help with triaxis distorted tone

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Active member
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
South Italy
Hi guys, this is my first post here. I've recently wired my rg 7620 with a d-sonic 7 in bridge position with the bar toward the neck. After some tweakins with my triaxis i can't reach a good tone. The new pickup sound too bass and in a band situations, with a constant palm mute on the 7th or on the 6th string, my guitar go into the bass frequency generating a really big flubby sound. :evil: :evil:

How can i solve this? There's something wrong or not?

my rig is: rg7620-triaxis led 2 red-g-major-2:900 with modern and deep (also tried with all the switch off)-mesa cab 4x12 with v30.

is there anyone who have a similar rig with some good tips to compesate or delete this terrible flubby sound?

thanksa lor

Post your settings.

What kind of cab is it? (the recto standard or traditional)

When were both the TA and 290 retubed?

What is your prescence set at on the 290?

What is your volume set at on the 290?

Have you tried taking the gmajor out of the signal path?

What is your string gauge and tuning?

Do you have another guitar to test with?

I use a Triaxis and 290 into a mark series 212 cab and find that it is extremely tight. I prefer the LD2 yellow and green over the Red but I think they all sound great (red is the harshest IMO).

Hopefully with more info the board can help out more.

Hi Greg,

Now i haven't the Tri under my eyes (i'll post my settings tonight)....

here my spec:

cab: Mesa recto 4x12 with 4 vintage30 280w (mod. slanted oversized)

The Tri and the 2:90 are new (last november)

presence: usually i set to 12 o'clock or 13 sometimes

volume: for both channel a value between 9 or 12

g-major: i know the differences with the fx connected or disconnected.

strings: 09 - 52

another guitar: not yet tested , tonight i'll try another one :wink:

After tweaking the triaxis i can find many clean presets and many other crunch presets. Changin' the bridge P.u. the sound quality go to very good levels but when i change mode for a distorted tone, a "bassy" sound coming out from my cab if i start with a palm muting on the 6 or 7 string.
cab: Mesa recto 4x12 with 4 vintage30 280w (mod. slanted oversized)

This could be part of your problem because these cabs are made for more low end (more than what is practical for a guitar anyways)

The Tri and the 2:90 are new (last november)

This does not mean that your tubes are up to snuff. Flubby bass is a sign of worn tubes.

presence: usually i set to 12 o'clock or 13 sometimes

Sounds good to me but I like to set it closer to full

volume: for both channel a value between 9 or 12

plenty loud then

g-major: i know the differences with the fx connected or disconnected.

when trying to fix a problem you are better off removing all variables. I suggest you remove it until you get a sound you're looking for.

strings: 09 - 52

strings seem ok

another guitar: not yet tested , tonight i'll try another one

Do the easy stuff first like this before you start fiddling with your settings and gear. From what i gather before you changed the pickup everything was good?

We play a few songs where I use a guitar tuned to Drop B (our bassist uses a 5-string ) When I use this guitar, my setting look like this-

Lead 2 Red
Gain- 7.0
treb- 7.5
mids- 3.5
bass- 2.0 (3.0 max!)
ld2 drive- 7.0
mst vol- 4.5
pres- 3.5 (4.0)
dv- 6.0

Deep- 0n
Modern - On

This should give you a nich crunchy chugga chugga tone on the B. If you are going to use the "Deep" mode, then you have to keep your bass setting at "2" on below if you want the tone to remain tight. Hope that helps.

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