How Many of You Play Solos?

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My main sound is the tite gain setting (gain about 12 o'clock) on the stiletto.
For leads I kick in the ac boost (gain all the way down, bass a bit past half way) and a short 250ms slap back analogue delay sound.

But lately I've been enjoying the sound of the amp so much that I turn off the delay so all I can hear is that beautiful stiletto. And I've been finding it fat enough without the delay.

On occasion I'll use some effects, octave up/down, chorus, phase, fancy delays etc. but that's just for specific songs.
I'm the only guitar player in my band so I do the solo work through my Roadster. I really don't use boosts at all and I turn my guitar volume up for true solos other than just riffing. I do use a flanger, phaser and wah for some of the solos. It's kind of a 50/50 of effect vs no effect for me. The effect actually has to have a reason to be there and sound good with what I am doing otherwise I don't use them. I dislike guitar players that just layer effects for no reason at all. I do use chorus, tremolo and delay (stock reverb from my amp sometimes) as well but I can't think of any solos I use them in.
I personally like to keep it simple, I hate standing in front of my pedal board when I'm soloing, unless I'm using the wah pedal. I use a little chorus, delay and reverb (aside from od, comp & eq which are always on) in my core tone, for solos, I use the wah or the phaser but never both together. I'm the only guitar player so depending on the tune, I might hit the boost.

Funny thing, depending of where I'm at towards the end of my solo or the start for that matter, our singer will go over to my board turn effects on or off for me!!! :lol:
I solo about 50% and the other guitarist 50%. We cover everything. 1952 to present.

Using the Mark IV I solo with all three channels - depending on the song and what it calls for.
I mean - you don't use channel 3 with the EQ boost for a Buddy Holly solo
(well -some guys do I guess :lol: ).

Gave up all of my copious outboard gear - and I don't miss it (I really should get around to selling it all).

Guitar volume/tone knobs, Mark IV channel switching, and EQ button boost is all I require.

Made me a better player.
This is an interesting topic. If the solo is a clean solo, a tiny bit of overdrive can help give it some emotion. If it's a high gain solo, I like a slow, subtle phaser.
I play solos all the time. The gear is kind of varied, but for the most part If I use my Mark III I will run a TC Nova in the loop with the time set at 450-550, mix real low for some space , a BB preamp for a solo boost on the lead channel ( With the gain at 9:00 and the volume at 2:00) or a Xotic EP Booster. Sometimes I will use a Wah pedal with it half cocked for some Mikey Schenker stuff, or a Micro Vibe for the Trower type stuff even though the people I play for don't know Robin or Band of Gypsies.
NOW, If I use my Shiva, I will use pretty much the same stuff except use a boss overdrive or TS9, and no delay in the loop (The loop in this amp is made for line level only, and sucks all the high end out), and use the amps reverb.
Chorus is ok, but I prefer the Pedalhacker modded flange for the more intense leads. The melow stuff is chorus and delay, I may get a reverb too, not sure.....and for the meat I use 3 or 4 OD's, Allums BD2, Analogman TS9DX, Subdecay Supernova, CmatMods Super Signa Drive, and I'm tempted to have my Sparkle Drive modded. I have a clean boost in the fx loop that is always on.
I find that just boosting/increasing the drive on solos leaves me feeling a little naked! So I usually step on the MXR carbon copy set to do a subtle double tracking/mod and this adds a 3D quality to the notes and helps the solo stand out. If doing anything slow and moody I also kick in a Strymon El Cap tape delay.
I play in a 3 piece band with a girl lead I do all the leads. I usually leave the V set on a channel and work the sound via pedals. If I just need a little lead line then go back to comping chords I hit the tube screamer, or the compressor. If the tune needs OD guitar throughout I use Chan.2. If it is a tune like Shine by Colective Soul I use Chan3....This reduces the pedal hopping switch stomping miss the boat while singing syndrome. And ah...the dreaded Solo button.... :twisted:
I play in one covers band that requires authenticity for the tone and the solo's themselves - no hot-doggin' permitted! Its a bit confining but it is that particular bands selling point, and its what I am paid to do for them in any case.
For overdrive I have found that my Stiletto drive channel mixed with an Xotic AC plus gets me all I need to do a four hour show when mixed in with a Stratocaster and a Heilo Custom (from Ash Custom Works - beautiful guitar!). With all the pickup variations and the volume and tone knobs I can coax fairly accurate sounds for most songs. I would like and OCD or Xotic BB to fill the options out a bit, but I honestly think you can cover a lot of ground with a few drives if you experiment a bit and really know your gear.

Dont forget the fingers and pick attack have a huge impact, all the pedals in the world wont fix those things if they are lacking - practice and technique are the best and cheapest investment.