IIC+ - Volume Drop

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Aug 8, 2009
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I started getting a volume drop on the lead channel of my IIC+. The volume fluctuates. Does this mean the power tubes are done or perhaps I need to clean the Effects Loop? I tried plugging in a cord in the send and return of the EFX loop and it didn't change anything.
Any help would be appreciated.
Is it across all channels, or just Lead? If it's both, then the problem is either V1, or the power tubes. It it's just the Lead, then V3 might be dying. Try testing all the preamp tubes first. If that doesn't work, then it's the power tubes. If that doesn't work, maybe your Lead Master is too low, or you have a bad cap in the switching circuit.
Hey man, thanks for the reply. It's actually only the lead channel, the clean is fine. Also, I play it very low, almost on zero on the master volume, so that might be the cause. I wish I could play it louder, but I live in an apartment....
I think it's because the volume is below 1 on the master that it does it. **** I hate apartments.