.
James_E said:
Yes clearly you need something to amplify it. I think the statement said "power amp" and then later said monitors (which some may have thought a method to amplify it.. PLUS some other monitors)... it should have said:

Powered monitor/speaker OR power amp + speakers.

I suppose this is why my McDonalds coffee says "Caution: Hot!" on it....
screamingdaisy said:
James_E said:
Yes clearly you need something to amplify it. I think the statement said "power amp" and then later said monitors (which some may have thought a method to amplify it.. PLUS some other monitors)... it should have said:

Powered monitor/speaker OR power amp + speakers.

I suppose this is why my McDonalds coffee says "Caution: Hot!" on it....

Nope. That was because some lady got burned and sued them.. won a million bucks too.
Scary said:
Nope. That was because some lady got burned and sued them.. won a million bucks too.


Some lady didn't put two and two together, and now we're stuck having to spell things out for people....
screamingdaisy said:
Scary said:
Nope. That was because some lady got burned and sued them.. won a million bucks too.


Some lady didn't put two and two together, and now we're stuck having to spell things out for people....

Oh I see. I always assumed she knew the coffee was hot, but won the strawsuit anyway. Sorry i'm sleep deprived.
screamingdaisy said:
To the OP... my above comment probably comes across as ruder than intended. It was meant as an offhand comment and not as an insult.

HA. No worries man. I don't care :)