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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2006
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I posted something earlier about master volumes on a 2 channel dual rec. I tried using the active master as the overall master and the amp is super quiet. I put all the masters all the way up and it barely started to move the speakers. :? When I bypass the active master and just use the channel masters, it's at about 8 o'clock and loud as hell. :shock: I have to be VERY careful about both channel masters because they are ultra sensitive. Is it possible that I have bad volume pots on both channels? Are the older dual recs this sensitive with the master volumes? HELP! I don't have anywhere here where I live to take it to get looked at. I live in Wyoming, ugh. Thanks.
If I understood you correctly, you're using the "output" knob as the amps master volume. Make sure you have your FX send knob on the back turned up a bit. If it's all the way at minimum, you'll hardly have any volume at all even with everything cranked. Try the following for starters

Channel master @ noon
FX send at 9:00 (you don't actually need anything in the loop)
FX return - doesn't matter...
FX loop - On or Footswitch...doesn't matter
Output at 8 or 9:00

Hope that helps...

Channel masters around 11:00-Noon.
Send and Return Noon-1:00.
Loop on Both Orange and Red (or either).
Yellow Loop Active light should be lit.
Master should be active with same sensitivity as original channel masters!
If its a bad pot, I would suspect the loop send on the back of the amp. More likely is the preamp tube in the V4 spot (loop driver). If you normally dont use the loop for anything, it could be dead and you would never know it, as it is removed from the circuit when the loop is bypassed. Try swapping a known good 12AX7 in the V4 spot and see what happens.
Thanks for all the help everyone! I'll try it at practice tonight when I get home and let you know what happens!!!
I tried what you guys told me to at practice today and I feel like an idiot. :oops: I didn't know you had to have the effects send knob turned up to make the active master work. Like I said, I've only owned a Mesa for a couple months. And I had hand surgery right after I got it, so I have only played it like 4 or 5 times now. Thanks for all the help though, it worked for me!!! :D

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