i just bought DR#670 !!!

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
I just won an Ebay Auction for DR#670. I paid 1225 USD for it, do you think i made a good deal ??? I though such an early model would go higher, and it has a chrome chasis, not black, so it is kind of a custom amp. I've been playing #11950 for 7 years now and love it. I know it is not a Pre-500 i just bought but i hope to get an even better tone with this early model. When i have it i will A/B test them and let you know about it
Great amp! Let us know what you think about it when it arrives. I think you paid the fair market price + or - $50. Congrats! :D
When you get it home you will have to let us know how you like it and how it compares to your Rev. G. The one you just bought is more than likely a Rev. F.
i'm pretty sure it is an F, it is supposed to be a 1992 with small logo, attached power cord,series loop, and a switch at the back that i beleive to be a ground swith.
I need some advise please. I'm new to Ebay and the way this guy asks me to pay makes me feel uncomfortable, i'm affraid to get scammed. After i won the auction he sent me an email (through Ebay) saying that he is sorry but he has a problem with his Paypal account and i'm going to have to send him money through Western Union. The guy has excellent feedback, someting like 2000 sales with 99.8% but all small amounts
I said i wanted to use a credit card so he is proposing i send 999$ (maximum amount that can be transfered via Western Union), than he will ship the amp and l will pay the rest only when i receive it. I also find it bizare that the Ebay agent for the transaction is in London, UK ????
Am I too suspiscious ????
dont do it if it says use western transfer never do it!!! you cant get your money back with paypal if theres some thing wrong you can do some thing about it

here it is

i'm concerned about getting scammed but at the same time i.m not sure i have to be since this guy has such positive feedback

txs for your advise
Don't do it! RevF's come up all the time on ebay for comparable prices to what you paid. This sounds really fishy...you can always bid on another amp...I would have him fix his paypal account and then get back to you. You have no protection w/ western union. Also, a scammer could have hacked someones account, and is getting you to send western union so that they can rip you off. Paypal or nothing is my advice.
i appreciate your help,
i told him i will not go through this unless i can use Paypal, this is a real deception for me... Anyone who has a 1992 DR for sale please contact me, i will buy if the price is ok with the market value

If you are worried about the scam thing (I would be) and have some time for a long but funny read, I strongly suggest this thread:


It is a long read but worth every second of it for anyone who has wanted to take action on some of the obvious fakes out on the flea bay. If memory is good (often not) Western Union plays a role in this fine story.

Hope the auction was legit. Looks nice!
If he has a problem with his Paypal account then why did he put that he accepts Paypal on his auction. Sounds like a hack scam to me. Get his phone # and give him a call.
well, he doesn't reply to my last email ??? the only other mail he did not answer was when i asked where he got the amp from and how old were the tubes. Now i'm pretty sure this was a scam.
The email could be a scam, but the auction could be real. I had an *** send me an email on a Bogner Uberschall I made an offer on, but didn't win. The email looked just like an ebay email, but asked me to pay outside of ebay. It was a second chance offer. But it was not showing up on ebay. Send your questions through ebay and the auction itself and see what's up. Use the "Ask the Seller a Question" function. The seller may just be waiting patiently for you to pay so he can ship it out, not knowing about this scam.

BTW, I'm not the seller, so I'm not trying to finish hooking you on a scam. :wink:
any word yet on what is going on? i am another one who says never buy anything on ebay without paypal. i always use it for safety reason.

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