Holy crap, did you see what this MKIIC+ went for on the bay?

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Looks very clean and well equipped. For that price I would want to see detailed photos of the inside with the chassis pulled. It does after all come with a "free" case and shipping so the buyer is probably paying more like only $3200-$3300 for the amp alone. What a deal! Seriously, is this typical of a IIC+ in this condition?
MJ Slaughter said:
Looks very clean and well equipped. For that price I would want to see detailed photos of the inside with the chassis pulled. It does after all come with a "free" case and shipping so the buyer is probably paying more like only $3200-$3300 for the amp alone. What a deal! Seriously, is this typical of a IIC+ in this condition?
Yes. It's not unusual for a fully-loaded, simul production C+ in great shape to go in the low to mid $3ks. I'd like to see gut shots too. I'd also like to know if had been serviced lately (new caps, etc.).

The market's funny though. Sometimes they go for many hundreds less.
dodger916 said:
MJ Slaughter said:
Yes. It's not unusual for a fully-loaded, simul production C+ in great shape to go in the low to mid $3ks. I'd like to see gut shots too. I'd also like to know if had been serviced lately (new caps, etc.).

It's not one of the Boogies I've owned, so take that into account when I say, man, that's a lot of money for an amp.
"Fully loaded"? The speaker ain't even hooked up.
(The original EV will probably be in a separate auction).
JimAnsell said:
must be a collector thing.
i'll take 3 mark III's over that any day.

Never underestimate "people" especially "rich" people.

As much money as that was...there are people who don't think it is too much to get something the want. I know rich people. They don't think like some of us do. They don't consider the same things. To them, it may just be a mouse click. To me...quite a few missed meals and no shoes etc.

When I saw that auction listed I figured it would just ride through and end. I was very surprised it went at that price.

I do hope when the buyer surfaces here... I am forgiven for my judgment :oops:
JimAnsell said:
must be a collector thing.
i'll take 3 mark III's over that any day.


Sometimes, you just gotta say "close enough for me"
The buyer has a ebay store. Perhaps he does hope to resale it above $3750. BTW how much you guys reckon this thing should be?
Unfortunately, I have a mint simul-class I'm fixing to sell (I think). Still has the original tubes (all at 100%), EV12l, and not even a nick on the tolex. Course, it's black and doesn't have an EQ (tone sucker anyway :roll:) but hell it looks great. I just bought one of GTS' head shells too. Only thing replaced is one cap. Shoot me a pm if you're looking seriously. Also have an old mc-90 & an EV Force that'll go too.
Speaking of crazy. Check out this pair of tubes!

Almost as much as my mortgage.
Wow, that's fucked up! $1500+ and still going, 20+bids, I new NOS were pricey but that's a bit ridiculous if you ask me...
The winning bidder to his friend, "I finally got a decent set of tubes. Now I can get rid of those dreadful $600 a piece tubes I've been tolerating for so long." :wink:
mr_fender said:
floridamike said:
doesn't have an EQ (tone sucker anyway :roll:)

Since when? The graphic EQ is a fantastic addition to any Mark series amp. It makes these amps so much more flexible.

An ebay seller was trying to promote the fact that his amp did not have the eq by refering the eq as "tone sucking." People huh? :roll:

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