I turned my MK IV up to ten last night

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bryan_kilco said:
I have turned mine up pretty loud, but never dimed. I dont normally go past 2 on the Output, with channel Masters about 3-4 and its too loud. I have a huge problem with being too anal about having a good mix as a band, and with another guitarist and bassist who feel its necessary to be OVERWHELMING LOUD AT ALL TIMES....kinda angers me when I have my rig which is normally too loud, being drowned out by sh!t guitar tones and NOISE. :? Like, when you cant hear the kick drum or toms, and the drummer is beating the living HELL out of them.... :x

Sounds all too familiar. Everybody really should work their stage levels according to how loud the drummer is playing. And if its a band that loves to drink and play, there will be a tendency to turn it up. The audience perspective is never wrong. Its a gradual learning process with full of compromises to put up with and that determines whether the band is amateur or pro.
emperor_black said:
When I demoed the Mark IV I bought, the guy was running the o/p at 6 and master at 3 or 4. I was literally 4 ft from the amp. :mrgreen:

i almost don't believe you haha..that could kill someone.
:mrgreen: when I was in a band, I had the level at noon on the uber metal pedal into a MXR 10 band with both level AND gain max'd into a carvin TS100 100 watt tube power amp o/p dimed. That was the only way I could play above my 350lb drummer. :lol: And I was 4 or 5 ft from my cab. I think I've lost some if not most of my hearing. :?

Fronzil said:
emperor_black said:
When I demoed the Mark IV I bought, the guy was running the o/p at 6 and master at 3 or 4. I was literally 4 ft from the amp. :mrgreen:

i almost don't believe you haha..that could kill someone.
All too funny. Last night I jammed with some buddies and we got to cranking the volumes 2 or 3 songs in. It turned into a friendly competition and my IV and 2x12 recto owned a drummer, 4x10 bass rig, and a Line6 half stack... on tweed. \m/
ya my 85 watt IV into my recto 2x12 will eaaasily keep up with my buddies 100w marshall jcm tsl into his 4x12..boogie voltage ratings (i think thats what im lookin for haha) are off the charts..a single rectifier can destroy many 100w amps for loudness, based on my limited experience with em..the IV is an entirely different beast.
First post - The highest I've ever had my MKIVa/EV combo was 8 at full power (ind. masters were probably only on 3-4 though) at a show in a huge VFW hall This band was insanely loud and I was constantly trying to get the rest of them to turn down, which was futile. The thing is, depending on the room, a full band stage mix starts to sound like crap after a certain level of SPL is reached, a level we were often well above.
Well, I tried it the other day on Triode Simul-Class and didn't really like it - power amp distortion by my experience with Mark-series amps tends to make them a little thin sounding if there's more than a light distortion from the preamp. I did get a lot of cool feedback tones, though.

But just tonight, I had a friend over and I decided to make it go as loud as I could without losing punch - I used the JP IV settings taken from his website, with no Pull Shift, EQ on, channel volume at 5, Pentode Simul-Class, and Master at 3 through a 412. It is in fact the loudest amp I've ever heard. But there's a 1974 JMP on top of an old "pyramid" Fender Bassman cab (coolest thing I've ever seen) that'll give my Mark IV a run for its money.
how loud would I have to play in order to blow my speakers in a 2x12 recto cab? and how do you even tell if speakers are blown? i know if it sounds botchy as hell and all distorted they probably are, but can you damage them only slightly? and not full on blown?

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