How long did you have to wait (Mark V)

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Yeah, I've been borrowing a few amps for rehearsals and stuff. The Deluxe reverb & hot rod deluxe are not cutting it! I miss my lonestar, can't wait to get the mark!
from the time I knew I wanted one, discussing it with the retailer (UK), to him getting the head I eventually bought, 7 months :evil:

Shipping to Europe always takes an age
I waited about 7 months for them to get the head at my local music store here in Montreal. I didn't order it though, I waited for them to get another batch in.
GC is the only way to get one locally around here. They have monthly shipments and sell 'em as fast as they come in. So, I just had to get my name on the list and three weeks later I get a call and they get my money.
I had it before I was going to get one.

My local sales guy knows me so well, he called and said my Mark V combo was waiting for me (I hadn't ordered one...LOL). I had one the first or second week that they were released.
binnerscot said:
I had it before I was going to get one.

My local sales guy knows me so well, he called and said my Mark V combo was waiting for me (I hadn't ordered one...LOL). I had one the first or second week that they were released.

Awesome! I'm super jealous. Hopefully it's coming soon!
When I started GAS'ing for one, I called the nearest dealer and told them if they get any extras in with special orders, let me know, and I'll put $1000 down and buy it. Had one literally 4 days after that call. :mrgreen:

It makes me feel kinda guilty since some people waiting a good while :lol: I got serial number 436. Feels kinda neat to have one of the first 500.
I made my first purchase of a MB product, a MKV head and 212v cab, on April 17 from GC. Estimated ship date was 30 days :)

After 30 days they changed the estimated ship date to another 15 days. After that they added another 15 days. And then another 10 days... approx. 70 days after making the order I received notification that the head is shipping and I should be receiving it in 5 days! That's 80 days of waiting :|

I have now been notified that they have updated the cab ship date to July 19! If indeed they do ship it on that date, and you add another 5 days for shipping, I will have waited 97 days for my MB MKV head and 212v cab :(

Is this the way that Mesa Boogie usually does business, or is there something else (GC) at play here?

Just received my MB 212v cab :)
It took approximately 100 days to receive it!
However there was no speaker cord in the box!
There's a bunch of order houses online that have them in stock. Why do people keep giving their buisiness to GC?
The way I uderstand it Mesa works in production cycles. They focus on producing one type of amp at a time and then rotate to the next. So, if your order doesn't get completed on the current production cycle it gets pushed to the next production cycle.
My dealer had one in stock the day I bought it. Ironically enough I still had to wait for it because my wife wouldn't let me have it until my birthday. So I put it in layaway and paid it off over a three month period. It was a long wait considering I knew it was already there, but it did make my birthday a bit more exciting.
ryjan said:
There's a bunch of order houses online that have them in stock. Why do people keep giving their buisiness to GC?

Because GC was the only local shop that I could find which had Mesa Boogie as well as Marshall, Line6, Egnator, and Bogner amps all of which I played on weekends for over 6 weeks before making my decision to purchase a MKV head and 212v cab. It cost GC a tremendous amount of capital to provide all of that for me in a conditioned autition room, and if I then made a purchase online from someone else it wouldn't have been right.

30 days after making my order, in a moment of weakness, I checked MB Hollywood store, musicians friend, and Sweetwater to see if I could get the amp sooner. None of them had it in stock. I called Mesa boogie who said that it wouldn't matter where I ordered the amp from, it would take the same amount of time to get.
screamingdaisy said:
The way I uderstand it Mesa works in production cycles. They focus on producing one type of amp at a time and then rotate to the next. So, if your order doesn't get completed on the current production cycle it gets pushed to the next production cycle.

That's interesting, the guys at GC told me that MB makes each amp as the orders come in...but then again they told me it would be 2 to 3 weeks before my order shipped!
ctc said:
screamingdaisy said:
The way I uderstand it Mesa works in production cycles. They focus on producing one type of amp at a time and then rotate to the next. So, if your order doesn't get completed on the current production cycle it gets pushed to the next production cycle.

That's interesting, the guys at GC told me that MB makes each amp as the orders come in...but then again they told me it would be 2 to 3 weeks before my order shipped!

That's probably accurate as well. From what I understand they build to order and don't stockpile finished amps, but there they still have a production cycle they rotate through.
ordered mine from sweetwater Sept. 23 got it Oct19 plugged it in...blew a tube resistor within 20 mins, sent it back....went to mesa in Cali.(they wanted to see the MV that smoked the first day) sent back to it back Dec 15th. Blew a output tube the next week, sweetwater sent me a Quad set has been bullet proof since then. Am I the winner?????
I'm a big fan of Sweetwater and have a great sales person I work with there.

That said, I've also recently discovered Mid-Ohio Music - - which is owned and operated by people who know, love and play music and the professional equipment needed to get the job done right. They currently have a Mark V head in-stock - after replacing the one I bought from them. I'm sure they'd be able to ship it to you.

Give 'em a call and add a lifetime of amplifier bliss to your home. :D
My local ma and pa store had 2 combos in last August. I ran down with my Mark IV and a/b them for a couple hours. Ended up going home with the old IV. My friend that came with me to talk me out of doing anything rash went home with one however. :mrgreen: The other on is still there last I checked.
2 or 3 weeks from sweetwater, there are no good boogie dealers in my area, but i was on a waiting list for over 6 months i think