I think i've got a dodgy speaker in my tremoverb combo...

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tremoverb nick

Active member
Aug 21, 2006
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Had a gig the other day and it was a large venue..decided to use my dual rec 2x12 cab along with my tremoverb combo.

Jeeez!!!! the sound quality with the cab (as well as the combo speakers) was so clear and sparkly!

I'm beginning to wonder if there's a duff speaker in the combo...

Might this be the case?
tremoverb nick said:
Had a gig the other day and it was a large venue..decided to use my dual rec 2x12 cab along with my tremoverb combo.

Jeeez!!!! the sound quality with the cab (as well as the combo speakers) was so clear and sparkly!

I'm beginning to wonder if there's a duff speaker in the combo...

Might this be the case?

Ok...checked all speakers with multimeter. All good on 2x12 recto cab and combo...

Here's what I discoverered tho..
The speakers in the combo are 16ohm each ...so its gets plugged in to 8ohm socket?
The speakers in the recto cab are 8ohms each..so goes into 4ohm socket??

Please advise folks! It's driving me insane:'(