How loud 'should' a Triple Rec be ??

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Feb 22, 2011
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Hey guys,

Purchased my first mesa boogie - a 2nd hand 3 channel Triple Rec and matching 4x12 cab. Sounds great!!!

I'm unsure how old the tubes are and unsure if I was using the amp correctly at my gig last night. . .

Just used 2 channels, green master on 10, orange channel (modern mode, gain on about 6) master on about 7 and 'Output' on 4.

It was a good rockin' volume that pumped pretty well on stage, but the actual volume with had nothing at all on my marshalls and wizard amps if I had them on 4. Probably on par with my AC30 in terms on volume ? Dont get me wrong it wasnt quiet, but didnt live up to reviews on the net I've read in regards to how loud these amps apparently are. Actually the clean channel probably was actually a little too quiet, but I couldnt pump it anymore with out pushing down the orange channel and pushing the Output to over 4 (which surely dosnt sound right considering I was playing in a small room / small stage !? )

So I'm guessing the tubes might be old or I didnt EQ the amp good for it to cut through enough / didnt set it up good etc . . . Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

Last time I cranked my Dual through a Mesa 4 x 12, it opened a space time distortion and I was able to travel back through time and have coffee with J.S. Bach. There is this youtube video that says a Dual Recto puts out over nine thousand DB when cranked! BAHAHAHA!! That being said, the clean headroom is somewhat lacking, especially on the two channel version. I thought the old 3 channel heads were supposed to have more clean headroom. Tough to say on that count.

In my experience, you need a LOUD drummer to even justify hitting the sweet spot with a Triple. I'd describe the thing as having bowel liquefying thump even at 'reasonable' levels. Assuming you have a proper speaker lead and it is hooked up correctly, I'd check the tubes for sure. Definitely consider replacing the output tubes and the v1 preamp tube for sure, if not all of them.
If replacing the tubes doesn't solve the problem, the next step is to take the amp to an amp doctor.
Thanks mate.

I guess the simplied question would be should it be able to keep up with a 100w plexi type amp ?

Because it was pretty far off from my JMP and Wizard Modern Classic if you compare the volume knobs in the same position - but got told the amp was 'mint' when I got it . . . So I'm pretty unsure as you can imagine.

I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and just retube it and hope that is what the problem is - OR, it's just got nothing on my other amps volume wise I guess! hehe Cheers
I hear Plexi heads are BALLS loud.

How would you describe the tone of the Triple? Gut busting? MASSIVE PHAT distortion tone? Thumps so hard your pant legs move? It should have an insane biting 'edge' to the highs and a very, VERY percussive low end. Thumps like a stupid teenager's overpriced car stereo. The amp could be 'mint' but with tired tubes. It is possible . . . Hard to know though, since I haven't ever played it next to a plexi. That being said, mesa uses high grade components and their amps always tend to be on the 'loud' side for what they are rated at. What condition are the speakers in? Have you checked that too?
What were your EQ settings?

I can only compare the single rec, and dual rec heads running through a 4x12 Mesa cab, but the output level was actually quite similar in level, at gigging level I rarely run the output below 12 o'clock/noon (around 5) but would hardly go any louder, both the single and dual rec, the things are cranking at this level and with the channel volume on the highest gain channel at around 10.30am (around 3.5 - 4)

I am talking playing with loud drummer and bass player, and running no guitar through the fold back speakers, and still hearing my amp loud and clear with the onstage mix.

Maybe the power tubes are a bit lifeless, but if the EQ settings are less than ordinary I find the amp can get lost in the mix.
michael6120 said:
actual volume with had nothing at all on my marshalls and wizard amps if I had them on 4

Not sure which Marshalls you have but it's not as loud as old school Marshalls and certainly not a Wizard imo.

That's why I personally advocate the Triple you need as much headroom out of these amps as possible especially against amps like that and even then it's still not quite as loud lol...
I just sold a Marshall 1987(50W plexi). That fuckin thing at 12 noon on the Master was STUPID FUCKIN LOUD. I mean instant hearing problems. I couldn't tame it so I had to sell it. Just WAY TOO LOUD!!!
A Triple Rec on 3 is too loud for most clubs, on 4 at 25' will cause permanent hearing loss,on 7 will sonically castrate you, and, on 10 will vaporize everything within 1 square mile. We cranked one of these things up to 5 in a basment with a standard 4x12 recto cab and the closed, 13 ply, birchwood cab almost exploded - no sh!t. That amp is designed for arena sized gigs. You can try the tubes as suggested above but one common thing that happens is the effect loop send and return knobs on the back get bumped and readjusted. They are in the signal chain unless the assignment switch is in the bypass setting. Make sure that they are up at a reasonable level. - Pat.
Pat, thank you so much. Looks like it was simply the FX loop knobs on the back were backed down as you suggested. . .

Should I just have them maxed out ? I dont have anything in the loop. . . Thanks!
I think the manual suggests setting them around middle (12 o'clock) even when no effects are used. I assume several small animals have been inonized in your neigborhood since you found newly discovered headroom. - Pat.
michael6120 said:
Pat, thank you so much. Looks like it was simply the FX loop knobs on the back were backed down as you suggested. . .

Should I just have them maxed out ? I dont have anything in the loop. . . Thanks!

If you don't use the FX loop and you don't use the solo switch you should hard bypass it from the rear panel IMO.

It makes the amp sound better, and as an added benefit, the individual channel masters will control the overall volume level of each channel and it makes it much easier to balance the volume levels per channel.