How to drain Caps

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Im going to attempt to preform the Series FX loop mod on my rectoverb. Ive read that to drain the caps you simply leave the power off and turn standby on. Is this true and if so how long? 5min? 30min?

Im a idiot when it comes to multimeter and electronics so what setting do I use and how would I test the CAps before working?

Thanks in advanced for saving my life! :wink:
Addictedtokaos said:
Im going to attempt to preform the Series FX loop mod

Im a idiot when it comes to multimeter and electronics

Going based on this ^^^^ NO STOP AND DON'T.
ok, maybe I need to rephrase that. Im not an idiot. I just have very little experience. I have successfully installed mod chips which involve much smaller circuitry.

I guess I do my research and figure it out.
Ok, i take it all back , i am a complete idiot.

I tested the caps and all was good I was able to complete the mod. So I connect the power and foot switch cables and reverb tank cables. plug in the amp and turn it on. For some reason I couldnt figure out why I was getting no volume. I tried different settings and the finally I saw a flash and i heard a pop.

I DIDNT CONNECT THE SPEAKER! Im a moron. Anyways. Im sure they have the fuse in there for idiots like me. Is that all that burnt out or could there be more damage than that... I finally get a mesa and here I go and FK it up :cry:
If you are lucky, you just blew the fuse. Replace it and it should work again. On the other hand, maybe a power amp tube went down ...

Probably you have blown the output transformer, but from what i've heard, Boogies are tough *******s :)
Blown transformers have a distinctive, burning electronics smell. And there can be smoke.
If you're lucky, it's just the fuse.
I'm curious to know how long the amp was "ON" before the fuse blew.
There was no smell or smoke, just a flash and a small pop. I maybe had the amp on for 3-5 minutes max. It happened when I cranked the master on CH2 when I was getting no sound.

Im hoping just the fuse and Power tubes went.

I'll grab a few fuses today and try it out.
So, I wasnt able to find a 2.5 amp fuse so I opted for the 2 amp. Put the first fuse in and the amp powered on but I was getting an audible hum (like the sound they usually use for something radiating on TV) while in standby. I hooked up my guitar and turned standby off and pop. The fuse popped again.

I then tried a backup set of 6l6s i have with a new fuse and everything is perfect and my FX mod worked.

Now since my 6l6s fried Im debating on what to buy Sovteks again or Winged Cs....

Thanks for all the advice and encouragement! MY MESA LIVES!