IIC+ Values/Prices

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Dr Rob

Jan 16, 2008
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Hi everybody, I'm new to the "board", but been a boogie lover for years. I got my first (Mk IIA w/fetron) back in 95. actually ever since my buddy got his Mk III in 86. Anyway it is time to re-start my collection and am considering a MkIIC+ and am wondering if it is overpriced. It is a 1x12 black tolex combo 60w export with EQ and EV in excellent condition. The guy is asking $2400 "and not a penny less". This seems a bit high (looking @ ebay ended actions & assorted google info). My question is how easy would it be to resell this amp if the need ever should arise considering it has no reverb or simul. I guess I'm asking how sound an investment is it? Kind of a strange question when I think of how I feel when I go from a fender twin spanking clean to that creamy mesa lead sound with the flick of a toe. But hey it is a lot of $$$$ any opinions?

Your man in Amsterdam
that seems just about on.. maybe alittle too much.but not much. The big thing is to make sure it's a Real c+ and not a fake or a upgrade..

These things don't come around to much..

i bough mine for $5000 Aus and thats a fully load one in Cream with a matching cab.. It was worth it..
For a bare bones 60w amp, that would be too much. BUT, this one has an EQ and an export transformer! If it had simul-class, that export transformer would be awesome. However, the amp would cost over 3k.

I think it's a good price and you won't regret it, nor have trouble selling it.

FYI, if it's something you were interested in knowing, simul-class makes it smoother and rounder, whereas the 60w is a lot punchier and raw. They both sound good though.
Shep said:
that seems just about on.. maybe alittle too much.but not much. The big thing is to make sure it's a Real c+ and not a fake or a upgrade..

Agreed, on both counts. I'm guessing around $2,000 would be about right. Get the serial number and read this if you haven't already:


You'll have little trouble selling it, but I'm not sure you'll re-coup all the money (if that's important to you).
Thanks for the help guy's, great link dodger thanks! My gut feeling was confirmed. The guy knows what he has and wants a premium, guess I can't blame him. No one likes to pay too much (even a little) but since I'll be holding on to it (AND PLAYING/ENJOYING IT!) it's not so much an issue. I'll just consider myself lucky to have found one, buy it and hope I never have to sell it. Thanks again guy's
Your man in Amsterdam
Elpelotero said:
For a bare bones 60w amp, that would be too much. BUT, this one has an EQ and an export transformer! If it had simul-class, that export transformer would be awesome. However, the amp would cost over 3k.

I think it's a good price and you won't regret it, nor have trouble selling it.

FYI, if it's something you were interested in knowing, simul-class makes it smoother and rounder, whereas the 60w is a lot punchier and raw. They both sound good though.

I would throw 4K into a clean Simul-EQ-Reverb-Export-Hardwood.

$ 2400 does not seem to bad. I think Octavarius got $ 3200-3300 for his DRG in tolex.
Thanks again guy's, I feel a lot better about buying this amp.It's funny I own a couple amps w/o reverb (brown deluxe, tiny terror, pro jr) and love them, but feel strange buying a boogie w/o it. Based on the feedback here there seems to be no problem selling an amp w/o rev. I do like having it. Both my Mk IIA & studio 22+ have it ( ok. ok I'm re-starting my boogie collection).

Hey Elpelotero, could you (or anyone) elaborate on the sonic differences btwn the x-tranny and the "domestic" you say "punchier" I must admit after 10min of tweeking I did get a sound like my IIA and they have the rep of being "punchy". My IIA has 60/100 and is "punchier" on the 100 setting is the "beefy" x-tranny resopsible for this?

also the guy insisted I set it to 240V when here in The Netherlands (Holland) the voltage is 220V and the amp has a 220V setting. Any idea's on this?

perhaps all these tranny questions are material for a new thred

Your man in Amsterdam
Dr Rob said:
Hey Elpelotero, could you (or anyone) elaborate on the sonic differences btwn the x-tranny and the "domestic" you say "punchier" I must admit after 10min of tweeking I did get a sound like my IIA and they have the rep of being "punchy". My IIA has 60/100 and is "punchier" on the 100 setting is the "beefy" x-tranny resopsible for this?

also the guy insisted I set it to 240V when here in The Netherlands (Holland) the voltage is 220V and the amp has a 220V setting. Any idea's on this?

there were three transformers offered on the C+:
100--less headroom, resulting in a smoother and rounder tone
105--most headroom, resulting in a very tight tone
X101 (export)--mix between the two. On simul-class, this transformer sounds the best when in Class A mode.

The Simul-class blurs the notes a little more and makes things all around smoother, creamier, and rounder. It's just the nature of it. When you have a regular 60w or 100/60 amp, you get a bit more "punch," rawness, and aggressiveness due to the lack of Simul-class. These differences are subtle and in no way change the identity of the C+; it will still sound like a C+. Each just has a slightly different flavor. Also note that all 60w C+'s do not offer the 105 transformer. You can only find it on the 100/60 or simul models.

I hope that answers some things. If not, please search for Boogiebabies thread "C+ for dummies." He can tell you much more.
I would say it is an X62 tranny.
I am not so sure that the 60W can be transformed into Simulclass, but surely Boogiebabies must know much more than me about that.

Pity, you cannot do the trick "100W with an 8ohm speaker plugged into an on 4ohm jack". Maybe, that could give you an approximation to the Simulclass sound.

On another hand, in continental Europe I would go for the 220 V or 230 V normally but, maybe, the advice to switch to 240 V and feed it with 220/230V could help get a "brownier" sound.

I apologize if I am saying a whole bunch of crap.
Thanks again to all who helped/gave opinions. I am now the new proud owner of 1396X (I see that not giving the last number is customary on this board. probably due to fraud issues. Any thoughts?)

After reading boogibabies excellent IIC+ for dummies imagine how stoked I was to see the intitials RCS below the power cord ( that sure softened the $2400 price tag)

So now that this thread has morphed into tranny issues ( should I maybe post it as a new thread so others can play/share?) how do I get the numbers from mine to determine which it is. I'm guessing I'll have to remove the chassis.

I am also wondering about adding re-verb but I will definitely start a new thread
your man in Amsterdam
Thanks again to all who helped/gave opinions. I am now the new proud owner of 1396X (I see that not giving the last number is customary on this board. probably due to fraud issues. Any thoughts?)

After reading boogibabies excellent IIC+ for dummies imagine how stoked I was to see the intitials RCS below the power cord ( that sure softened the $2400 price tag)

So now that this thread has morphed into tranny issues ( should I maybe post it as a new thread so others can play/share?) how do I get the numbers from mine to determine which it is. I'm guessing I'll have to remove the chassis.

I am also wondering about adding re-verb but I will definitely start a new thread
your man in Amsterdam
I stumbled across a 1983 price list, which spurred the finance major in me to calculate the "inflation adjusted" value of these amps. A fully-loaded simul IIC (not a plus) with hardwood cab cost $1,485 in 1983. (price list at bottom: http://homepage.mac.com/mesaboogie/IIC/IICLit.html) If we assume average annual inflation of 3% for 25 years, that same IIC would cost approximately $3,100 in todays dollars. So, a loaded IIC at less than $3k is a bargain!

If we assume $200 for the + upgrade in 1983 (assuming it was available, which it seems it wasn't in '83), the inflation adjusted C+ would cost about $3,528 in today's dollars...pretty much where the market seems to be. The finance major in me now feels better about paying so much for these amps! :wink:

Sad what 25+ years of finance and accounting can do to you. Music IS my therapy!!
dodger916 said:
Boogiebabies said:
I beleive there is a 60W export transformer, but I have not been able to get the number. It's about half as thick as the X101.

There is and I have one :D .

X62 162318 EIA 606-217


Thanks for verifing Frank. I had the number in the guide, but I had only been able to track down one of them.
igfraso said:
I would say it is an X62 tranny.
I am not so sure that the 60W can be transformed into Simulclass, but surely Boogiebabies must know much more than me about that.

Pity, you cannot do the trick "100W with an 8ohm speaker plugged into an on 4ohm jack". Maybe, that could give you an approximation to the Simulclass sound.

On another hand, in continental Europe I would go for the 220 V or 230 V normally but, maybe, the advice to switch to 240 V and feed it with 220/230V could help get a "brownier" sound.

I apologize if I am saying a whole bunch of crap.

The 60W power boards say 448V for the oncoming HV line. Under load there is no telling what the actual plate voltage would be, but adding two more tubes migh be too much of a load. The 100, 105 and X101 would be no problem. Also, I don't think I have ever played a Boogie that did not sound a bit sweeter using the 4 Ohm taps.
Boogiebabies said:
Elpelotero said:
For a bare bones 60w amp, that would be too much. BUT, this one has an EQ and an export transformer! If it had simul-class, that export transformer would be awesome. However, the amp would cost over 3k.

I think it's a good price and you won't regret it, nor have trouble selling it.

FYI, if it's something you were interested in knowing, simul-class makes it smoother and rounder, whereas the 60w is a lot punchier and raw. They both sound good though.

I would throw 4K into a clean Simul-EQ-Reverb-Export-Hardwood.

$ 2400 does not seem to bad. I think Octavarius got $ 3200-3300 for his DRG in tolex.

Nope, not me. I paid $1700 for mine, though. Still have it. :D
Thank you, Boogiebabies.
In case I was misunderstood (or my non-native English failed me without warning), I was not telling him to add 2 tubes.

He mentioned that he didn't have the Simulclass option and I meant to say: ...have you had a 100 Watter, you could have powered it to 100 W and use the 4 ohm jack. Since you can only run yours in 60 W, you won't be able to do that trick.

If I am not wrong, with an 8 ohm speaker, 60 W on a 4 ohm jack would be the equivalent of 100 W on an 8 ohm jack.
igfraso said:
Thank you, Boogiebabies.
In case I was misunderstood (or my non-native English failed me without warning), I was not telling him to add 2 tubes.

He mentioned that he didn't have the Simulclass option and I meant to say: ...have you had a 100 Watter, you could have powered it to 100 W and use the 4 ohm jack. Since you can only run yours in 60 W, you won't be able to do that trick.

If I am not wrong, with an 8 ohm speaker, 60 W on a 4 ohm jack would be the equivalent of 100 W on an 8 ohm jack.

Upon double checking my reply, I realize it could be not very clear.
It should be read as this:

Thank you, Boogiebabies (for the explanation of the 60W and the Simulclass).

In case I was misunderstood on my 100W/4 ohm mismatch, I was not telling Dr. Rob to add 2 tubes.
He mentioned that he didn't have the Simulclass option and I meant to say: ...have you had a 100 Watter, you could have powered it to 100 W and use the 4 ohm jack. Since you can only run yours in 60 W, you won't be able to do that trick.

If I am not wrong, with an 8 ohm speaker, 60 W on a 4 ohm jack would be the equivalent of 100 W on an 8 ohm jack.
dodger916 said:
Sad what 25+ years of finance and accounting can do to you. Music IS my therapy!!

Preaching to the choir. Today was a long day as far as accounting and finance goes for me... just BLASTED my mark III for an hour.

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