how do you use the effects loop??

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Jun 5, 2008
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Hey folks I have never really used an effects loop before. Can someone give me the "using an effects loop for dummies" lesson. I have a pedal board with a boss Tuner, Wah Pedal, OCD, MXR Phase 90, and Line 6 DL4. Should I only run certain things through it or everything? What is the advantage of using it? If engaged it is my understanding that the solo boost function will not work is that correct?

By the way I am running them through my roadster head.

Thanks and sorry for all the questions. I have always used my effects in front of the amp with no effects loop.
Time base effects work best in the loop.(Phase 90 & DL4 in your case) . Less noise is a major plus using the loop. You don't want high gain devices in the loop. I don't have a Roadster, so I don't have an answer about that amp.
Roadster should have a switch on the back called hard bypass. If you switch it to that, your solo button won't work so keep it off if you want to continue using your solo button. I like the solo function so always want it on (I guess there is some sound quality difference you can get by bypassing the loop). What you'll find about the loop is delays for example that aren't though the loop sound fine until you hit it with distortion, then the delays can get all scratchy/nasty sounding. In the loop the delays stay clean.
Do you fellas who use the Roadster's FX Loop with Delays, etc. keep the FX Loop Level at the normal setting (12 o'clock) or at a minimum setting?

I am having allot of trouble with this myself...Current Chain:

Guitar > Wah > Line6MM4 > Boss Chorus > Line6 Dl4 > DD3 > Amp

Don't run the Wah through the loop. It sounds like crap.
Here's mine
Guitar>Dime Bag Wah>MXR Super Comp in front of amp
Tuner>Boss Flanger>MXR Carbon Copy into the loop.
Thks but my signal chain shows that it's all going in the front of the amp. My line 6 stuff sounds like crap in the loop (volume loss, tone is dull) and the boss stuff is muddy and buried in gain on the front end...

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