How loud do you set your Mark's for a gig?

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
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What are your Master and Lead Master settings?

I usually set my Mark III (simul-class) with the Master at 4 and the lead master at about 3 for a show, and it's more than loud enough... sometimes too loud. I don't use the cleans.
Another Mark III simul-class guy here. My lead master stays at 5 all the time. The master volume lives at about 3 for practice, 4 for gigs. Like you, I use only the lead channel in my current band.
Mark VIA - I have my ch vol at 5 and the master at 3 and the 2120 (in the FX loop) output set at 12 o'clock for rehearsal. Then I normally have to dial the 2120 back a bit to about 10 o'clock for shows.
Anyone notice a difference in tone with the Lead master higher than the master and vice versa?? I've been messing around with different Master settings lately, and i'm amazed at how differently the amp responds with these different settings... Last practice i tried the Lead master at 6 - 7 and the master at 2.5, and it seemed warmer, spongier sounding with the lead master much higher than the master, versus the other way around, hmm... Learning new things about this amp all the time.
Over the years I've gotten quieter and quieter on stage, mostley my amp is set as it is in the photo, master around 2-3 the amp is miced and into the pa, this means as a band we are not killing our ears every gig and with the drummer now having an electric kit the whole sound is very controlable and easy to mix, except for the bass player (turn the f3k down you cloth eared son of a $£%"!£) hehe.


Dunno how much these settings mean without knowing what cab you are playing through. I have my green stripe master at 2.5ish and lead master around 7, but that is through a 4x12 with EVMs and RWBs. So I'm gonna be a wee bit louder than someone playing the combo :)
Calos said:
Over the years I've gotten quieter and quieter on stage, mostley my amp is set as it is in the photo, master around 2-3 the amp is miced and into the pa, this means as a band we are not killing our ears every gig and with the drummer now having an electric kit the whole sound is very controlable and easy to mix, except for the bass player (turn the f3k down you cloth eared son of a $£%"!£) hehe.


these settings are pretty much where i found :the sound" with my mrk iii purple stripe. at half power--where can i get one of those boogie logos ^

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