I have a popping noise when I switch channels.

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2009
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Hi guys. I'm new to this board and just bought a used trip recto and cab. I have a popping noise when I switch channels. I've ruled out the pedal as i tried another one. I think its coming from the amp. Is there anyway to fix this myself? Is it something dirty inside? Can someone point me inthe right direction?
Turn the amp on, leave it standby, click through all the channels several times to discharge all of the built up electricity, and then finally turn on and play. It should work
mastora said:
I have a popping noise when I switch channels.
That should be the subject line of your thread. It will help others with the same problem who search the forum if you edit it.
like someone said they always pop when you first turn it out but it could also be your tubes if it keeps happening
while on standby flick through the channels, ending with channel 2. then flick her on and you should be good to go
Thank you all for your help....I've been playing since the '80's and have have a solid state amp for a long time and I'm not familiar with tube stuff.
Thanks again for your help!!

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