how much for a 2:100 used just two months?

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There is a used-but-looks-new 2:90 on consignment at a store here in Ottawa for $1400 and it hasn't moved in a couple months.
about three fiddy.

Seriously, I see used ones on evilBay from $650-ish to $900 US. Used is used. I paid $750 US shipped for mine.
Sold for 1300$ I regreted my decision today so i called back the guy i had an agreement with to tell him to forget about it but it was to late...the guy came (to sleep at his friend's home) few miles away from his home to buy it cause i work too much those days, it's very hard to reach me. The guy seems upset (when i suggest him to take only my 2X12 of the deal) on the phone because all the trouble so i decided to let it go. I owe a lot of money. My recto pre is on repair (if you remember, i posted it when i was very depressed) since 6-7 months ago!!!,3 month at the authorized repair center that did nothing but change the 12AX7 (they charged me) without looking for the real problem(inside the unit). The 4 other months is with the mesa boogie company but i'm sure it will come back as new someday.

I bought a CAA OD100SE+ which is killer (best clean in the world with lead sound from heaven) cause i cannot bare the tone craving any-longer. Finally i decided to build two rigs (one small and one huge rackmount).

So guys...if you see a smoking deal (i mean a real deal, maybe a steal) on a used 20/20 (even in few months) just warn me plze, thanks
8)...or leave the 20/20 (if i can have a good value with the recto pre) i would go back on a used Single Rectifier (for a movable rig...) :roll:

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