How long before amp modellers replace amps ?

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One problem, at least in a live rig, is the speakers. I don't care what sort of EQ the modeller applies, you can't get an open back combo speaker to sound exactly like a 4x12 closed back, or vice versa -- to my ears, Line6 etc. are not even close. Even if the modeller does a perfect job of emulating dozens of tube amps, this (and transformer - speaker interaction) means that you will still need a half dozen or more speaker cabs in a live rig for multiple convincing tones.
You can if you run straight to the board. No one in you audience will know the difference. check this link and tell me which is which
ylo said:
One problem, at least in a live rig, is the speakers. I don't care what sort of EQ the modeller applies, you can't get an open back combo speaker to sound exactly like a 4x12 closed back, or vice versa -- to my ears, Line6 etc. are not even close.

No, that's why you use a cab sim straight to the board :)

I'm really impressed with the cab sims in Amplitube 2. The amp modeling is decent, sounds good, but still doesn't quite 'feel' right (better than Guitar Rig 2, though.) The cab and mic sims, however, are excellent.

I have an ADA MicroCab II coming in the next week or so; I'm going to have an analog vs. software cab modeling shootout...
No, that's why you use a cab sim straight to the board

You don't get the same dynamics running into the PA. Besides, I don't WANT to run into the board. I want my chest thumping & hair flowing from the breeze generated by my speaker cabinet, lots of feedback, and of course I want to continue to go deaf in my right ear. The drummer's cymbals take care of the other ear.
You can put me in the never camp. Clutch71 brought up camera's when discussing the digital thing. I'd like to bring up CD's and vinyl. You'll get no argument from me, that CD's have pretty much replaced vinyl records. But they havent killed them. On paper the cd's are supposed to, and have the ability to sound better than vinyl. But you'll find many who disagree in practice that the CD's sound better. Vinyl sounds "warmer" to many people. One of the reasons for this is in my opinion that technology of digital CD's/DVD's is being misused. We've all heard of the "loudness wars" and that's pretty much all the technology is being used for in this arena. Which is, more compression and that makes what could and should be better actually worse.

As far technology realates to guitar amps. I do think on paper modeling could be better. Matching sound quality in a more convienient and cost effective way than tube technology. But in practice, i truly don't think it will ever match a real tube amp.
The sad reality is that 90% if not more of the audience cannot tell the difference. You and I might, but they really don't and that is why more and more live applications are going to the silent stage, and more and more albums are recorded with modelers. Yesterday, my brother in law came over to show me a new tune he was working on that used "guitar rig" that sounded "almost" real (he doesn't play any instruments! He programs it all). My wife and sons could not tell the difference! I hate it. I used to love the feeling and sound of my old 2 Mesa full stacks roaring with my old Quad/Strategy 400 set up, but now I get looks if I bring three Theiles for my W/D/W rig. So, hang on and don't give in to the dark side (lol!). At least not yet...... 8)
How long will modeling amp replace tube amps?

When all those Eastern Block countries, or Far East countries discontinue vacuum tube production because of environmental pressure.

To me, that's like suggesting an acoustic guitarist to replace his dreadnought or grand concert or what have you acoustic guitar with an electric guitar with a transducer pickup.

There's a few of us who gets away simulating playing "acoustic sound" by playing our Fishman or Bragg transducer. To some of us we think it acceptable, to a hardcore acoustic guitar player, that's not acceptable.
ursinus said:
The sad reality is that 90% if not more of the audience cannot tell the difference.

I don't think this is entirely true. While I don't think the average person will be able to pick the guitar tone out as not being a real tube amp - it WILL have an effect on them. They may not know why they don't like the overall sound of a band and they probably wouldn't even be able to pinpoint the guitar tone as being the problem but I do think it will have an effect on the average person.

Modeling amps may eventually replace tube amps in the marketplace but I don't think they will ever get them to sound 100% like a real tube amp.

Who knows though - my dad always told me that people were going to be painting on computers in the future and I would always tell him it was never going to happen and I would only paint on canvas.

Now I make my living as a computer artist.

Go figure.
How long before amp modelers replace amps ?
From this post it will be in 9 years, 6 months, 17 days, 3 hours, 21 minutes and 46 seconds.
I believe there is a certain dynamic and feel with a tube amp that is not emulatable. A good tube amp obeys. It is so responsive.

I will *NEVER* use anything besides a tube amp.
Better is always a subjective term. I've played modellers that have beat the pants off of some tube amps. But in more instances I just find I prefer tubes in my signal. In some ways and in a lot of places modellers are taking over. But there is ALWAYS a place for analog be it s.s. or tube.
Rocky said:
How long before amp modelers replace amps ?
From this post it will be in 9 years, 6 months, 17 days, 3 hours, 21 minutes and 46 seconds.
****, I better hurry and purchase one, no sense waiting until last moment. :?

[rushing into my car going to nearest Guitar Center]

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