How can I gate a noisy Dual Rectifier ?

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Dec 16, 2005
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I just got a new 3 channel Dual Rec. Using Channel 3 - Modern with a fair amount of gain, the amp gives off a loud hum/hiss even with no guitar plugged in and nothing in the effects loop. If I add my Ibanez Tube Screamer, it amplifies the hum to a ridiculous level. How can I add a gate to this scenario since adding it in the loop won't block the amp noise?
You need a Decimator pedal in the loop, and possibly in front of the amp as well. You're noise problems should disappear.
You need a Decimator pedal in the loop

Will this work in a Parallel FX loop? I know noise reductions units work great in serial loops (like my XXX and 5150), but I could never get my HUSH to work in my Rectos quite right.

As far as the tubescreamer, I notice when I have my tubescreamer plugged in with one of those universal adapters I get a terrible hum, but when I run on batteries, I don't get that hum. If you're running the power supply try unplugging it? That may fix your tubescreamer issue (or it may not).

Over-all, I've never really needed a noise reduction with my boogies, I tried one (never worked right), but I came to realize that I didn't really need it. I still have it, who knows when GAS will strike and I get a noisy amp again :wink:
Thanks for the tips. I am using a 9v adapter on the tubescreamer, so I'll try without it and see if that makes a difference. I did mess with the levels on the loop and got it to be "less nosier", but I'm still gonna put a gate on it. I just ordered a Decimator Pro Rack G.

Building this new rig is turning into a money pit. For the past few years I've been using a Johnson Millenium 250 (digital modeling) amp and more recently a PodXT Pro into a tube poweramp. I always emulate the Dual Rec, so I decided to stop messin around and get the real thing. The emulation has been easy and conveinent which I will miss, but hopefully once I get the real thing dialed in to my liking it will be worth it.
yeah i have this kind of problem too with my 3 channel dual rectifier...i play at really high levels and i use a LOT of gain...and obviously i get a lot of feedback and noise when i'm not hitting any notes...i have a Boss Noise Suppressor..and i run all my pedals through the front of the amp (nothing through the loop) and when i use the noise suppressor it gets rid of all the hum and feedback, but then it sucks a lot of the gain and it makes my tone not sound that good there any way around this? please help! thanks
I got my Decimator now and it's working really good.

It's cool because it gates in front of the amp and via the loop at the same time.

A couple of negatives are:
1. Price.. It's 400 bucks!
2. It is meant for a Serial Loop, Not Parallel, so there is no way to entirely gate via the loop.

It is working good to control any noise from the front end of the amp though, but I still have a hum when I'm not playing and using a high gain setting. The weird thing is that his only occurs when I have anything plugged into the loop. Even if no gear is plugged in...if I just simply plug cables in the loop it starts humming. Haven't figured that out yet.
that thing has awesome specs! it sounds like it was very musically designed, unfortunately it will not work with most boogie owners due to the fact that most boogies have paralell loops. I suppose, however, that it wouldnt be out of the question to have your boogie installed witha paralell loop as well, that would be before the serial, just like the road king.
I use an ISP Decimator pedal in front of the amp and it completely kills all the noise without hurting the signal. The best $100 I ever spent...acutually my wife ever spent. She got it for me for Christmas.

My setup goes like this...Guitar->Maxon OD9->ISP Decimator->Amp.
More props fot the ISP Decimator! I got the pedal one and its kickass. I use mine in the front end, but you could put it in the loop...just set the loop mix wide open. Whether its marked 90% or 100% or whatever, so much of your signal is passing thru the loop that way, it will surely bring the noise floor down to an acceptable level if not completely silent.

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