Help with Settings for Mk II

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
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Hi all,

Original owner of a very early Mk IIb (60/100, export transformer, GEQ, Reverb, Hardwood, EVL-12). Playing a Les Paul R0 mainly, sometimes a Strat with EMGs.

Even after all these years, I'm still having difficulties REALLY dialling the amp in. I'm considering sending it to Mike B for a clean-up and the F/X loop mod, but thought I'd see what the consensus is here first.

I'm not after a metal sound at all; I want a smooth and creamy classic/hard rock distortion without the fartiness that can be pronounced in the lower registers, especially when using the neck pup. I'd also like to be able to use the volume knobs on my guitar to go from clean to dirty — something I'm not sure the IIb can do because if you play at anything other than ear-busting volume, you're going to have to rely on preamp distortion to get decent dirt. And that's tough to clean up from your volume pot.

I find that I like the sound the least when I'm standing/sitting directly in front of the speaker; there's a harshness even with the Presence dialed down to below 3, which is where I usually run it.

Here's how I usually roll:

V1 7.5; Treble ~8; Bass 1.5; Mid 4.5; Master ~2; Lead drive 8; Lead Master (pulled) ~2.5. Reverb is usually around 4, and Presence 3. Lately, I've been keeping the GEQ out of the equation.

Can MK II (a or b) owners chime in and share some settings, or maybe a few ideas on how to get rid of the fartiness?

Thanks in advance, guys.
Hi Dude2Dude,

Here are my settings of my MKIIA (not B) on stage and reharsal :

V1 / T / B / M / M1 / LD / LM / EQ / RV / PR / SL
7 / 7 / 5 / 5 / 6-7-8 / 7 / 2.7-2.8 / out / 3.7 / 8 / 0

Power selection is 100W, speaker jack is 8 ohms, speaker is EVM12L 8 ohms, I use the BOOST function via a FSW when needed.

I have a lead tone "à la Santana" and a "deep plentyfull clean" with my 335.

Please note that my amp is modified : see the topic Boogie MKII 60/100 Rev Eq in the MK Series thread for more info.

Before these mods, the amp was a bit touchy to adjust / readjust quickly during performance.

Thanks mark2boogie, much appreciated! Will try out your settings when I get a chance. And yes, I read through your thread (all 4 pages; great stuff in there!).

You're running your M1 really hot -- any reason? Isn't it way too loud when you switch from lead to rhythm?
I highly recommend sending it in for the effects loop mod.
see the thread I started after having my Mark IIB done. I have a Mark iib 60 watt no eq . The lead channel was very farty and worthless to me before the mod was done. I find that an eq pedal in the loop is a must to get a good distorted sound even after the mod so I think you should try using the eq or eq pedal in the loop weather you do the mod or not:

You're running your M1 really hot -- any reason? Isn't it way too loud when you switch from lead to rhythm?

Remember : my amp is modified ! I rewired the M1 potentiometer to use it like a real potentiometer, instead of the original wiring as a variable resistor. Doing that, you find two great adavantages :

1 - the volume control on M1 is much more progressive and spreaded : perfectly easy to adjust on-the-spot on stage.
2 - the LM and M1 stays balanced when you change the M1 settings : no worry with the volume balance in lead vs. rhythm mode.

So indeed the value on M1 on my amp is mistaking due to that modification : it's not so hot, in fact, even if I play in a quite loud 25 people 70's / Rhythm'nBlues band...

Nonetheless, my amp doesn't sounds "farty" - at least to my taste - even on my 335's neck PU and with 10-52 string set. But I must recognize that it is a matter or taste, style of playing, and gear. So you may find my settings deceptive for HardRock !

@ mark2boogie: Oh right! Of course yours is modded. Man, that sounds way more useable, especially for M1.

@dino1sf: Thanks, dino. I'd read your thread before when I was checking out the F/X loop mod.

Think I'm gonna take the plunge, send it back to Mesa. Needs maintenance anyway. Never had a cap job...
With the FX loop mod and a recap/general cleaning you are probably looking at around $450. I passed on getting the loop mod on mine due to the fact that it is $300 and I spent $350 on a recap, cleaning and having all of the tubes and power tube sockets replaced because one of the sockets was worn out. If I had the mod done, it would have been $650 and I would never get my $$ back out of it if I had the need to sell it. I decided just to let my Mark IIB remain as it was designed, flaws and all. I only stated this so you know what kind of dough you might have to cough up to have everything done, not to sway you from having the mod done.
Thanks, brion -- noted and appreciated. But I figure I've had this thing for 31 years. If it costs me $450, that's, like, $15 a year, all told.

Since I've only retubed it once (power and preamp), I'm getting off pretty damned light.
I cannot argue with your logic as it sounds like the right thing for you to do. Spending 31 years with anyone or anything is commendable and the money is not the object. With the recap and the mod maybe you will be happier with it for the next 31 years or more. When you have it back, I would love to hear your account of the effect the mod has on your amp. Who knows, it may sway me to send mine back at some point for the mod to mine.
Going to call Mike B some time this week or early next and see what the process is. Will keep you posted.
This is how I have the settings for this sound should it appeal to you:

From an earlier post: I had only a TC Electronics reverb in the PreAmp out/Power Amp in.I set all the volumes at 7 except for the Master, that is set on what I can get away with, volume wise but I like it at 3, and its still screaming loud. You may be able to see my PRS Santana III on a stand, I had just got the guitar and was a little leary of using it that day. I think it has more abilities than the Custom 22 I was using that day. But most important I set the Master volume with my guitars volume knob on 7 1/2-8, and I use the rest of the guitars volume knob to sustain notes, and then back it down to proceed with the rest of the lead/song. The clean channel with the volume at 7 is just marvelous for riding the guitars volume knob for clean to OD driven rhythm.

All knobs pulled except for the bass knob. Bass-3 Mid 8-9, and treble at 61/4, presence 1-2. I set the mid high and I always find a treble knob sweet spot with boogie's at around 61/4, its a very small window!!! Carlos' then-guitar tech shared a lot of this info with me. Speaker was an EVM. And big triangle guitar picks give you a way different sound than conventional.

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