I have just had an epiphany

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
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I just realized that my mark III is a simulclass ! I've had it for almost 3 years, and just realized this. The realization came from this RT ad: http://www.rig-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=73106

My mark III looks exactly like that, all the same format, same switches, red stripe etc. Except it doesn't have that placard on the back that says simul-class. But, I looked on the back of my amp where that should be, and i see a little square of glue the size of the card. So I guess my III had that card (before I bought it) but it got taken off, or fell off sore something. But my amp looks exactly like that one. So yay! My amp is simulclass.

EDIT: Anyone know where I can get another one of those placards? So when i sell my mark iii people know it's really simul. Fuckk, all this time i've been wishing i could put el 34's in it, i could have all along.
xT00BZRG00Dx said:
I just realized that my mark III is a simulclass ! I've had it for almost 3 years, and just realized this. The realization came from this RT ad: http://www.rig-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=73106

My mark III looks exactly like that, all the same format, same switches, red stripe etc. Except it doesn't have that placard on the back that says simul-class. But, I looked on the back of my amp where that should be, and i see a little square of glue the size of the card. So I guess my III had that card (before I bought it) but it got taken off, or fell off sore something. But my amp looks exactly like that one. So yay! My amp is simulclass.

Now go down and buy some sylvania 6ca7 tubes and plug them in the outer sockets , you will like it, a very unik sound. :D
cremona said:
xT00BZRG00Dx said:
I just realized that my mark III is a simulclass ! I've had it for almost 3 years, and just realized this. The realization came from this RT ad: http://www.rig-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=73106

My mark III looks exactly like that, all the same format, same switches, red stripe etc. Except it doesn't have that placard on the back that says simul-class. But, I looked on the back of my amp where that should be, and i see a little square of glue the size of the card. So I guess my III had that card (before I bought it) but it got taken off, or fell off sore something. But my amp looks exactly like that one. So yay! My amp is simulclass.

Now go down and buy some sylvania 6ca7 tubes and plug them in the outer sockets , you will like it, a very unik sound. :D
I would, but I am gonna sell my baby. I love the thing but i have gotten a bit tired of it, and i want something more modern. I am gonna buy a VHT Ultra Lead instead.
Does your amp have a Simul-Class/Class A switch?

Or a 100w/50w switch?

screamingdaisy said:
Does your amp have a Simul-Class/Class A switch?

Or a 100w/50w switch?

It looks exactly like the one in the ad. Every switch, every knob is exactly the same as mine. It has a Half power full power switch.
screamingdaisy said:
xT00BZRG00Dx said:
It looks exactly like the one in the ad. Every switch, every knob is exactly the same as mine. It has a Half power full power switch.

Half-Power/Full-Power is a non-Simul Class power section.
The amp in the ad has the half power full power switch and its a simulclass
. And my amp has an empty square of glue where this should be:
xT00BZRG00Dx said:
The amp in the ad has the half power full power switch and its a simulclass
. And my amp has an empty square of glue where this should be

Does your amp have the Simul-Class/Class A switch in the back?
These are from the ad:






I have my mark iii head right next to me and every single aspect about that one is the same as mine. All the same switches on front, presence same place, same back panel. That is the exact same amp as me except it has el34's. And that simulclass label. But you can tell mine used to have that same label on back because there is some leftover glue residue in the same place the label would be. My amp has everything you see in these pics.
xT00BZRG00Dx said:
I have my mark iii head right next to me and every single aspect about that one is the same as mine. All the same switches on front, presence same place, same back panel. That is the exact same amp as me except it has el34's. And that simulclass label. But you can tell mine used to have that same label on back because there is some leftover glue residue in the same place the label would be. My amp has everything you see in these pics.

Fair enough. It's your amp. Stick some EL34s in it...
Post some pics of your amp and maybe someone here can properly identify what it is. Sounds like it could be a 100/50 or a Simul-class.
JOEY B. said:
Pull the chassis and look at the code stamped into the output transformer to be absoluely sure. Is it 562003?
which is the output? sorry i''ma noob.
There is 4 transformer looking things. One says 561100 (the big one located on the side of the GEQ), one says 550381 (located behind the big one, small), one says 550165 (small one behind powertubes), and the ot says 560033.
JOEY B. said:
Can you post a picture of the inside of the amp? A shot of the outer tube sockets will tell the tale. The original simul OT # is 562003 for the Mark III.
Unfortunatly, I have no camera. Well, I have one, but i lost the charger. What should I look for in the out tube sockets?
I would hang onto the beast. The III can keep up with just about any amp out there today. I would experiment with different tubes. Doing just that can change it into a whole new amp. What kind of tones are you looking for these days that makes you want to get rid of it?

Neptical said:
I would hang onto the beast. The III can keep up with just about any amp out there today. I would experiment with different tubes. Doing just that can change it into a whole new amp. What kind of tones are you looking for these days that makes you want to get rid of it?

More modern metal tones. This amp does the thrash great. But i want a nice and shiny, new amp, with seperate eq's and switching on the fly. I will get another one some day, I just want something different for now. I plan on getting a VHT Pittbull Ultra Lead or CLX. So guys, is it a simul class or not? I wish I could know before I sell it.
xT00BZRG00Dx said:
JOEY B. said:
Can you post a picture of the inside of the amp? A shot of the outer tube sockets will tell the tale. The original simul OT # is 562003 for the Mark III.
Unfortunatly, I have no camera. Well, I have one, but i lost the charger. What should I look for in the out tube sockets?
A small 1/4 watt resistor connecting pin 5 and pin 8. It will be light blue in color. Count the power tube pins starting at the tube socket keyway, and then clokwise.

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