How Important Is the EQ on a IIC+?

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I don't think it's important. They sound great without it even for metal. Just get a good EQ pedal and put it in the loop (MXR).
Mesa/Kramer said:
The Graphic EQ is Crucail to this amp if you plan on using it for any type of Hard Rock/Metal.
Sanctuary said:
Just get a good EQ pedal and put it in the loop (MXR).

Bingo! My Mark III sounds pretty tinny and weakstick without my MXR M109 in the loop. But with that sucker on, it turns into a maximum brutal monster! And mine is a non-EQ model. I dunno if the EQ models are superior/inferior, but from all I can tell, im sure its really a preference thing. Having the EQ built in vs. having a seperate pedal EQ circuit in the loop thats battery powered. The tone is going to be different of course. I'm dead in love with mine! Eats ENGL's for lunch!

Without it though, the amp is 110% different though... and waaay weaker for high gain. Easily 20db-ish difference, and makes it REALLY sound like a Mesa.
My IIC+ does not have the GEQ. It's really a matter of having some additional tone shaping capability. I use a Boss 'butter knife' in the loop sometimes, and that gives me plenty of options as well. Most time, I don't need a GEQ for live work; it's simply not that critical in a live rock band situation to me. That said, the butter knife is in the gig box for difficult rooms. When recording, I use software eq tools in post if needed. I wouldn't let the absence of a GEQ get in the way of a good deal on a IIC+...
thegaindeli said:
The GEQ does "transistorize" the tone somewhat. The non-EQ models have a "faster" attack, and are certainly more "tubey" sounding. As far back as 1984, I remember players preferring the non-EQ over the GEQ model. Players were more conservative then... The younger "Gen-X" players seem to want every switch, lever, knob, slider, and what ever else they can fit on the amp? :roll:
I like the Mark IIC+ with the PT105, and a GEQ! Remember - you can simply turn the GEQ off... HELLO!!! :wink:
Plagiarized right out of the V's manual. :roll:
I'm curious about the previous comment regarding the old "blue" mxr 10-band EQ versus the new "black" mxr 10-band EQ. In what way do you think that they sound better?

Looking at eBay, the older blue one doesn't look like has an on/off stomp switch. The new black ones do. That seems like a major improvement in functionality.

But, if the blue one sounds a lot might be worth it. Can you describe the difference in sound?


Paul Secondino said:
If you do get one without an EQ (not a problem in my opinion ) and choose to put something in a loop , consider using a quality parametric like a Rane PE-17 or a TC Electronics . Boss EQ pedals are toys with the sculpting power of a butter knife.

I've never had the privilege of playing a Mark IIc/c+, but would love the opportunity. I recently bought a '94 2-ch Dual Rec for a grand. I have a few days left on the Guitar Center trial period and still don't know if I want to keep it. Though if I do return it, and later regret the decision, it won't be hard to find another one.

I took your advice and bought a Rane PE-17. It was only $90, so it was a no brainier, as all the others for sale were in the $400-500 range.

I have always thought the non eq c+ sounded better. Every single time I compared I convinced every listener. When the manual came out and declared this to be true for a certain Boogie tech, I WAS FLOORED!!!! He does not own one eq C+. There's your answer. Don't listen to me, listen to Boogie. And don't criticicize me for answeing with my opinion, you asked!
I think it also depends on the speakers you are using. EV's for instance sound great without the GEQ whereas the V30 needs EQ to pull the mids.
I prefer the Simul-Class without the EQ. I play though EVM12L's. It's a matter of personnel preference and tone your looking for.
CudBucket said:
Some guys claim it's not a IIC+ without it. Others claim the EQ-less versions sound better.


Answer to first question. What planet is that guy from?

Answer to second question It depends on what your ears like. Some guys like their amps without the extra horsepower.

Me I prefer the EQ models. Doesn't mean it's a better model, than the one without.
Hendog said:
CudBucket said:
Elpelotero said:
Mesa put the EQ on there for a reason....

So did they also make them without the EQ for a reason?

Well put!
I think economics came into play too, as the late 70's/early 80's were difficult economic times. These amps were boutiquey and pricey back then; I remember drooling over a Mark II in Manny's on 48th Street, but wasn't willing to lay out that kind of scratch. The bare-bones model was the entry level version. Eq was an upgrade, like reverb, wood/wicker and the EVM 12-L.

The only non-eq Mark I played was a beat up IIA in GC. It was a great sounding amp, but I'd hate to lose the flexibility of the Eq.
Please let this thing die...

It's like being self deprecating because you chose the 350 instead of the 427 !!!
They are both good in their own right and should be considered as such.

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