How do you like the Mark V 10 Watt mode?

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2010
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Fairfield, California
Mark V owners.... How do you like your Mark V in the 10 Watt mode?
Has this option been "more" useful for playing at Home bedroom levels with decent tone?

Now I do realize that 10 Watts can and will still be "loud" yet in my current situation I'm working from a Traxis/2:90 set up through a Recto 4X12 and even at 2:90 Half power and
Triaxis master settings at 2.0 its a Lion. So anyways just wanted to bounce that off you.

Throw in any Tone/mode reflection on your MarK V compared to Triaxis if you've worked with both I would like to hear what you have to say Thanks.
I personally find the Mark V has a really nice master volume. It's the first amp I've ever owned where I don't really feel the need to turn it up all the time. At home I generally run it in 90w with the variac on and have no volume issues during the day.

At night I'll run it on 10w mode. The nicest part about 10w mode is that it cuts a lot of bottom end out of the amp, so it reduces the amount of low end that's transmitted through walls and floors.
I play in 10 watts 90% of the time, because it gets saturated at lower volumes and saves my ears. I use str 450's because to me they seem better balanced at lower volumes. On Variac, I mostly use Tweed/Crunch/Extreme for channel modes. Awesome tones.
I am still exploring the amp. I lived in the 10 watt mode all of July and I am working with the settings in the 45 watt mode now.
Excellent detail, response and harmonics in 10W mode on my favourite settings to date - CH1 (Tweed) & CH2 (Mk1). Not yet comfortable with CH3 yet, but that is down to me not spending enough time with it yet, not the amp

Spent 100% of my time in 10W mode in the last 3 months. Only thing bothering me is the popping when FSW between CH1 & 2, but muting fixes the issue

Just got a LSC V2 with the same 10W switching options for the same reason - excellent in a studio setting. My go-to Stiletto Deuce needed attenuator taming at 50W, which robbed a lot of the tone I loved when cranked. No surprise there at all, but 10W Class A now works at treat for me and my requirements on both amps :D

Also recently sold a Marshall VM and Matamp, which needed the power section worked hard to sound the way I wanted them to respond

10W really works for me
I really like the 10 wt. mode for really small venues and Jazz gigs. with the rec. tube on in that mode, (automatic) You can get a really super warm tone out of the amp. Chan 1 in fat mode sounds like an old vintage Danelectro. In chan 2 edge, you can get a Red rocket sound (vox) and chan 3 defies definition..(old Mesa?) Anyway... A couple of weeks ago the Drummer and I played Two separate gigs in a day The first was a power Trio...90 watts outside...whoopie!!!!!! and the second was a Jazz gig at an exclusive golf dinner (Bald peak in Moultonboro NH) He could't believe I was using the same amp. 10 watt 45 watt or 90 if you dial it in it Flies......
HeadlessAxeman said:
10 w mode in channel 3 kinda sucks.

+1 To get a good "heavy" tone in channel 3 you need to crank this sucker. Low volumes/wattage on Ch3 sounds awful if you are trying to get anything heavier then a rock tone.
I am glad the 10 watt mode is there as an option, but in all honestly I run everything at 90 watts/full power/pentode on CH 3. With the FX loop engaged, I can get it pretty quiet if I need to.
I really like 10w for home-levels. You can really tell a difference in how the power section saturates at low volumes on channels 1 and 2. Especially since I have the vertical 2x12 which essentially aims one of the speakers at your ear, I just don't feel the need to crank the he!! out of the amp and waste my hearing (or what's left of it). In a band situation, I will generally kick it up to 45/90.
i don´t like the 10 wt mode on the channel 3, in the other channels it is nice
I just moved from my apartment into a house and threw the EL34s back in. Don't think I'll be spending any time in 10W mode for the next few months... :lol:
"I just moved from my apartment into a house and threw the EL34s back in. Don't think I'll be spending any time in 10W mode for the next few months..."

That's is good news enjoy !!!
dbone said:
"I just moved from my apartment into a house and threw the EL34s back in. Don't think I'll be spending any time in 10W mode for the next few months..."

That's is good news enjoy !!!

I dont have much use for it. It's not like it makes it apartment volume. It's still defaningly loud.

Maybe from a Class A, Tube Rectified standpoint some of you guys have a use for it.
Hendog said:
I dont have much use for it. It's not like it makes it apartment volume. It's still defaningly loud.

Really? I can get mine to the point where it's barely audible.
eudaimonia02912 said:
Hendog said:
I dont have much use for it. It's not like it makes it apartment volume. It's still defaningly loud.

Really? I can get mine to the point where it's barely audible.

And the amp sounds good?
I find that if you have your channels set up for 'heavy' (particularly for channel 3) 10w works better at low volume settings. At high volume settings it really thins out the tone for some reason. Kind of makes you realize why most high gain heads are still 100w...

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