Hooking Up Mark 5 Head to 4X12 slant recto 4 ohms

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Jul 12, 2010
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I'm new here and to tube amps as well. I recently got a Mesa/Boogie Mark V setup for Christmas. After having replaced two rectifier 5U4GB short tubes :( (first time it just stopped working, second time it shorted out requiring testing and fuse replacing), I seek advice on hooking up speakers to the head correctly to avoid problems. Currently, I have 8 ohms to 8 ohms. 4 Ohms will give me A LOT of extra volume as I have found out playing a Mark V head at Guitar Center hooked up to a rectifier 4X12 straight. I'm somewhat confused how that would work on my amp since the speaker outputs on the Head have 2 4 ohm outlets with "2X8 cabs" in between them. The cabinet itself has two 4 ohms inputs as well with a "split for bi-amp" in between. I'm confused with this in fear of hooking up the speaker enclosure wrong though you can hook it up to a safe miss match. It would be much appreciated to know the correct way to hook up the enclosure for 4 ohms (new drummer plays a bit louder than our louder :lol: and my output is above 3:00 on 90 watts)


If anyone wants to see pictures of my current setup, let me know. :mrgreen:
The 4 ohm inputs on a Mesa recto cab are for stereo operation meaning that only 2 speakers are running. On a Mark V amp you can only run one 4ohm cab. Two 4ohm cabs would equal 2 ohms total load and a blowed up tranny. What cab do you currently own that is quieter then a recto? Impedence shouldn't make a noticeable difference in volume so you probably noticed a difference in speaker efficiencies.
ryjan said:
The 4 ohm inputs on a Mesa recto cab are for stereo operation meaning that only 2 speakers are running. On a Mark V amp you can only run one 4ohm cab. Two 4ohm cabs would equal 2 ohms total load and a blowed up tranny. What cab do you currently own that is quieter then a recto? Impedence shouldn't make a noticeable difference in volume so you probably noticed a difference in speaker efficiencies.

Thank you, this was helpful

I have the Rectifier slant 4X12. I probably don't have the master volumes set right. I'm looking into getting a 2X12 horizontal rectifier cab at some point. I would suppose this would create extra volume lol.
Hello all,

I am also new with the Mark V. I run my head into a 4 ohm cabinet as well. Dumb question, does it matter which 4 ohm input I plug the the cab into. Top or bottom....
Jackmaster said:
Hello all,

I am also new with the Mark V. I run my head into a 4 ohm cabinet as well. Dumb question, does it matter which 4 ohm input I plug the the cab into. Top or bottom....

negative my friend, just makesure once its in dont move unplug it lol.