I never really understood what it was all about until now

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Mar 27, 2008
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I have been a Peavey 5150/6505+ user for about five and a half years. For the last year though, I really wasn't happy with the amp and was researching for a new one. I finally decided on a Stiletto Ace 2X12 combo. Besides the fact that it sounds awesome and looks great, the things that came with the amp really caught me off guard. The fact that it came with a very nice cover, a bag for the footswitch, removable casters (GREAT idea), and all of the documentation in a plastic folder just astounded me. I'm sure most of you have known about this for a long time, but me being new to Mesa/Boogie, I was really surprised. I have heard that Mesa is a great company to deal with, and now I really understand why. Kudos to Mr. Smith and company for the great job. Not only are their amps light years ahead of the competition, their customer service is, too. If other companies even did half as much as Mesa Engineering, I bet the amp industry would be very different.
Yup. Mesa is a real class act. From well-engineered/crafted/durable amps, to customer service, to support of even the oldest of amp-ware, these guys stand behind their stuff. A few companies my approach this level, but it's rare.

And if I may read into them from my past experiences, for Mesa to be so highly attentive even when they no longer are the "little guy who has to establish themselves" but a large company rivaling top manufacturers, this says much about their business ethic and "who" they are as people. Not all their products are golden, but their work ethic certainly is ...IMHO :)

Oh, and welcome to the fold!

That's a good point...they don't have to be as attentive any more because they have established themselves so much, but they still are.

Thanks for the welcome too :D happy to be here
Mesa is more like a family . Ive been using Mesa gear exclusively since 1980 and know the guys there pretty well . Met Randall last year and had a good chat with him . He said some very kind words to me and thanked me many times over for trusting them with my tone for nearly 30 years now . Ive been treated very well by them and feel like part of the family .
That sums it pretty well. I have yet to deal with them, as I just got the amp, but from the sounds of everyone else's experiences, I bet I will be treated well.

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