I turned my MK IV up to ten last night

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2008
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Coastal Maine
Holy Sh#t. I almost always play in class A with the volume at about 8 tops. Well last nights jam turned into a chugfest and I am breaking in a new 4x12 so I went for it...full power...simulclass....volume on TEN.....unreal!

I have been thrilled since the first time I plugged into this amp and I have had it cranked up pretty loud through my recto 2x12. Never to ten though. The V30s start to fart out at about 6 and I don't want to blow them, not to mention that is a pretty rediculous amount of volume already. Well my new cab which I selected the speakers for handles it no problem. I was less than 8 feet away from it and no feedback, the other guitar player plays a 5150 and he can barely be in the same room with it or it feeds back. BTW; the MK IV and 5150 sound absolutely tits together. The other guitar player called me out because I spent the whole night staring at my rig :lol: :lol: :lol:

I still buy amps to see if there is a tone that is more for me than the IV, I have tried Oranges, other Mesas, a BadCat and nothing has dethroned it. I actually have another BadCat coming this week (HotCat) when will I learn :lol:

I have my gains on 8-9 fat pulled and no bright= tone, tone, tone.
Anyone else diming there IV's
I once dimed all 3 volumes on my C+ combo plugged into my 4x12 in a friend's backyard. I have never heard such a thing in my life, nor will I ever.
Elpelotero said:
I once dimed all 3 volumes on my C+ combo plugged into my 4x12 in a friend's backyard. I have never heard such a thing in my life, nor will I ever.

... because you are now deaf? :lol:
I used to play with my MKIV dimed all the time. Now that I've moved I can't really do it or the neighbours try to kill me. But yeah, it's tons of fun :)
Wow, thats a ton of gain with the master dimed. I got to crank mine to 11 a couple times at my warehouse with a full stack. Now will somebody answer that damned phone? :lol:
i play my mark IV in full/simul/triode usually...sometimes pentode..either way, master volume on 3, channel volume on 3 = near hearing loss...to loud to gig at any bar in my town..i cannot even fuckin imagine going all out.
Fronzil said:
i play my mark IV in full/simul/triode usually...sometimes pentode..either way, master volume on 3, channel volume on 3 = near hearing loss...to loud to gig at any bar in my town..i cannot even f%&# imagine going all out.
I can't imagine any reason why I would actually play that way. Just wanted to know what it was capable of with 8 speakers that could handle that much a$$. I think it killed the grass outside. :lol:
ryjan said:
Fronzil said:
i play my mark IV in full/simul/triode usually...sometimes pentode..either way, master volume on 3, channel volume on 3 = near hearing loss...to loud to gig at any bar in my town..i cannot even f%&# imagine going all out.
I can't imagine any reason why I would actually play that way. Just wanted to know what it was capable of with 8 speakers that could handle that much a$$. I think it killed the grass outside. :lol:

haha oh don't get me wrong...i said I can't imagine it, but give the chance I'd do it in a heartbeat \m/
Well this particular jam is in a huge barn, all wide open. I have tried diming most of the amps I have owned there. It is bearable, almost like playing outside. I was really surprized at how well the tone held up. I even did the full V on the eq, no mids, and it sounded great, no flub at all. I didn't play at that volume all night. I prefer the class A tone for solos with the pre at half and the master anywhere from 5-8. I thought I would have to roll back the gain but it wasn't an issue, I left everything where it sits.
It's funny, I have read so much about the IV, all the praises and complaints. It seems people can't get along with it because there is so much to tweak. I set mine up the day I got it and have barely touched a thing.
I set mine up the day I got it and have barely touched a thing.[/quote]

I change mine around all the time... just because I can 8)

I have turned mine up pretty loud, but never dimed. I dont normally go past 2 on the Output, with channel Masters about 3-4 and its too loud. I have a huge problem with being too anal about having a good mix as a band, and with another guitarist and bassist who feel its necessary to be OVERWHELMING LOUD AT ALL TIMES....kinda angers me when I have my rig which is normally too loud, being drowned out by shitty guitar tones and NOISE. :? Like, when you cant hear the kick drum or toms, and the drummer is beating the living HELL out of them.... :x
Yeah, some people are just too loud for anyone's good.

I've dimed my IV on various Class A settings to get some breakup from the 6L6s, but I don't think I've ever brought it up past 4 or 5 on either of the Simul-Class settings. I have channel volumes around 5 on all three, and I normally don't have to bring the Master higher than 2 or 3 because it's just plain loud.

But yeah, it holds its tone really well. Very consistent, even with the power amp breakup.
dwsabianguy said:
Yeah, some people are just too loud for anyone's good.

after our last show, when I got more complaints about our mix than compliments....

nothing mic'd (except vox, of course)....my amp on about 1.5-2 Output....the bass and other guitarist must have been wayyyy too loud.

if you cant tell that you are way too **** loud, something is wrong. take the earplugs out and stand out in front of your amp. it irks me so badly that I'll try to tell the other guys to turn down a bit and they just look at me like im crazy.
bryan_kilco said:
dwsabianguy said:
Yeah, some people are just too loud for anyone's good.

after our last show, when I got more complaints about our mix than compliments....

nothing mic'd (except vox, of course)....my amp on about 1.5-2 Output....the bass and other guitarist must have been wayyyy too loud.

if you cant tell that you are way too **** loud, something is wrong. take the earplugs out and stand out in front of your amp. it irks me so badly that I'll try to tell the other guys to turn down a bit and they just look at me like im crazy.

the singer in my old band threatened to punch our bass player in the middle of a set a couple months ago because the bass player told him he was to loud, and that he was gonna turn his amp down...the drummer bassist and I ditched the singer and made a new band haha..
all high gain amps sound like **** with the volume dimed.

you're old marshalls, and old fenders where your distortion is comming from the power amp,
thats a different story.

but boogies, no way.
When I demoed the Mark IV I bought, the guy was running the o/p at 6 and master at 3 or 4. I was literally 4 ft from the amp and thanks to his ISP decimator rack, there was no feedback. But the amp was tight and sounded fantastic. Needless to say within the next 3 hrs, I was a proud owner. :mrgreen:

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