How well can the ED do SRV ?

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Thanks for the good info guys.

I use 11 gauge strings currently and will get some 12s soon. I have been playing and practicing SRV songs for many years and am pretty sure I can get my fingers to move like they need to, but is does take the right gear. It just occured to me that SRV had some thing like 5 or 7 guitars that he mostly used, but he had in excess of 30 amps. The Fender Vibroverb probably being the signature tone that everyone knows. He had EV 15" speakers in those Vibroverb combos.

So far the best SRV tone I have had was with a Fender Custom Vibrolux. That is one cool amp, based on the old blackface Fender circuits that were used in the Super reverb, vibroverb and Deluxe type amps.I just can't get near that sound with my Express.

I was at the shop again today and had the 2x12 ED side by side with the Fender 65 Duluxe reverb re-issue (DRRI). The ED can get very close, but has a fuller sound and a bit less top end sparkle than the DRRI. I also plugged into a 1x12 Express to get a reference. Sure enough, the Express has a rolled off top end like the presence is set to 1.

I'm guessing that one big difference between the DRRI and the ED is the speaker setup. Jensen C12K vs Celestion V30. The V30 although bright sounding just does not seem to have an extended top, the harmonics are just not there. For low volume playing the DRRI is probably a better choice, it seems to sound great at any volume. The ED just gets better as the volume goes up.

Since I am wanting a better amp for giging and need the amp to work my Les paul, I am pretty sure I will be getting an ED head very soon. I'll probably also get a DRRI (but not for a long time !) for home playing where I can pretent to be SRV as long as my family can't hear me :D

On another note, does having to have the reverb on for clean and low gain or clean and high gain bother anyone ? I would prefere to be able to have reverb on only for clean mode, but the ED just doesn't work like that.
skunizzi said:
No amp will magically turn you into SRV. If you are looking in to an amp to get the tone you need thats a start, but I would look into your playing technique and tone in the hands first. I think that will go much further in capturing that magic SRV tone than a amp ever will.
Ok, I plugged my Strat into my ED and I was magically transformed into SRV!!... Ok maybe not, but at medium gain levels, with my Texas Specials from the late 90s, it gets the SRV vibe going fairly well.
J.J said:
On another note, does having to have the reverb on for clean and low gain or clean and high gain bother anyone ? I would prefere to be able to have reverb on only for clean mode, but the ED just doesn't work like that.

There is a hidden reverb control jack on the underside of the chassis.
Yes, but as I understand it you need to run an additional footswitch to use that and it is only a reverb mute. I would like to have reverb on for clean mode and off for the gain modes, but not have to hit two foot switches.
I've got a head cold, so I'm not going to try to figure out the details. Here's the idea, though: install another 1/4" jack in the foot switch that connects to the reverb jack. Have it set so that the reverb is muted in the Vintage setting and audible in the Clean setting.
With some work it can be done as you say, I just didn't want to have to go to the trouble to do that when mesa could have done it for me :D
I would prefer a reverb setting for clean only as well. Honestly, I think the reverb sound on the ED is not the best. It sounds a little thin and splashy to me. I shut it off and use my RV7 pedal in the loop.
Yes, the reverb does sound like that to me as well. For me it depends on what I am playing as to if I like it or not. There seems to be somewhat of a compromise with the reverb in that the classic American (Fender) type reverb usually sounds quite deep and complex to me and the British sound is more splashy, bright and maybe wet sounding.

The ED reverb control is very powerfull and comes in fast. I am liking the reverb set to about 8:30 to 9:00. That gives me a nice clean tone with some great SRV vibe. What I didn't expect was that the Vintage high gets a real edge to it and is giving me some sreaming blues tones like Freddy King and at bedroom volume.

By the way, I ended up with a medium ED head paired with an Express 1x12 cab (23"). The Express cab is almost identical to the ED 1x12, but the front is different. I like the look of the Express cab a little better. The reason I went that way though was I wanted an open back cab that is easy to carry and the shop offered me the Expess cab for a great price. I would have gone for the short 1x12 combo as it is open back, but the weight turned me off.
I have found that in order to use the reverb on the drive channels, I have to give it some volume. Typically louder then what most would call bedroom volume.

I agree about wanting to set the reverb for clean only as well. I was a little perterbed that I had to keep it on for one of the drive channels.
primal said:
I have found that in order to use the reverb on the drive channels, I have to give it some volume. Typically louder then what most would call bedroom volume.

I agree about wanting to set the reverb for clean only as well. I was a little perterbed that I had to keep it on for one of the drive channels.

Just footswitch the reverb off when you change to OD.
bradg said:
primal said:
I have found that in order to use the reverb on the drive channels, I have to give it some volume. Typically louder then what most would call bedroom volume.

I agree about wanting to set the reverb for clean only as well. I was a little perterbed that I had to keep it on for one of the drive channels.

Just footswitch the reverb off when you change to OD.
Is there a certain brand of type of footswitch that works best for reverb on and off?

Back to the ED- SRV topic, of course no one can sound like SRV, but my Strat sure sounds excellent through my ED!
I don't know, it may be spliting hairs, sure no one can be SRV, but sounding like SRV and getting SRV tone is possible. Like is the key word there.

Now that I have had my ED for a good few weeks and have had a chance to play it through different speakers, take it to a few rehersals and jams I think I have a pretty good idea about how it sounds.

The ED has the magic :shock: I can get the SRV tones I have been looking for. Even at low volumes it does a good job, but get the those 6L6 tubes singing and WOW. My three Strats now all sound very distinct and my Tele sounds like I think it always should have.

I took my Express to a jam today. I decided to keep the Express as a grab and go amp as it has so many sounds and is a very decent amp. The whole jam though, I was missing the ED and kept fiddling with everything trying to get my tone back. I had forgotten about Mesa tweak land, but certainly didn't miss it.

My conclusion therefore is that the ED with the right Strat and speaker can do very good SRV tones. The rest is up to the hands !
My idea of SRV tone though is the Texas Flood album and that was primarily done With a Fender Vibroverbs a Dumble. I think the later dirtier tones are probably there too, probably in vintage low gain mode, but have not spent much time looking for those yet.
Great find Man 8) Wish I has seen that before I bought my ED, would have helped me make up my mind faster.

That is the proof that the ED has the Texas tone in it. I am getting a very similar tone from my setup, except that guy can play better :mrgreen: With the exception of the Lonestar I have not been able to get there with any of the other current Mesa amps, but I didn't like the lonestar with my Les Paul.

Pity SRV never had an ED...