how to hook up a big mean wall of sound

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Dec 29, 2007
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i have three boogies. is there away to hook all of them up with out a amp selector? i like the tone of all of them but i just want a big bad ridiculous rig. could i use the direct line out and the effects loop to get this set up? i dont want to hurt my boogies, so i had to ask. i like to run my studio 22+ with a fender satellite in the effect loop. if i wanted that tone and effects to go to my other amps, could i do this with a amp selector? im only doing this to make my bass players hair stand up when we play. he thinks he is so cool with his all his low end and power. ill show him. just a joke. i do want to run all my amps together.

thanks for the tone help
Justin Gurnsey
boogie studio 22+ EQ reverb 1x12 22w
boogie mkIIA 1x12 60w
boogie mkIII purple EQ reverb 1x12 60/100w
fender satellite powered ext. cab dsp pre amp effects
too many guitars to list, but most are fuji gen gakki ibanez and squiers
If you wanna use the preamp of all three amps, and you want use them at the same time, then no other way around it but to get amp switcher. Cheaper route would be to use 2 stereo effect boxes, like Boss CH-1 or DD-3.

i know i can use a amp selector. i just want the pre amp of the studio 22+ with the fender satellite in the effects loop, and the power of the mkII and mkIII. is that some thing i can do with the direct line out of the studio 22+?
thanks for the input. that sounds like what im looking for. i didnt want to try with out asking first.
i hooked up two amps but the third would not give sound. just like i wanted the studio 22+ with the fender satellite in fx loop, direct out into the mkIII effect send. that worked. i then whent from the direct out of the mkIII into the preamp out and power in of the mkII, but no sound out of the mkII. then i went from the 22+ into the preamp out and poweramp in on the mkII that worked,and sounds sweet. i tryed to go from the slave out on the mkII in the effect send of mkIII, and got no sound out of the mkIII. my mkII does not have effect loop. it just has 1/4 input that is maked preamp out poweramp in,and a 1/4 input that is marked slave. no effect send or return. is this the problem? if i cant run all three thats cool. i like the way the 22+ and mkII sound together. the 22+ and mkIII had a lot of hiss and hum. is the mkIII purple stripe known for having a noise effect loop? i think the next step for my wall of tone will be a amp selector to hook up the mkIII and the 22+ with the mkII hooked into each other. maybe just use the mkIII for some dirt and the other for my clean. i also have a hand built custom head that is based off of a 59 bassman with a home built 2x12 cab with greenbacks in it. what to do with that one? i think i should just be happy with this set up of the boogies, but that hand built amp just sound so good. i think i have a tone problem, i want to much
You said:

(..."my mkII does not have effect loop. it just has 1/4 input that is marked preamp out poweramp in,and a 1/4 input that is marked slave...")

"Pre-amp Out" is effect SEND and "Power Amp In" is RETURN.
"Slave" and "Direct" are OUTPUTS (Some have volume/level controls).
"SEND" is "TO" (i.e., TO the SFX).
"RETURN" is "FROM" (i.e., FROM the SFX).
Stay with me, here.

In other words, don't plug a "Direct/Slave Out" into an "Effect Send" or connect a "Power Amp In" to "Effect Return".

Try running the SLAVE/DIRECT OUT from the 22+/SFX into the EFFECT RETURN of the MkII. This bypasses the front end (pre-amp) of the MkII, making the power amp of the MkII the "SLAVE" of the 22+/SFX.

Similarly, you can daisy-chain the SLAVE/DIRECT OUT of the MkII to the EFFECT RETURN of the MkIII.

Be sure to start with low settings of the SLAVE/DIRECT OUT level controls (if available). The signal is fairly hot.

Remember, the only controls on the MkII and III that will work are the Master Volumes.
(Maybe the Presence and Graphic??? I don't recall).

Now all you have to worry about is the horrendous hum from the ground loops.
Thanks Mr. MKIII for the reply, but im still a little lost. the way i have it hooked up now sounded great, but if it could hurt my amps i dont want to run it this way. i dont see anything on the mkII that says effect return or send. i have one jack that that says preamp out / poweramp in. this is what i plugged the direct out from the 22+. will that jack act as both preamp out / poweramp in? it worked like everyone said it would, the tone from my 22+ and satellite went to the mkII, and only the master vol would work for the mkII. i have taken the mkIII out of the mix it has some bad hum from the effects loop. i will just A/B the two rigs. some one help me im so lost.
Try a parallel "Y" shielded instrument cable plugged into the direct out of the Studio 22. Then you can run one side of the Y to the MkII just like you have already done. The other side of the Y can be run to the effects return jack on the MkIII. You may have to lift the ground on one or more of the amps to eliminate ground loop hum. :D I know all about big walls of sound and wiring nightmares.
Yeah, that single jack labeled "pre-amp out/power amp in" is like an insert on a mixer. The old Musicman amps had effects loops like this. This single jack (a stereo jack) functions as both "SEND" and "RETURN".
You need a Hosa STP204 - 13.2' Insert Cable with (1) TRS to (2) TS Connector.
You'll have to experiment to find out which TS connector is "SEND" and which is "RETURN".
Get 'em at Sweetwater, Guitar Center, etc.
Hosa probably makes a regular "Y" cable, too. That's one TS plug on one end going to TWO TS plugs on the other end. NOT the same as an insert cable.
All of this is why I wish I played the trumpet. :D
From the MkII users manual:

A Pre Amp Out - Pwr Amp In jack is located on the bottom of the chassis and provides access to the junction
of the preamp and the output power amp. With it, another Boogie can be linked up (Slave Out of
the first amp to Pwr Amp In of the second), or it an allow you to use the Boogie as a preamp only.

This jack is not a stereo jack. In the picture it is the one on the left. The stereo jack on the right is for the EQ/Reverb footswitch.

Joey B.
please help me understand this.

According to the metal plate on the Mark IIA, it seems that the MkIIA has a sort of effects loop.

The metal plate that is glued to the cabinet of the amp says:
- Effects send: jack on bottom left of the chassis
- Effects return: Pwr Amp In jack on rear panel

This is a surprise to me.
Have you ever tried this?
Answering the original question, I'm running two IIC+'s in stereo via an RJM Music Y-Not. The cool thing about this box is that you can use your existing Mesa/Boogie "EQ/REV" footswitch to operate the A+B, A or B switching. It's the biggest sound I've ever heard.

zodiac272 said:
is that a 1x15 under your C+ head


Yo Scott... Yes, it is a 1x15 guitar cab with an EV(!!!). I bought this from Steve Miller (yeah, that one) and the sound is so massive for an open back cab. It sounds huge alone or with another cab like the 2x12.
justin gurnsey said:
i have three boogies. is there away to hook all of them up with out a amp selector? i like the tone of all of them but i just want a big bad ridiculous rig. could i use the direct line out and the effects loop to get this set up? i dont want to hurt my boogies, so i had to ask. i like to run my studio 22+ with a fender satellite in the effect loop. if i wanted that tone and effects to go to my other amps, could i do this with a amp selector? im only doing this to make my bass players hair stand up when we play. he thinks he is so cool with his all his low end and power. ill show him. just a joke. i do want to run all my amps together.

thanks for the tone help
Justin Gurnsey
boogie studio 22+ EQ reverb 1x12 22w
boogie mkIIA 1x12 60w
boogie mkIII purple EQ reverb 1x12 60/100w
fender satellite powered ext. cab dsp pre amp effects
too many guitars to list, but most are fuji gen gakki ibanez and squiers

the easiest way i can think of is using a splitter to the input of the amps (the mesas), then using a mini-mixer to 'sum' the effects send (or slave out) of the mesas, then connecting the out of the mixer to the fender satellite so all the amps share the effects of the fender. just watch out for ground loops.