How should use my effects? In the loop or not?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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OK- I have a Dunlop wah, a whammy 2 and a DD-3 amns shure wireless.

Should I be running them in my DR 3ch loop or just series them out of the output and be done with it?

Right now I go....DR>wah>Whammy>DD3>Shure>guitar
Put the delay in the loop, time based effects should go in your loop. Run your wah before the amp.
Some people like some gain in front of their wah. Others don't. If you put it in the loop it is like placing your preamp before the wah essentially placing a distortion or OD in front of it. If you like that sound and it works for you great. Most play a wah out in front of their amp. A volume pedal is great in the loop too.
Vigo/Russ bring up a good point, don't think you're confined to running it one way or the other. There is no 'wrong' here, but typically time based effects really do a number on your preamp so running a delay into your preamp causes all sorts of weirdness. Don't be afraid to experiment with placing your wahs around your rig, I know a lot of people who run volume/wah in their loop because they like it better... it's just that most people run them before the preamp.
How do time based fx do a number on the pre-amp. That's how I'm running my setup now, everything before the amp. I didn't like the way anything sounded in the loop. Not to mention the unstoppable, unbareable microphonics.....
Jak0lantern01 said:
How do time based fx do a number on the pre-amp. That's how I'm running my setup now, everything before the amp. I didn't like the way anything sounded in the loop. Not to mention the unstoppable, unbareable microphonics.....

You're basically delaying your signal into the preamp, it's not going to hurt your amp or anything but it totally jacks with your tone in my opinion. If you like the sound with the settings you used then more power to you! I use a delay with my Orange that doesnt have an FX loop and if I want a squeaky clean sound w/ the delay it always ends up sounding like mud if the pedal is set a certain way. In the loop you can control the send/return levels and fine tune it. Like I said there's no right or wrong when it comes to your tone :)

You shouldn't have had microphonics at all, most likely the tube in charge of your FX loop is bad. I would look into replacing it and seeing if you like the FX loop more.
I did replace the tube, not much better. Anyway, I don't use delay all too often. Actually, if one fx-crazy person in my band quits like he has threatened to, a lot of my fx will be going bye-bye.
this is totally up to preferance if you ask me,it will depend how your ears hear the sound of the pedal in the loop or in front,it like when you have pedals setup then one day you change there placement in the rig and wham tonally everything has changed,same principle IMHO,but as platypus said,delay and time based fx do work better seperated from your distortion or ina loop,muck around see what you can find,you may like the sound of the delay mushing in with your distortion,I see setting effect like I do tone,whats right for you is a sin to another man,the way you set your amp may offend me for example,see what you can do with it!!!let us know what siuts you best
I run my delay, tuner, and phaser in my loop. The only problem is whenever I turn on the phaser, the volume gets killed off significantly. It's an MXR Script Phase 90. I changed it's order of being before the delay to after and it still sucks volume. any explanations?
what is the level control on the phase sitting at???I would prob. max it out then cut it back so there is no volume drop,this seems to simple there could be a better explination??
Platypus said:
Vigo/Russ bring up a good point, don't think you're confined to running it one way or the other. There is no 'wrong' here, but typically time based effects really do a number on your preamp so running a delay into your preamp causes all sorts of weirdness. Don't be afraid to experiment with placing your wahs around your rig, I know a lot of people who run volume/wah in their loop because they like it better... it's just that most people run them before the preamp.

exactly Platy!! 8) :D
Modulation effects will tend to get muddy if they go thru the pre, so in most cases you'd want them in the loop.

A delay or verb before the preamp will have an unnatural decay; the overdriven preamp will boost the volume and thin the tone where the desired effect is usually a gradual fade-out.

I prefer the wah before the loop, because it makes it more subtle (just like the built-in EQ controls have less effect when the drive is turned up). Obviously it's a matter of taste.

Another consideration (depending on your amp) is series, vs parallel. Your loop may be parallel, but unless you've made an extra effort, pedals before the pre will be in series. A compressor in series will have a much different effect than in parallel; usually people want a comp in series (yes, I know there are exceptions); a verb is often nice in parallel. In short, if you want the original sound plus something (like verb), parallel is better; if you want the original sound to change (like EQing to get a Brian May effect), series is better.

ok now i need u to elaborate on that for me in the wanting full juice out of the amp department. theres no volume on the phase, just the one knob. i have a maxon ad999 before it and the actual level on there i think sets volumes sorta but it also effects how much delay there is. someone come to my house n set it up for me! :roll: