i think i screwed up

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Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
tampa bay area
:oops: ok here's the deal.....i was jammin out one day on my dual rec solo head and had to run out and do something, thought i hit standby at least and totally forgot about the amp being on.....was probably on for a few days before it clicked in my head that i forgot to shut it off :oops: ......now it won't do ANYTHING....the little red light on the front won't come on, nothin.....i checked the fuse and it's still intact and that's about the extent of my knowledge of tube amps.......please tell me i can maybe change out the tubes or something and everything might be cool or did i really screw up???
Yeah. Change the fuse first and go from there. If it "burned out" rather than popped, it might look like it is fine but not be conducting anymore.
i'll be damned......i've been playing music, recording, running sound, and working on all my buddies rigs for going on 15 years now and was done in by a **** fuse....lol.....next time i'll quit overthinking the problem and start with the basics cause i kinda feel like a dumbass now.....just a little.....thanks guys
Hey man, that's what we're here for - to answer questions. Don't feel like a dumbass! We all have done silly things like that...